Camicazi's Return

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It is a peaceful, quiet morning in Dragons Edge, birds are singing, Terrible Terrors are singing on the rooftops. Hiccup is sauntering down for breakfast thinking everything is right in the world and he hears "GOOD MORNING, DRAGONS EDGE!


Everyone stared in shock at Astrid, who was fuming with anger before she was calmed by the sight of Stormfly walking up next to her before petting her on the head. "Wow, that was a lot of profanity. Don't you thing sis?" Tuff talked before handing it to Ruff "Yes, my my that was not scalory language you were using. Now, on to the daily Terror Mails.." A quick growl from Astrid stopped Ruff in her tracks. "Maybe they can wait.." Ruff sheepishly said.

"Hold on a sec... *rustling paper noises intensifies* This is for our dear comrade Hiccup. *Rustling paper noises intensification increases* ah Dear Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III I, Camicazi, heir to the Bog-Burgaler tribe, will visit Dragons Edge and hang out for the day..." Hiccup  gasps "Camikazi? Here? NOW? Oh man oh man oh man!" Hiccup started squealing excitedly and acting happier then Snoggletog morning when we were 5. He then turned and got more serious. "Snotlout, Ruff, Tuff, clean up the place, I want it spotless" this resulted in groans from them. "Again? Seriously? I cleaned that place so hard I can see my reflection in the wood!" Snotlout complained. "Well clean it harder." Hiccup demanded leading to a angry huff from Snotlout before lazily starting his job. "Fishlegs, you wash all of the dishes." "ALL of the dishes?" "Every single one" Fishlegs groans before putting his head down and dragging himself to the clubhouse.

Time skip

A horn is heard from the harbor, Camikazi loves to sail. Hiccup dropped his box and screamed "OMT ITS HAPPENING!" Before getting on his black dragon and bolting to the harbor. There he saw her ship and then saw the one, the only, Camicazi. "Camicazi? Is that you?" Hiccup said. "The one and only" She said in a deep Irish accent.

They then went into a very tight, passionate hug before pulling apart. "Hey, how was the trip? Did Smidvarg and the gang give you any troubles?" Hiccup asked resulting in a giggle from Camicazi "Who named that? Snotlout?" "Actually it was tuffnut. I don't know where he comes up with this stuff." Camicazi blushed deeply, for she had a crush on one Tuffnut Laverne Thorston and Hiccup is to dense to notice the signs. "Oh, of corse, I mean he is a pretty good namer... for a BOY of corse." Despite what I said two sentences ago, Hiccup did start to catch on to the fact that she blushed every time he mentions Tuffnut.

"So, do you like him?" Camicazi froze. Her heart was beating faster then a machine gun and she was as red as Hookfang. "Uh what?!" She said quickly and quietly. "Nah I'm just kidding, of corse you don't, right?" "Yeah yeah yeah I don't, not at all." Hiccup had a suspicious look on his face while Camicazi looked wide eyed around the room for subject changers. "Ok I believe you." Hiccup said before shrugging and walking away. She could finally breath again. "Hiccup you might be one of my best friends, but you're denser then a Gold Brick" Cami mumbled under her breath.

"So, what do you do for fun around here?" Cami asked. "Oh right now we're playing a game of truth or dare." Hiccup replied. "Ooh interesting, can I play too?" Cami asked. "Sure, but the challenges are quite strange and very violent. I got bit by a Black Mamba." Hiccup commented. "Weren't you injecting yourself with Black Mamba venom for like 12 years?" Cami asked. "Yeah but they didn't know that." Hiccup replied.

Time Skip

"So... this is... dragons edge..." said Cami out of breath. "It's like when I was running from the lava on Lava-Lout island while the Exterminator eggs are hatching around us." Cami said quickly. "Wait didn't you SURF a dragon down the lava?" Astrid asked. "Um... yes?" Hiccup said. "Whoa, that must've been really cool to see. Too bad I wasn't there." Snotlout said in a bummed out tone." "Snotlout, you were there, FLIRTING with me, you saw it too." Astrid Said. Snotlout sat there, thinking until he finally he remembered it "oh, that? Easy. I could do that." Snotlout said smugly.

"No you can't." Said everybody. "Shut up everybody." Snotlout demanded in a defeated tone. "So, Camicazi, truth... or dare?" Tuffnut said in a sinister as he slowly and quietly as he stepped out of the shadows. "Oh... (chuckles nervously) hi, Tuffnut, (Turns redder then a Ferrari) so, uh... I mean, d-d-dare. Tuffnut then said, in a much jollier tone "Hey, you seem like the warrior type, why don't you have a 1v1 match against... One Astrid Hofferson. Astrid hears this and cracks her nuckles with a smirk on her face.

"Ok, I accept, as long as she does. Unless... Hooligans are too scared for a duel." Cami said. "Oh, cocky eh? I like the spirit, except, your spirit won't like me as much as it's leaving your lifeless corpse!" Astrid bloated. They then started to draw as everyone pushed their chairs to the walls of the arena and pulled out their Clouds Of Corn in anticipation for the fight.

The 2 warriors then rushed to the center, exanging blows. "Wow, am axe, pathetic everyb(swipe)ody knows swords (swipe) are the superior (swipe) weapon.(swipe)" Cami said dodging blows. everybody soon learned that Camicazi was very chatty in fights, of course, Hiccup already knew this, the reason she talks is to distract the enemy. "Wow, these (swipe) blows (swipe) aren't even (swipe) hitting me. I don't understand how you were the..." she rambled on and on trying to distract Astrid for an easy victory, but she wasn't breaking. So, she had one last trick up her sleeve, the Confusing-The-Enemy-Bottoms-Up routine.

Cami performed it flawlessly, shit talking her along the way, when she finally broke. "Can YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!?!" Astrid screamed in frustration, letting her guard down. Bingo Cami thought as she sweeped the legs with a kick and put a sword to her throat. The fight had ended.

Astrid, the undefeated, lost. The gang cheered as Cami helped Astrid up. She was expecting to be furious that she lost to a Bog-Burglar, but she can't be mad at a fair fight. She got up with a smile. She had made a new rival, and friend. "Hey, next time, it won't be that easy." She said with a smirk. "Oh I'll be hoping for the day where I can kick your sorry ass again." They both laughed a hearty laugh as their close friendship just started.

Time Skip

"I can't believe you'll be leaving already." Said Snotlout as he packed up Camicazis gear on her boat. Everyone was sad, Astrid was not going to see her rival again for, I don't know how long. Tuffnut still wants some Burglary tips to be used for perfectly legal reasons, Fishlegs and Hiccup were close ever since they escaped the Roman prison when they were 11 and were sad to see her leave again, and Snotlout had a crush on her (surprising right). Just then she turned around and said "oh yeah, can I stay here? Big Boobied Bertha is a pain in my ass, and since I'm not leading the tribe yet, I might as well stay here if that's ok with you?" Everyone looked at each other with happy faces and all excitedly said "yes", some way too many times.

Hey guys, Ashton here, that concluded the next chapter for HTTYD RTTE TRUTH OR DARE! See you later Blyats!

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