Rebel Frances Eleanor

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"Alright let's get these two together," I told John and held Frances Eleanor up, "Go grab Rebel. The child must meet the turtle. Do you think she will like the turtle?" I asked and bounced her making her giggle.

John looked at Frances Eleanor and stuck his tongue out, "If she's my kid she'll definitely love Rebel." He said and left to get his pet.

I bounced Frances Eleanor and looked down at her, "You'd better like Rebel or you'll crush Jo-daddy's spirit." She gurgled and I bounced her a few more times, "Rebel is a really nice turtle, you'll like him. I guess he's like your brother. Do you want a human brother?" An idea suddenly hit me, what if we got a surrogate?

"Not for awhile, don't full her head with those ideas," John entered the room with turtle, holding him properly with both his hands. I didn't know there was an improper way to hold a turtle until I met him. He sat down next to Frances Eleanor and me, "It's hard to juggle school, friends, other responsibilities, AND the baby." Frances Eleanor squawked at him and I laughed, "Yes, you are the baby little one."

"I knowwww," I whined as John plopped beside us, "But I was just thinking about the future. Like, when we have the next baby we could get a surrogate! Not that I'm rushing it though." I smiled and looked down at Frances Eleanor, "I want to enjoy having her in our lives for now. Speaking of her life, time to meet Rebel!"

John smiled and we moved to the floor, setting Frances Eleanor on it. She could hold herself up on her hands and she did, blinking curiously. John then set Rebel on the ground and he slowly began to crawl towards Frances Eleanor who smacked the ground excitedly, "I think she liked him." John whispered.

I nodded, "Guess she is your kid after all." I teased and he shoved me lightly, "Bite me." I laughed and watched Frances Eleanor who was staring at Rebel while Rebel slowly crawled around her, he was obviously suspicious.

Rebel finally crawled over to her and Frances Eleanor so I guess he decided to trust her, however, I think it was the wrong decision because she tried to put his shell in her mouth and I had to snatch her back to stop her while John laughed, "You can't eat the turtle!" He said.

"AH!" Frances Eleanor shouted back and we laughed again, "Tabamuh." She started smacking the ground again and we laughed.

Carefully John set Rebel near her again and said, "You can't eat the turtle, hun." He said quietly and I took her hand to show her how to gently pet him and she squeaked. When I let go she squealed and pet him again though this time she wasn't as gentle as she should've been and Rebel ran back to John, "You can't smack him either." He laughed.

"She liked him she just doesn't know she has to be gentle," I said and picked Frances Eleanor up as she flailed.

"Imma go put Rebel away," John said and picked up the turtle, "Frances Eleanor needs lunch." He added as he left. I hummed to show I heard him and got up, putting the baby on my hip and walking to the dining room.

"Leggo get food," I told her and jumped up and down on the dining room making her shriek with laughter all the way to her high chair which we had to clean again after my birthday since Frances Eleanor liked to paint with her food. I left her there to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to the background of her screeching for me to hurry up. I cut the sandwich into four squares and filled a sippy cup with milk. After I gave her both Frances Eleanor shoved the food into her mouth and stopped screeching, "Me too."

"Hey Alex," John poked his head into the room and bit his lip, "I need some help." He mumbled and I tilted my head, "Here let me go grab it...I don't know if you'll understand it but I can't get my calculus homework done. It's really hard."

"I can try," I've never learned calculus formally but I didn't have an education until I moved here so I'm sure I could figure it out for John like I did most things. I sat down in a chair while Frances Eleanor made noises in the background, shoving food and her drink into her mouth.

John then came back with a heavy textbook and lots of papers, notebooks, calculators, and pencils stacked in his arm. He dropped them on the table and sat down, "I feel like an idiot, I have the whole paper except these three right here done."

"Well that's twenty-four out of twenty-seven so there's no way you're an idiot," I told him and kissed his cheek before looking at the problems, "Let's see, these are true or false questions. Okay, true or false, Newton's method is used to approximate the extrema of a function." I thought for a second and looked at John with a smile, "I know that one!" John looked excited and grinned, "It isn't true, Newton's method is used to approximate the zeros of a function."

John hummed, "I remember something like that...with zeros and stuff..." He marked false and wrote down a paraphrased version of what I said, "Okay, True or False; Newton's methods fails if f '(a) is equal to zero and a is used as an initial value in the iteration process." He read off.

"True," I told him instantly and watched him write it off, "I don't remember why. I just know it's true." I read the next one as John took that in, "L'Hopital's rule states that the limit of a function of the form f(x) / g(x) is equal to the limit of the derivative of f(x) / g(x)..." I remember reading this off of a book once, "That's false. L'Hopital's rule states that the limit of a function of the form f(x) / g(x) is equal to the limit of f '(x) / g '(x)."

"Oh my god Alex you're a genius," I grinned and gave him a quick kiss which he returned, "Okay. What should we do today?" He asked quietly.

"Well, Frances Eleanor needs to nap," I mumbled and she began to scream at the idea which we laughed at again.

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