Thor's Mighty Hammer

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It was morning, and everybody was asleep. Except for the twins. "GOOD MORNING DRAGON EDGE!" the twins said through the Thunder Ear. Hiccup and the others woke up startled. Snotlout came out of his hut furious at the twins. "Its Ruff, Tuff And Chicken *Chicken clucks* In the morning!" "CAN YOU JUST STOP!! ITS THE THIRD TIME THIS MONTH!" Snotlout shouted. "Snotlout, the reason we woke you up was to challenge you to a truth or dare" "WHAT?!?! YOU WOKE ME UP FOR A DARE?!?! it better be good then..." "I dare you... to let Hiccup punch you in the face as hard as he can" "YES!" Hiccup shouted. "NO!" Snotlout shouted. Everyone looked at Hiccup weirdly. "What? I finally get revenge for him bullying me as a child" Hiccup said innocently. Ruffnut and Tuffnut just landed and sat to watch the punch. Hiccup walked over to Snotlout and punched him in the jaw. The blow shattered his jaw bone, broke his skull, caused 6 of Snotlouts teeth to come out, gave him brain damage, and launched Snotlout a good 6 feet. The others starred at Snotlout's body, then looked at Hiccup. The other riders were speechless and amazed. Nobody knew that Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third could punch that hard. "THOR'S MIGHTY HAMMER! THOR'S MIGHTY HAMMER! THOR'S MIGHTY HAMMER!" The twins chanted. "Ruff, Tuff go get Gothi, she will heal Snotlout." "On the way, hammer fists" Ruffnut joked.

4 HOURS LATER (Sponge Bob Narrator)

Gothi entered the room to find Snotlouts body on the bed. Gobber was there too, to translate. Gothi went over to Snotlout and patted his head a couple times. "How did this happen?" Gobber reads. "Its a long story... but basically, I punched him." "Then you must be the hardest plummer *Gothi wacks Gobber* PUNCHER! puncher in the archipelago." Gobber reads. "God you need to improve your handwriting" Gobber mumbles. Gothi gets into a offensive position, ready to wack Gobber. "Hey hey hey hey hey, it was just constructive criticism calm down. Please" Gobber says. Gothi started to write on the dirt. " Your punch has shattered his paw *Gothi wacks Gobber* JAW! Shattered his JAW, broke his skull, loosened all his teeth, and gave him brain damage." "God dang you can punch hard" Astrid whispered in Hiccups ear. " Then Gothi started to do this circular movement with her hands. A green orb started to form in Gothi's hands and she pushed it into Snotlout, healing him instantly. Then she snapped and everyone forgot about what happened 10 seconds ago. Gothi and Gobber vanished. Snotlout was just waking up. "What happened?" he mumbled. "You received a MEGA blow from Hiccup" Fishlegs said. "Mental note to self, do not get on the wrong side of that guys fist." Dagur said. Hiccup rolled his eyes. "Hiccups punch launched you 6 feet" "WHAT!?!" "And all your teeth came out" "WHAT!?!" "And it SHATTERED your jaw bone" "WHAT!?!" "and it broke your skull" "WHAT!?!" "and it gave you brain damage" "WHAT?!?" Snotlout fainted and the others went to their huts and went to sleep because it was late.

PHEW, another one done and OVER 50 VIEWS? THATS INSANE! also please comment your ideas in the comments and i will probably make the riders do it and give you a shout out and MY FIRST FOLLOWER! Thank you brokenarrow2 for following me! 

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