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Trigger Warning: Abuse


"Where's...Maria?" I asked, trying to ignore the pain in my head as almost everybody in the room burst into tears. I knew they'd been upset day in and day out, I could hear them and feel them but it was as if I was just in a veil of blackness. I felt like I was drowning but I knew I had to find Maria, I would continue her lie of us getting jumped because I wouldn't dare put her in a position she didn't want to be in. Not to mention she lied to the hospital and law enforcement so I don't know if that could get her in trouble so I swallowed it, "Where's my phone? I-I want to text her."

I struggled to sit up, Angelica helped me and then handed me my phone. I could see notifications going off in the group chat so I knew somebody had told them I was awake.

Peggle: Maria?

RedHotMaria: Peggy???

Peggle: Yeah so I'm awake. Surprise! And I won't tell.

RedHotMaria: Thank you so much

I didn't want the conversation to end just yet, I needed to know she was okay. She needed to get away from James as soon as possible.

Peggle: So...

Peggle: How has your day been so far?

RedHotMaria: Eh but better now that I know you're okay!

Peggle: Eh?

A few minutes of no response and I felt myself grow worried. I knew Eliza and Angelica and Tori were watching me with confused faces, maybe even concerned, but Maria was my priority right now.

Peggle: Maria?

Even more time passed and I felt like leaving the hospital to see if she was okay.

Peggle: Maria are you still there?

RedHotMaria: Yeah sorry

Peggle: Are you okay?

RedHotMaria: mhmm

Peggle: Maria.

RedHotMaria: I'm fine

Peggle: Did James hit you again?

RedHotMaria: What? It was just once. That was the only time.

Peggle: I know he's been hurting you. I saw bruises everyday but I brushed it off because you're quite a clumsy person so I'm so so sorry. I'm worried about you.

RedHotMaria: ...

RedHotMaria: He doesn't like it when I text you.

RedHotMaria: He think you're trying to "take me away" or something

RedHotMaria: He hits me a lot and yells at me and tells me I belong to him no matter what but what the fuck can I do?

RedHotMaria: If I try to run away he'll kill me

RedHotMaria: He'll rape me again

RedHotMaria: I'm so scared I just want to get away with Susan but I can't.

I didn't know how to respond to all of these messages. I knew she was crying, I just knew it, and I was going to as well. I didn't know the extent of the abuse, I didn't know he'd done that to her, how could I not have known? I always thought they were a little unhealthy, I always thought they weren't compatible...why didn't I step up? I should've been there for her but I failed at it. I let her stay in harm's way.

King's College (Sequel to Too Young and Blind)Where stories live. Discover now