Everyone Else Is More Mad Than You (Thats a First)

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The entire bar was still silent when Sans casually strolled in. He got three steps in, looked at Grillby, who still had an arm around your waist, and his slack grin turned serious while seeing the expression upon Grillby's face.

"grillbz-" he began just to be cut off.

"Watch the bar for me," Grillby said suddenly, pulling you with him across the bar to the break room. The entire time, the bar was silent.

Letting go of you, Grillby turned to shut the door to the break room. You took the moment to see him. His flames were jerking wildly, shooting up very high, hissing and crackling loudly. You would make a joke about him being so angry you could see smoke coming out of his ears, except that you could literally see smoke coming from his ears , and the situation had left you a little numb.

He turned back around to you, facial features on display. Only, they weren't the kind, soft features you had seen last night; these were angry, harsh features. The curve of his mouth had turned into a jagged slash, his cheekbones had gone from subtle yet high, to sharp violent torches. The worst transformation his face had taken was that of his eyes. The white hot orbs from last night were now as black as obsidian. The emotion behind them shifted as he met your own eyes, and with them, his features returned to normal.

His roaring flames simmered down to ease his face back to the kind, soft, yet strong face you had seen. You were expecting him to take away his features further, putting on his mask, so to speak, but he did not. He just calmed down enough to show you the worry that had etched it's way onto his face, eyes showing what looked to be something similar to pity, but not quite.

He stepped forward, holding his hands up, as if he was about to hold you, but he paused his action as he noticed your flinch. He instead gestured to your wrist.

"Did he hurt you?" he asked in his soft voice. You just shook your head.

Yeah, it hurt, due to the bruise that was beginning to form, but it was a bit high. To show him the bruise, you would have to roll up your sleeve, which would not be the best idea...

"I-I'm okay," you began. Your anger had been replaced with a mix of feeling violated and... weak. Violated because, well, you know, and weak because, even though you would usually be very wrathful in such a situation, and while you were in the beginning, the realization of how your actions could reflect on Grillby, suspicions or not, made you refrain from how you would have handled it. It angered you that the man had gotten off so easily, feeling a large sense of wrathful justice swell in your heart, but it also scared you thinking of the possibility of what could have happened to Grillby.

"Are you certain?" Grillby brought you back out of your thoughts, worry lacing his voice. This man, so kind. He probably didn't even know what had happened, and yet he had just tossed out a whole party with a single look and a single word. He showed a terrifying side of him to the whole of his patrons, who had just seen you slap a customer. Who knows how badly this was reflecting on his business. You felt your face grow hot with frustration at your actions, tears stinging your eyes.

"I'm s-so sorry, G-Grillby," you began, voice wavering. You had your head down, so you didn't see his face.

"Why are you sorry?" He asked in a slightly panicked voice. "You have no reason to be sorry, you are the one who was about to be assaulted when I came in-" he paused, reaching forward to you, hands on either side of your face, tilting your head up to look him in the eyes. "Please, calm down, and tell me what happened,"

And so, after a few hiccups, you told him what had happened, apologizing for hitting the customer, adding in that you could have handled the situation better. You also thanked him for coming to the rescue, but then apologized again for him having to come save you, and showing an aggressive side of himself to the other patrons.

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