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I was wondering if it would rain today. The skies were clear but the uncertainty was clouding. I watered my house plants.

Devil's ivy and weeping fig.

I dusted the abruptly placed art pieces.

The small canary on a twig outside the silver cage.
The informal figure in prostration.
A blue velvet tree with daisies.
A gold-dipped foxglove...
And my favorite A hourglass in which the sand wouldn't seep but hurl and circle around....always.

I looked out the window, the chaos.
Sad people of the City.

The bell rang.
The absurdity of hearing these sounds.

I opened the door, the postman with tired eyes and grey hair, his wrinkled hands with an old envelope.
I took the envelope from him.
Incandescent fragrance.
I turned the envelope, a wax stamp. I knew the texture well.

The address that I could peek boldly said Dar-Al-Maqamah

My breath sunk.

5 February 2018

Dear Naaz,

That morning like a faint morning of my past rose early. Like history was repeating itself. The roaring Lion mourned his abject. The acosmist dwale in the dining hall with a letter in his hands.
You were gone.
Like she was gone

I wonder if one can compare you to her. But the day... It was quite aforesaid.
The halls were echoing with the desperate cries of Al-Souffian; in past years my father had cried the synonymous sorrow. It was less likely to be expected from you; Naive, beautiful and dainty hands do not wreck homes, nor dreams.
And from this, I have learned to never underestimate the power of a Woman.

I saw the nightmare of my antecedent come to life again. The letters were on the dining table. I ponder upon this a lot, wondering how cruel could you be. To execute the same plan years later, to scratch the wounds of dead souls.
However it was I again who read the letter, I was surprised Miss Naaz. So much courage.....
You doomed us. All of us. Again.
Mine eyes could not believe the sight of me. I read the few, few words you wrote to me. I had read these before, like my mother's letter. I yearn for an explanation. Like a miser, you limited yourself to words and like a greedy man I drooled for words.
For several days and months, I was restless, I read that letter copiously.
Life was changing every single time I picked up the letter.

I am not furious anymore, rather I applaud you.
With ardent tries I have gained your address, thus here I write to you.
Miss Naaz, life is such.
I have subsided, moved from Onism to Ènouement.
From Obsequious to Pragmatic.
From Selfish to self important.

The first time Naaz when you entered the Mansion, the robust in the air was evidence of the fall to come.
Prophecy of the nature never lies Miss Naaz and yet I injured my arm saving you from the storm that night which ended you in my house.
The play of fate is cunning, thou slaughter thy own neck with thy own sword.
In our first encounter Miss Naaz,I found you Querulous,impatient and almost mean spirited.
However,we met often.
In my fervent concourse with you,you caste a spell upon me, binding the fragile strings of my soul to yours. In a conquest to devour me whole, in the mellifluous symphony of your voice, I became your superficial slave.
Unable to understand the language of hearts, I rue my sins now.
Whatever it was, whatever it is, whatever it shall be.... I would never cease to admire you.
For the rigid, there is no understanding of you. You are so plaintive.
For the one who is profound, you are an immeasurable treasure.
There is a Phoenix in your heart Miss Naaz, a man with true eyes can see, I can never forget the glimpse of your courage sitting on the edge of your curveous lips restrained by only the courtesy of being compassionate.
The kindness you have sheltered in the ruins of your soul. The sweet parting of your lips when you sigh, your pleasant curls of raven hair on your face, the brave tears in your eyes. Oh Miss Naaz,you are a woman of unfathomable qualities.
I have sustained you in my heart, no one can ask for the part of you back from me. It is indeed mine to keep.

Though, I often think about memories with you, I cannot help wonder if you too Miss Falaq-Naaz,remember me?
When You open the door and watch the trees or when the flavescent sky turns amaranthine.
Or when the jagged stones flourish in living, I hope you remember me.
I have sent the stars in the sky to ask for you. I hope they question you.
How are you Falaq-Naaz?
How are you?

We all were in each other's lives for a reason. We all had our part. This sweet sorrow is invincible.

I am grateful for everything.

You shan't be afraid Naaz I won't appear in your life again.
You do not have to be lovers to love anyways.
Perhaps I respect so much that we would never to be Lovers.

Things have changed in Dar-Al-Maqamah.
I left the mansion for my passion. I travel long and lost. It is my reason to endure. I took Al-Souffian with me to a few sightings but he insists that Maqamah is his sanity. He is ruthlessly proceeding.
Al-Wildan and Al-Shizad have left for Manhattan, they are new interns both in their passion.
Al-Wildan is procuring his Biologistories.
Al-Shizad his corporate office positions.

Al-Hassan left for India. He wants to serve humanity.
In the serenity of Himalaya, he writes to me of the serendipity.
He writes to Miss Scarlett Rosalind as well, they are crawling back to the broken skin of their relationship.
I know Miss Naaz that our relationship has been quite a strange one to put in words but we both respect each other and that is the bind I cherish with you.
We all have no hard feelings towards you.
I hope you too have the same sentiments for us.
I do not expect a reply but Miss Naaz I wonder;
What is love anyway?

Yours sincerely,
Al-Wais Ma'ad Bin Abu Bakr Elahim

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