Grillby's Sense of Humor Leaves Sans speechless

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*third person POV*

About two hours later and two grasshoppers in, you still felt a bit uneasy about the deal made with Sans, but you weren't going to let it get to you. What you assumed to be regular patrons of the bar started to come in about 15 minutes after Grillby's officially opened. You were at first worried they might see you as an outsider, but after seeing you talking with Sans, they just gave you a pleasant smile and went about business as usual.

It was really quite nice compared to some of the other bars you had been in. You didn't normally frequent them, but on the occasions you had, they always made you feel out of place and clutch your purse tightly, as well as keep a hand on your drink at all times. Even when you were out with friends, you were extra cautious.

You remember the first time you went to a bar by yourself. It was a week after your 21st birthday, and it had been pretty stressful. Your friend was going to go out with you, but had a last minute family emergency that they needed to attend to. Unfortunately, they didn't tell you until after you had gone in and ordered a drink.

It probably wouldn't have even been that bad, except about halfway through your second martini, a greasy, shady character tried to get you to go home with them. They had slid an arm around your waist, and had even started nuzzling your neck. You were so disgusted, and had tried to get out without causing a scene, but when all else failed, you had screamed, which made the entire bar go silent. The bouncers had gotten to you and the ne'er-do-well in record time, but as soon as they had arrived and gotten the perp off of you, you had already paid and were out the door, nearly sprinting home.

When you got home you had immediately taken a shower and made some of your favorite coffee. Later that night you had burnt quite a bit in the fireplace, lit 7 candles, and had done a few other things to help you chill out.

You were brought out of memory lane when a swift crackle had called your attention. You opened your eyes, seeing both Grillby and Sans looking at you in concern.

"Uh, sorry," you nervously rubbed your arm under your long sleeves. "I was just lost in thought. Did you need something?" You noticed Grillby stiffen slightly, his head bent slightly towards where you rubbed your arm. You noticed what you were doing and stopped immediately, bringing your hands up to grab your drink, finishing the bit that was left.

"i was just askin' you if you had any plans tomorrow," Sans said. "but you didn't seem to be listenin'. thought you were asleep or somethin'."

"Oh! Well, actually, I told my mom I'd have lunch with her, but I'm free after that," You explained. "Why?"

"Sans was wondering if you would come back here to meet some of our other friends, such as Undyne." Grillby spoke suddenly, sending shivers down your back with the gravely, yet smooth texture of his voice. He also gave you chills with the questionable vibe he was giving you.

Sans seemed to be slightly surprised by Grillby's readiness to speak so openly, looking around at the other patrons, but they must of not noticed, for none looked as startled as you and Sans. He had spoken very softly; you wondered if he was shy about his voice or something.

"I would love to!" You said, maybe a bit too excitedly. Though, in your defense, Grillby's sudden outspokenness had made you giddy (that, and the prospect of meeting some new, interesting, potential friends). "W-where did you plan on meeting up? Here?" You said, lowering your voice considerably, a light blush donning your cheeks.

Sans gave you a wide, sly grin, not unlike the one he had given you when you had struck up the deal. Grillby's flames had shot up at your outburst, but lowered after a moment, exchanging your empty martini glass for a cup of water.

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