At Least Not Today

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About five minutes into your trudge, you decided to listen to music. Flicking through your music library, you ended up just getting aggressive songs. This only made you want to get into a fight more.

You were getting close to Grillby's, but you got an odd vibe, one that made you shudder. Having gone through high school continuously looking over your shoulder, you could tell when something was about to go down. You paused your music, listening to your surroundings intently.

You could hear walking behind you. You couldn't be sure, but it sounded like maybe 2 or 3 people. While it could just be nothing, you decided to the take the side of caution. Glancing at the street to your right, you saw it was clear. You crossed the street, picking up your pace and looking both ways.

When you had reached the other side, you could see three figures crossing the street just as you had in the reflection of a shop window.

'Fuck... This seems like a bit more than coincidence...' You thought.

You continued going down the street, frantically looking for a place with more people. You knew that would have to be the next step, to get in a public place. Sure, you were on the street, in the middle of the day, but there was hardly anyone out. However, if you could just get into a place with more people in it, chances are that those three will step off.

You weren't close enough to Grillby's yet, and you didn't know many of these stores. In fact, most of them looked empty.

'Shit... Wait- there!' You had spotted someone go into a store a couple doors down.

You kept your pace and made a bee-line for the shop. In the reflections of the windows you saw that the three people had gotten closer to you; they were now about two arms lengths from you.

You picked up your pace, just a bit, putting another foot between you and them. Only five more feet and you were home free!

Just as you had thought this, you caught a flash of movement in the store window beside you. A hand reaching out, just inches away from your elbow. You amped up your pace, all but skipping to get to the door of the store. You darted inside and pulled out your earphones.

You saw that while the shop was well lit, there was no one inside. You walked in a bit further, looking for anyone. Not even a worker insight.

The bell above the door tinkled, and you turned around to see three men- the same three men from last night!

'Fuck!' You internally screamed.

"Well," said the one you remember slapping. He even brought up his hand to the cheek you had hit. "Fancy meeting you here, kitten," He leered at you. The other two just chuckled darkly at the comment.

"Yeah," You crossed your arms in front of you. "I'm sure it was exactly what fate had planned," You said sarcastically. Your anger had resurged since seeing it was them, showing itself in the form of your attitude. Which really wasn't that different from how you were any other day, but you figured you were about a half-step away from starting a fight.

"Oh, man," the man to the left started,laughing. "Looks like this kitty has claws, bro! You really know how to pick 'em, don't you?"

"Shut up!" The center man snapped, "Maybe I should teach this kitten some manners ," He cracked his knuckles, leering at you as he stepped forward.

"Just try and touch me," you narrowed your eyes at him, lacing your voice with as much malice and venom you could. " I swear, I will see you burn first, " You could feel a dense ball of rage form in the pit of your stomach.

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