Digits and Lying

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After heading back into the gym, you couldn't help but notice how much heavier the air felt. It was a very subtle difference, but you think it was really just because of the confession to Vunde about your maybe feelings for your boss.

'Pfft, it's really too soon to tell if it's anything more than me just being grateful,' you thought, 'I mean, come on! I've only known him for... 3 days!' You shook the weird thoughts away.

When you two finally reached your companions, Grillby looked uncomfortable and Sans looked a bit more smug than usual, his shit eating grin just a tad wider than normal.

"Hey, so," Vunde began, "I gotta get back to this practice, but you guys are welcome to hang out. We should be done in about an hour or so,"

"we could just go outside and chill," Sans added casually, "while we wait for you to finish up here,"

"That sure would be better than having to flag you guys down later," Vunde replied quickly.

"Or," You decided to get involved, not able to hold yourself back any longer, "We could leave, and swing by later to pick you up,"

Grillby let out a heavy sigh and began walking towards the exit. You three let out a few good chuckles, then allowed Vunde to continue the practice, you and Sans following Grillby.

You three decided to wait out at the picnic table a bit a ways from the gym. The air was indeed a bit nippy, but you weren't really bothered by it.

You pulled out your phone, checking a few things. A social media notification, a message from your mom about a job opening, and a reminder about a former coworkers birthday.

"Delete," you muttered under your breath, sighing a bit and setting your phone down on the stone tabletop.

"oh, hey," Sans chimed in from beside you, "i meant to ask for your digits the other day," he pulled out his blue phone, "so i could talk to you on my skele-phone," You saw Grillby facepalm beside you as you giggled a little.

"Sure thing," you took his phone and put in your number as he took yours, doing the same.

You handed his phone back to him, and went to take yours back when he reached past your open palm, dropping it in Grillby's, as Grillby handed you his own phone. You just shrugged, putting your number into the red phone. When you got your phone back, you saw that the two new contacts were Punny Bone, with a little bone emoji next to it, and Grillby, which had a little flame emoji next to it.

"Cute," you said.

"I know you are, but what am I?" Grillby said under his breath. It was quiet though, so you and Sans both heard it. Grillby noticed and flushed immediately. "I apologize," he uttered behind his hands as he covered his fuchsia tinted face.

"Pffft," you moved his hands away from his face, "You're fine; no need to apologize," you gave him a big smile. A snicker from behind you made you retract your hands from Grillby's.You turned to Sans, who was giving you a smug grin as usual.

"What?" You asked.

"nothin'," was all he replied, but you could see something forming behind the specks of light that functioned as his pupils. "just, bored,"

"Well," you said, thinking the same thing. "I have a deck of cards if you guys want to play a round of Garbage, BS, or maybe some variant of poker," You guys had plenty of time to do just about anything. "Though, I have to warn you, I'm not that good at poker, and it's been a while since I last played, so I'm a bit fuzzy on the rules," you concluded, pulling your cards out and shuffling them expertly.

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