Polar Opposites

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Trigger Warning: Abuse


I wanted to stay with Peggy but James made me leave so I said goodbye to Peggy's friends and family, I knew some of them but I really only knew Angelica personally though Alexander wanted to help me so I trusted him for some reason. I picked Susan's carrier up and headed back to the dorms anxiously and glanced at Susan, sending a silent apology for being such a failure of a mother.

I entered the dorm and when I saw James with his back to me but a cigarette happened to be in his hand I knew he was fuming. Instantly I hid Susan in the hallway closet, glad she was asleep so she wouldn't cry and alert James to her presence. He's never hit her before but I don't want him to start now, especially since he was so angry.

I closed the door silently walked into the room, "James..." He whipped around and I flinched back upon instinct, "What's wrong? You can tell me." I was terrified of this man but I swallowed it.

James grabbed my wrist and pulled it to him, face up, I just stared at him, "J-James what's wrong?" The fear grew as he narrowed his eyes and his grip tightened which told me I'd have to wear long sleeves to hide the bruises since I bruised easily, "Lets t-talk about it."

"Talk about what?" He asked and took a drag of his cigarette before blowing the smoke out making me cough as I inhaled it, "The fact that you went directly against what I said?" He asked and I shook my head quickly, "Calling the fucking hospital! What the fuck did I say?!"

"I-I didn't tell them what happened!" I tried to talk sense to him, "I just said we got jumped she-she was going to die! They said she was almost dead! Imagine what would've happened to you if she died." My bottom lip quivered slightly as he bore into my eyes with his own.

James didn't appear to be listening though and soon there was a burning sensation on my arm. I screamed as the pain exploded around it and struggled against his iron hold, I could already feel the tears leaving my eyes. As I pulled away he suddenly let go and I flung back, hitting my head on the wall before sliding down it and holding my arm. A circle with black ends and a red center that slowly turned white.

It took me a moment to realize what he did and then I stared up at him to see him lighting another cigarette as the one that burned me sat on the floor. I struggled to my feet and held my arm, "James-James no. Please no more." It still burned and I felt like crying into a pillow but I knew I couldn't leave without his permission or he'd hurt me worse.

The back of his hand slapped my cheek and I fell down, putting a hand on my lip as it split and looking at the blood. I got on my hands and knees but James pushed me down with his feet and I looked up at him, "I-I'll make it up to you." I said and had to swallow the thing I didn't want to do.

"Oh?" James asked and applied pressure so I couldn't get up if I struggled which I wasn't stupid enough to do, "And how's that?" He growled out, rage still present behind his eyes as I took deep breaths to stop the tears.

I sighed and closed my eyes before opening them, "Well...it involved the bed." I told him calmly. I didn't want this, I didn't, but it was that or possibly more cigarette burns and I didn't want scars I'd have to explain for the rest of my life.

After my proposition, James seemed to calm down and let me get up. I kissed him softly and we fell into bed together. The rest...I wouldn't dare recount.


Bouncing with excitement I ran to the bathroom. My name was now Jane Madison and not only that I had gotten my estrogen! I locked the door so Thomas wouldn't see nor his friends if they were with him when he got home. I slipped the skirt off I was wearing and jumped up onto the counter, preparing the shot I had to take. I hated needles, absolutely hated them, but I could deal if it meant estrogen. I cleaned a square in which I planned to insert it, my thigh obviously, and slowly pushed the needle in with a small squeak of pain. I could lie and say it didn't hurt but as I pushed to insert it into my body it was mildly uncomfortable but it was very easier overcome. Soon, the veil was empty. I pulled it out and put a pink band-aid over the small puncture wound.

I cleaned everything up and exited the bathroom and put the container with the rest of my estrogen in my nightstand's drawer. I looked at my phone and grabbed it, sending a text to Thomas with my fluttering heart.

Jane <3: Can you come back to the dorm? I have something to show you. It's important to me.

Tommy: Coming back now :)

Jane <3: Thanks babe

Tommy: If it's important to you then it's important to me

I blushed slightly, he always prioritized me and it made me feel rather special. I sat on the bed and waited excitedly for Thomas to arrive, this was something I really wanted to share with him. Soon the front door opened and I called through.

"In here, Thomas!" I called and soon Thomas walked in and I grinned, getting up to kiss him softly. He held me close and kissed back as my hands found his chest.

We stayed wrapped up in each other's presence until Thomas pulled back to ask, "So what is it you wanted to show me?" He asked quietly.

"Oh right," I sort of forgot because of the kiss. I ran over to my nightstand, "Guess what I got earlier today?" I managed to keep it secret because Thomas had been with his father to learn the ropes or their family business as Mr Jefferson planned to pass it to Thomas when he graduated college.

"What?" Thomas asked and followed, wrapped his arms around me from behind which of course made me feel shy.

"This," I held it up and got out of his arms to turn around and held the box up that held the estrogen. I saw Thomas's confused face and I giggled, "Estrogen." I told him and bounced slightly.

"That's..." Thomas furrowed his eyebrows before he grabbed my hips and spun around with me up high making me shriek and laugh, "Amazing!"

I nodded, "I know!" He set me down and kissed me while bending slightly so I was backwards slightly and completely supported by his arms around the small of my back. Kissing Thomas, hugging Thomas, dates with Thomas were fun and yes they made me immensely happy but support from Thomas was what really kept my the happiest. I don't know if I could do this without him but I'm glad I don't have to imagine having to because he's here with me and I know he'll always be here with me.

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