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"It's as if satan himself decided to sneak up into your womb while you were asleep and invited some friends to have a blood orgy, only for the remnants to spill out as the orgy continues on and on until you can barely remember a time when you didn...

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"It's as if satan himself decided to sneak up into your womb while you were asleep and invited some friends to have a blood orgy, only for the remnants to spill out as the orgy continues on and on until you can barely remember a time when you didn't have cramps," Chris explained. There was a long silence that hovered around the room for a moment.
"...Oh dear," Diane finally replied.
"Thankfully, I do not believe either of us will experience that since we will be turning back soon," Jackie shrugged.
"Anyways! Food! Honestly, Ellie and I eat lots of sweets, although we do like Asian type foods," Chris smiled, his demeanor completely changing.
"Italian food is pretty tasty, been awhile since I've had a nice plate of spaghetti and meatballs," Diane seemed to be drooling at the mental image.
"While it is not healthy in the slightest, I do have a bit of a taste for American food, sometimes it is nice to bite down into a greasy burger," Jackie sighed happily.

Ask Jack and David Part 2Where stories live. Discover now