Heat + Inu

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  "Huh..." Jack mumbled as he poked at his own new dog ears.
"Ha! Welcome to my world!" David grinned.
"Well I do not think I mind it as much as you, so what?" Jack shrugged.
"Wait a minute what do they mean by sensitive?" David asked.
"I believe they mean it in a sexual sense," Jack explained.
"WHAT?!" David squeaked.
"For example, how does it feel when I do this?" Jack asked, reaching over and purposely petting David's cat ears. David let out a loud squeak and a low purring came from the back of his throat.
"C-Cut that out!" David hissed, weakly batting at Jack's arm. Jack retracted his hand and shrugged.
"I suppose he is more sensitive,"
"Will you just answer your part of the question?!"
"Hm? Oh, how do I feel about neko David? Not too different from how I feel about normal David, he is still David, perhaps a bit fluffier I guess," Jack nodded. David blushed and stuck his tongue out at Jack. "He certainly seems much more sassy for some reason," Jack sighed.
"Wait heat? That's just for female dogs and cats though... Right?" David chuckled nervously.
"Is it even a heat season?" Jack asked.
"How would I know?! I'm a human doctor! Not an animal one!" David exclaimed.

Ask Jack and David Part 2Where stories live. Discover now