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Laf, Herc, John, and I were busy today, to say the least. See, Herc and Laf's wedding was next week so we had to make sure the cake was going to be done correctly and get the suits. We decided to do the cake first because Laf wasn't allowed to see Herc's suit and Herc wasn't allowed to see Laf's so when we were done with the cake we'd go to two different suit places, me with Laf and John with Herc. Angelica and dad had taken everybody else to some event store to get their dresses and suits and dresses, John and I had given father our measurements for him to get us our suits as well so we would all match.

We all sat at one of those tall tables inside the cake shop to figure out the came plan for the cake, "So it's going to be vanilla because papa 'ates chocolate." Laf said, writing it down on a piece of paper.

"Right, right." Hercules said and looked over at the cakes on display, "And the decorations on the cake should be half the French flag and then half the American flag. Then these." He slowly pulled out little set pieces he had brought of things important to Laf.

I looked at them a bit confused, "The Disney castle? Why'd you bring a piece like that?" I asked, picking the replica Disney castle up.

"Because," Laf said with a smile. Carefully he took the piece and I, of course, let him, "At Tori and Nate's birthday party inside the Disney castle, 'ercules kissed me and we've been together since." He explained and leaned into Herc who wrapped an arm around him.

"What about this?" John asked and grabbed what looked like a miniature clothing rack and shook it slightly.

"Laf helped me open my fabric and clothing store," Herc explained and pulled Laf closer if that was even possible, "I have little shirts and dresses on little hangers that go with that but I decided it was best to add them when the cake was finished because they get lost easy. Laf put them in a small bag at the top of his closet at Washington's so they wouldn't get lost." He added.

"That's so cheesy!" I yelled and John pushed me but I felt my balance go way farther than he probably expected, "Whoa!" He then grabbed me and balanced me. I stared at him for a second before both John and I burst into laughter. I looked back at the tiny figures and grabbed what looked like a Walmart cart, "What's this?"

"Oh," Laf glanced at Herc who shrugged, "Well after I told my family I wasn't going to give them any of my in'eritance we went on a date...sort of...well we sort of just played with the Walmart shopping carts. It was a fun day, great day actually."

"Oh yeah, you're rich," John mumbled, "I sort of forget." He laughed at himself and then slowly trailed off, I could tell he was thinking of the fact that his father had very publicly taken him from his will. Even though Henry was in prison he still had control over his will, "Anyway," Quickly he grabbed what looked like an old police box, "What's this?"

"That's the TARDIS," I said quickly, my love for nerdy shows shining, "From Doctor Who. It's a show, we should start watching it." I told him.

"Oh..." John looked thoughtful and turned the TARDIS over in his hands a few times before saying, "I'll only watch Doctor Who with you if you watch Blue Exorcist with me." He said.

I nodded, "Seems fair. What's with the rest of this stuff?" I asked, there was a tiny car, tiny alligator, tiny dog, tiny Pikachu, tiny coffee cup, and a tiny bed left.

"I'll explain," Herc said and pointed at the car first and he pointed at each item as he explained it, "I saved Laf from getting hit by a car once after our first fight. The alligator is a tiny model of Sanders. Laf really likes dogs so there's a tiny dog. When I first opened up my shop Laf found a Pikachu stuffy that I really loved as a child and it's still important to me so we had to add it. Our first actual date was a coffee shop so we kept the coffee cup. Finally, the bed represents Laf's um..." He glanced at Laf who nodded softly, "His depression. It's a big part of his life and we're still struggling with it so we had to add it, it's a bed because on his bad days he stays in bed all day."

"Makes sense," I said quietly. It was a heavy topic and I was a little afraid my response came off as not caring, "Um so what about the centerpiece? The groom and groom thing, I doubt you two are going traditional with it."

"I'm so glad you brought that up," Laf said with a smirk which had me and John growing nervous. Laf reached into his pocket and took out a plastic bag which he emptied.

"What?!" John yelled as we just stared at what he had just come up with. They were like doll versions of us, or figurine versions, they were plastic!

"You guys are important too," Laf giggles and pointed at them even though I already recognized them, "This is you, Alex, then John, Tori, Maria, Peggy, Nate, Eliza, Peggy, Jane, Angelica, Theodosia, Thomas, Susan, papa, and then some of 'ercules's family members that you don't know." He said and then pulled one more set out, "And this is me and 'ercules."

"You guys are so weird..." John mumbled. In his hands was a tiny Hercules holding a tiny Laf bridal style with Laf in a wedding dress.

"It is perfect!" Laf objected and then gathered all of the figures back as Hercules sketched a rough draft of what he wanted the cake to look like.

"Here I did this..." He passed it around and when I got it I tilted my head as I examined it. The cake had four layers and half the cake was the American flag while the other half was the French one as they suggested. On the top were the two Laf and Herc figures and then the rest of us were scattered on the other three layers with the other small tiny objects also scattered about. I noticed couples were together, Peggy was holding Susan with Maria next to her. They were a surprise couple that's for sure but I was supportive, especially after I found out what that bastard James did.

I passed it to John and he grinned, "Dude that looks amazing! Go order it right the fuck now!" He passed it back to Hercules.

Herc glanced at Laf and he nodded, "Okay I will!" He got up and hurried to the counter to order the personal cake.

"This is going to be so lit," I whispered.

King's College (Sequel to Too Young and Blind)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant