27 | BTS - Jimin (Requested)

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27 | BTS - Jimin (Requested)
Publish date: 12-30-17
Requested by: razanfly
Note: I'm very sorry for not updating. It's just.. I was still mourning over my grandfather's death. And I was sick. But anyways, Happy new year and keep safe everyone!

And here's your request! Sorry if I took it so long. Feel free to request a redo if you don't like it. And from now on, I promise to make imagines fast (but not that fast) because I don't like it when someone is waiting. I'm really sorry but I hope you'll enjoy this one.

Enjoy Armys! Happy birthday Taehyung ;)


"You want some chocolates?" Razan tilted her head upwards, seeing her boyfriend, Jimin who's smiling at her with a loads of different chocolates on his hand.

From sulking, she suddenly became calm. "You're moody," said Jimin who sat beside her, handing her a piece of Toblerone.

Without replying, Razan harshly pulled the chocolate, eyes rolling on Jimin who's laughing.

"Wow Razan, I'm scared of you! I'm wondering when will you transform into a wild bear?" Jimin said. He was holding his stomach and was falling into deep fits of laughter, almost choking himself with his food.

Razan suddenly felt annoyed with Jimin but ignored him anyways. Her boyfriend is always like that. Teasing her with things that would make her annoyed but will crack a few jokes after.

While eating it on the swing, a girl suddenly passed by which caught Razan's attention. The girl was wearing a longsleeve shirt and a cute denim skirt, exposing her white, milky skin. She felt envious about that.

Tilting his head, Jimin noticed Razan's reaction so he immediately went to see how's she doing.

"Why?" asked Jimin.

"Haha. Nothing. It's just... She's pretty, right? I wish I was like her. I'm not confident about myself because you know? I'm stupid, everyone hates me, I can't do—" she was cutted off with her words when Jimin leaned in and gave her a tight, assuring embrace.

Placing his head on her shoulder, Jimin pats Razan's back slowly, gliding his hand up and down to keep her calm.

Jimin pulls away to see her reaction. "You know what, Razan? You're beautiful just the way you are. Yes, I do tease you everyday but that doesn't mean you look ugly. Trust me, you're beautiful. You're simple, you're understanding. You're as precious as a gen for me so stop saying things like you aren't pretty, okay?"

Razan shed a single tear. Not because she was not confident, but it was the first time someone told her that. It was the first time someone made her feel she's beautiful.

The night passed, Razan stayed in Jimin's house since her mother and father went out of town.

"This is driving me crazy," said a voice from Jimin's room. Razan immediately went upstairs to check how was Jimin.

She was walking slowly when she saw Jimin from a slightly opened door. He was holding a black knee-length dress on his hand and on the other one, was a glamorous necklace.

"Would she like these?" Muttered Jimin. He was pulling his hair busily, that he did not notice Razan's presence in his back.

"What are you doing, Chim?" Razan softly mumbled right in Jimin's back. Since Jimin was surprised, he jumped a little bit and turned to see who's in his back.

"Oh! I nearly died of a heart attack!" Exclaimed Jimin.

"U-uh.. Actually. These.. These are for you." Jimin said nervously, handing the dress and the necklace to Razan.

"These... For me?" Razan asked. Jimin nods as a reply, and after a while, he pulled Razan in a hug.

He placed his chin on Razan's shoulder, hugging her waist while gently patting her back.

"I was worried, actually. I do not like you getting jealous in other girls because you know what? You are beautiful yourself. You're pretty in my eyes. And you don't have to be conscious about your body or your face because I love every part of you. You don't need to change anything in yourself because that wouldn't be you." He whispered right into her eyes which made Razan's heart melt.

He pulled away and looked sincerely at her. He tucked her hair behind her eye and held her cheeks. "Razan, I love you. And trust me, you are beautiful."

Razan felt different emotions as a tear escaped from her eye. She hugged Jimin tightly, overwhelmed. She was happy because for the second time, her special someone made her feel beautiful; not only by the outside, but also in the inside.

When Jimin was asleep, Razan tilted on the other side, facing her sleeping boyfriend's face. She then remembers everything he said just an hour ago, and smiles.

"I know, I'm not the most beautiful girl in this whole wide world. But I think I'm the luckiest because I have someone who can make my every day beautiful." Said Razan.

She placed a last kiss on Jimin's cheeks, and drifts off to sleep.



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