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Jack and David's hybrid parts seemed to slowly disappear, filling them with relief

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Jack and David's hybrid parts seemed to slowly disappear, filling them with relief. David looked down at his clothes and shrugged. He'd change his clothes eventually. Jack stared at the question for a bit, and then shrugged. He never really gave it much thought.
"I have never really thought about it," Jack explained. Before he could explain further, Catherine ran into the room.
"HE'S HELLA GAY!" She shouted.
"Sorry bro," Catherine giggled. Jack simply rolled his eyes in response.
"Huh, really?" David was genuinely curious.
"Oh yeah, he's had plenty of girls swoon over him, but he's rejected every single one! Sometimes Red Leader even uses him as a woman manipulating tool," Catherine smirked.
"Okay? Rejecting women doesn't make him gay, he could easily be asexual or demi if that's the case," David sighed.
"Thank you David, my point exactly," Jack hummed.
"He has had plenty of male lovers though," Catherine mumbled.
"What? It's true! Ooh remember Liam? That one american tourist? Wasn't he your favorite? In fact I think he was the one you let dominate y-"

Ask Jack and David Part 2Where stories live. Discover now