Mother's Distress

752 36 23

Trigger Warning: Abuse, Mentions of Suicide, and Self Harm


Weeks past and soon we only had Susan and Frances Eleanor. The twins were freed separately, Louisa Charlotte first and then Pierre. Theodosia had taken a large beating every single time and though we tried to stop it, we couldn't do much in the fragile state we were all in. Theo just was afraid like the rest of us but she acted when we didn't. She grabbed their arms, bit, screamed, slapped, punched, and kicked but it only led to them overpowering her and beating her until she was bloodied up in the face.

The room seemed more cramped even though people had left. The shit corner had gotten bigger and it was still just as disgusting, why couldn't we use the fucking bathroom? Theo hasn't been awake all day, ever since they took Pierre she's been in and out of consciousness. They really got her hard and I know we were all beginning to worry, she might actually be like legitimately fucked up. Hurt. Angelica and Nate were doing all they could with the medical knowledge they had and Hercules had ripped his shirt up to act as bandages but she looked like she was declining fast.

When Henry came to give us lunch I knew somebody had to act and that somebody was going to be me, "Henry." I stood up and my legs began to shake, they were battered and bruised but at least I wasn't dying, "Can we make a deal?" I asked him.

Maria's breath increased and I knew it was from fear of what would happen. She held Susan tighter and the toddler whimpered, fearful of the man before me. Henry tossed his head and let out a laugh before asking, "And what is this deal?" He asked.

"Theodosia goes next," I knew they the others thought they were doing the right thing by saving the babies first and in truth, they are in their own right, but Susan and Frances Eleanor weren't literally dying right now.

Henry glanced down at her and I saw some semblance of recognition cross his face, perhaps he realized she was fighting for her life? He looked back at me and spoke, "In a deal usually both parties walk away with something. What do I-we, James and I, what do we get?" He asked in his usual snooty way.

I thought long and hard. Their motives were slightly obscured but I did know the one thing they were longing for, "Money." I mumbled and then shook my head, looking back up at him, "When it comes to my turn they pay double for me. Everybody else stays the same price, double for me. You'll get a hefty boost to your ransom. Sound fair?"

Henry smirked, "You got a deal." He said before dropping out lunch on the ground and walking out of the small room we now knew as a prison cell. The loud swinging of the door closing rung in my ears, was I really able to negotiate with Henry Laurens?

It was silent for a few moments before Hercules clapped once, twice, and a third time, "You really are an outstanding man, Alexander Hamilton Just be careful it doesn't kill you." I knew what he was warning was something that could come to fruition very easily if I wasn't careful.


Frances Eleanor was next, I'd soon have my baby, my only child, my daughter in my arms. I could hold her, tell her she was safe and give her a very long bath as I destressed her little shoulders. It hurts to say it but Alexander can wait, the children come first, my daughter comes next.

We stood in the same alleyway with the same amount of money, Tori and Eliza with us this time, Aaron and Mr Washington next to them. Each day we grew more restless, was Nate okay? Angelica? Alexander? Hercules? To say Lafayette was a mess was an understatement. His depression seemed to resurface with a vengeance when he found out what had happened, he's tried to kill himself twice now and so Peggy stayed with him to keep watch over him. His arms had begun to become striped and it scared the shit out of me.

The car pulled up and we perked up. But when my father, that fucker, when that dickhead stepped out I felt a new source of fear spark within me. I hit behind Mr Washington and he tried to smile reassuringly but I couldn't be reassured at this point, "The deal has changed." He said bluntly and instantly we wanted to argue but we held it down, "Alexander Hamilton made the change himself. For some reason, and you can probably see for yourself, he wanted this bitch released now."

He pulled Theo from the car and threw her at us, I barely had time to react but Aaron almost became a blur as he dived and caught her just before she hit the ground. He held her close and turned her face to his, "Theo? Come on Theo!" He shook her but she didn't respond, her eyes were closed and her breathing shallow. That must be why Alexander changed the deal, she's dying. Aaron looked up at my father with a white rage, "What the fuck did you do?"

Father shrugged and I grabbed Mr Washington's shirt as a new sense of fear went through my body, I've forgotten how afraid I am of that man. Washington didn't seem to mind and soon the rough voice of my father began again, "We agreed Alexander would be the last one you got back. In exchange for releasing her early, his ransom has increased. Doubled. I'd advice you start saving up to save him. Good day." He backed back into the car and it took off.

"Bastard..." Mr Washington grumbled before looking down at Aaron and Theo, "We can worry about the ransom later. She needs a doctor." All of us agreed almost instantly, Theo looked really bad. So quickly we got into our car and took off to try and find a doctor for Theo.

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