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   Jack was thrown off guard by David suddenly jumping up, pushing Jack off of him

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   Jack was thrown off guard by David suddenly jumping up, pushing Jack off of him. His teeth were bared and he seemed to be in an attack position.
   "What kind of question is that?! I wouldn't just sit by and watch him die! I'd help him in whatever way I could!" David growled. Jack stared at David, both confused and inexplicably touched by his sudden outburst.
   "Well... David... If it were an incurable disease, you would not be able to do much," Jack attempted to reason. David looked over at Jack with a hurt expression. Even as a dog it was obvious he had offended him.
   "Who cares?! I'd work to make you as comfortable and as happy as possible until the end regardless! Do you think that little of me?" David scoffed... Er... Well the dog version of a scoff, which just sounded like an angry snort. Jack stood there, stunned. He walked over to David, aware of the fact that while he was still slightly taller than David in this form, the difference wasn't nearly as jarring. He did his weird affectionate nuzzle thing towards David, causing the blonde dog to completely tense up.
   "I... Appreciate the concern David," Jack said plainly.

Ask Jack and David Part 2Where stories live. Discover now