The true brutality of Toothless's plasma blast

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Toothless has blasted many o' folk with his trusty plasma, and you might've brushed it off as them getting knocked out. I mean, plasma can't be all that dangerous right? Wrong. While Toothless cat like attitude and big eyes might seem innocent at first, he lays a very dark secret underneath all the scales.

Now, plasma is hot, very hot. Simple stuff like a plasma torch are around 45,000 Farenheight while shit like ITER plasma are 150-300 million degrees celcius. Thats hot. Much hotter then fire. And if you were to put all that heat into a blast and shot somebody with said plasma blast, the results would be... unpleasant to say it kindly.

Now to show you how deadly plasma can be, I will use one of my favorite video games as a example, Halo. In Halo, plasma blasts from weapons can melt titanium and fuse the armour to a wearers skin. They can melt off limbs, cause severe burns that can be agonizing if you aren't lucky enough to have your nerves melted off. Even if you weren't even hit and it went close to you, you will still get severe burns. These plasma blasts from halo are small, much smaller then even the smallest of Toothless blasts. So, every guy Toothless shoots is probably dead

So maybe Toothless isn't the pacifist we thought he was. Now everytime you see Toothless blast a hunter or viking, you can think "man, hes probably dead", or not, not judging. Anyways, sorry for ruining your childhood.

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