Chapter 4

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Katie's P.O.V
"I have to ask you 3 questions if you wanna come back with me" Rick said. "Ok ask away" I said. "how many walkers have you killed?" He asked looking around to make sure none were around. "I lost count at 25" I replied smiling at him. He looked pleased with my answer. I stood there waiting for the next question. "How many people have you killed?" he asked staring at me. I choked down a lump in my throat bringing up memories. "3" I said, my voice cracking. "Why?" He asked with a sad voice. "Because they tried to kill me" I said. I hated to kill them but I had to, to stay alive. " Well Katie, let me show you to the prison" he said smiling. I squealed a little and he just laughed.

We started walking to the prison. "Ya know I have a son about your age." he said making small talk. " Oh really? that's cool" I said thinking of someone that I can finally talk to. We made it back to the prison and a girl with short hair opened the gate. "Hey Rick, who is this?" she asked looking at me. " I'm Katie" I said shaking her hand. " Nice to meet you Katie I'm Carol " she said smiling. I smiled back already liking her. "Let me show you around and you can meet everyone" Rick said putting a hand on my back and guiding me to a cell block. Everyone was staring at me. I felt a bit uncomfortable. I smiled at everyone and they smiled back. we walked inside the cell and I met Tyreese, Beth, Maggie, Glenn, Sasha, Bob Patrick and a lot more. " I don't know where Carl is" rick said looking around. I started looking around too. "Oh there he is" Rick said smiling. I turned around and there he was, sheriff hat and smiling a bright smile. "Hi" I said smiling. he was defiantly hot. "Hey, I'm Carl what's your name?" he said holding his hand out. "I'm Katie" I said shaking his hand. This is turning out to be a good day.

Eep they met. yaaaayyy


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