Chapter 11

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Katie's P.O.V
We had a small funeral for everyone that died. It was hard seeing a parent lose a daughter, but it hurt seeing Daryl cry over Carol's grave. Carl and I are lying down on his bed holding each other. We've been here for about 2 hours and we haven't said a word. were just enjoying each others company. Carl broke the silence by asking me if I am okay. "Yeah I'm okay" I said looking in his eyes. "Are you sure?" Carl asked with worried eyes. "yeah I guess, what about you?" I asked. "Yeah I'm good." He gave me a small smile. I smiled back and kissed him. He kissed me back. We heard someone yell our names so we got out of bed and went to see who wants us. It's Rick who was calling out. "Hey guys, just wanted to see how you're doing." Rick said looking at us both. "We're fine" Carl said taking my hand and gently squeezing it. "Thats good, you can go back to whatever you were doing before." Rick said moving his hands around. Me and Carl walked back inside the cell and went to his room. We lied down and fell asleep with our body intwined.

I woke up to screams and instantly shot up. I reached for Carl but he's not in bed. 'what is going on?' I thought. I walked over and got my gun and walked out of the room. when I got out i saw walkers everywhere. I immediately started shooting them. I didn't notice that a walker was right behind me until I felt its teeth sink into my neck. I saw Carl run up and kill the walker. "No!" Carl yelled. "this can't be happening" his voice cracking as he cried. "I love you" I breathed out as he got out his gun and shot me in the head.

My eyes opened. It was just a dream. I looked over and saw Carl peacefully sleeping. I smiled and kissed his cheek. That dream was horrible and I hope I never have another like that again. I snuggled up to Carl and fell asleep.

'Just a dream'.....

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