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I accepted Frances Eleanor back from Laf since I didn't have to hold John back anymore from fighting. We both stared at Aaron, just waiting for him to explain himself. I mean, besides stopping the fight, of course we had told him if he came near us again I'd fight him, especially after he made remarks about John's sexuality last summer.

Aaron shifted and pushed Charles Lee over and gave him a look to make him run away with his tail between his legs. He turned back and spoke quietly, "Can we go talk somewhere else? It's a bit crowded here."

I nodded and looked at John who shrugged, "We can be a bit late to our next class." He decided and so we followed Aaron. He led us to the library and sat down so John and I sat on the other side, Frances Eleanor in John's lap as she looked around in confusion.

I wrapped an arm around John's shoulders, pulling his chair a bit closer in case he felt uncomfortable. I looked at Frances Eleanor who smacked the table and I smiled before turning to Aaron, "So? What's up? Why're you even looking our way?" I know I sounded hostile but really I had to, I'm not sure why he wanted to talk to us and this was my family.

Aaron sighed and slid a paper across the table, "I-I'm sorry. I...look, I made up with Theodosia and I just..need help." I picked the paper up and I really hoped this was a joke, really. Plus he sounded very desperate.

"Is that ultrasound?" John took the paper and looked at the picture of a developing fetus which Aaron had shown us, "Who's baby is this? I really doubt you got Theo pregnant, especially with how things ended."

Aaron shook his head, "No it's not Theo's, I wish it was. It's a woman I don't think you know, Eugénie Beauharnais, it was just one night I didn't plan this..." He ran a hand over his head, "I just-I don't know. I don't love her, I don't want this baby. I just...I still want Theo but she hasn't you know, said anything or thrown any hints about it so..."

John looked away as he thought son I spoke quickly, a lot of what he said hit home, "So? You made a child, Aaron. If this woman wants to have this child it is your responsibility to be there for you. Do you want a kid to grow up fatherless only to turn around and curse your name because you were never there for them?" Aaron shook his head and I continued, "I grew up like that. My dad, you know, rich famous asshole, got my mom pregnant and left us. I grew up in poverty, I didn't even attend school, while my asshole father lived off of fancy foreign food. My mother got sick, I got sick too, I almost died and before she did she made it public whose son I was. If it wasn't for that I would still live in Nevis. I might not even be alive if it wasn't for that and I hate that man, I absolutely hate that man. Do you want that for this child?" I pointed at the ultrasound again, "Because acting like a child right now and not taking responsibility will lead to that kid thinking of you like I do my father. Do you want that?" Aaron didn't reply and I took a different approach, "Theo isn't over you yet either, she just isn't sure she can trust you again. Do you think she'll trust you if your own son or daughter won't?"

Aaron shook his head again and put the ultrasound back, "Of course I don't want any of that. I want to be there, I do, and I want to try and get Theo back and to rebuild my life and all of the shit I've done. I just...I'm scared, man." He glanced at Frances Eleanor for a moment before looking away.

John suddenly reached across and patted Aaron's shoulder, "I know." He handed the baby over and I held her of course, "I mean, parenthood it terrifying. We weren't going to bring Frances Eleanor here today but things happened and here she is. When we went to bring her home some dude was shooting up the orphanage. It's terrifying to know there's another human being who is leading their own life and can go through anything and everything, they could even die or get hurt, and you're helpless to stop most of it. All you can do is be there for them, hug them, love them, and care for them. All you can do is be there, Aaron, I promise just being there and letting your child and family know you'll be there, that's all you have to do. You can't make sure they're always safe, you can't make sure they're always happy, but you can make sure they will always come to you when they need you. If you do that, everything will be okay." He smiled and turned to Frances Eleanor who reached for him so we laughed and I handed her back over.

I turned to Aaron again to see him crying, "Thank you guys..." He got up and left and I turned to John not entirely sure what just happened but he was on his phone. I didn't understand why until I felt a buzz in my pocket and opened it.

Aaron Burr has been added to the group

TurtleBoi: He back

SupremeLordOfMemes: He protecc

SupremeLordOfMemes: He attacc

SupremeLordOfMemes: But most importantly

SupremeLordOfMemes: He bacc

ManyRegrets: Nobody is surprised

Aaron Burr: Hi

VeryBiMuchSexual: He need some help

TheBestFren: Because of the baby?

TurtleBoi: You know about that?

TheBestFren: Of course I know about the baby

CinnamonRoll: What baby?

I ignored the explanation over the group chat and helped John up as we left the library. Luckily we both had Criminal Law next so we could go together. We sat in our seats and I tried to come to terms with had just happened. After almost a year...was I friends with Aaron again?

King's College (Sequel to Too Young and Blind)Where stories live. Discover now