Lunch Date, So late

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You were awoken by an insistent buzzing, along with a very bright light intruding your senses.

"Wha-" it took you a moment to realize that it was your phone causing the loud vibrating, and the open window to your left that was causing you to go blind. "Shoot! What time is it?" you panicked, seeing it was well past 11, and you had told your mom you would meet her for lunch!

You picked up the phone, answering the phone, trying to sound as awake and on your way as possible as you quickly got stuff together for a lightning fast shower.

"Hey, mom!"

"(y/n) are you okay?" this took you back a bit.

"Yeah, mom; why wouldn't I be okay?"

"You're 30 minutes late to our lunch date," you heard her huff. "and this is the third time I've called you. Where are you?"

"I'm really sorry your worried," you apologized as you set out an outfit. "But, I'm fine, just...." You were almost tempted to lie to your mother, but, having always been honest with her, you couldn't. "I slept in, I'm sorry mom." You could hear another, calmer huff of breath from the other side.

"As long as you're safe and okay," she sounded like she understood. "Just get here soon, okay?"

"I can be there in about 20 minutes," you were in the bathroom with the shower on, about to step in. "Okay?"

"See you soon, be safe" click

And with that you proceeded to get ready.


"Hey, mom!" you waved to her as you approached the booth she was seated at.

"Oh, hello darling," she got up and hugged you tightly. You sighed in content at the action, hugging her back just as tightly. "How are you?"

"I am doing okay, mom," you both sat down and looked over the menu. "Better than I was yesterday about this time, anyway." You sipped at the water she had ordered for you.

"Oh,"she air swatted. "I talked to your lawyer yesterday when he swung by the house - he couldn't reach you, so he came to me - and he said he could work it all out. Don't worry, honey - just don't go set another house on fire."

"Oh," you were kinda relieved, "That is really good to hear.... But, I should let you know that more happened yesterday...." You explained how you had lost your job, being completely neutral while talking. Your mother just looked at you with sad, hard eyes. "So, on the plus side, I might end up moving back in with you, just like you wanted!" you tried to put a positive spin on this situation, but your voice was hollow.

"Honey," your mother reached across the table, setting her hand on yours, holding it, rubbing soothing circles onto the back of it with her thumb. "We'll figure something out. It's going to be okay "

"Thanks, mom," you could feel your eyes burn with tears. you quickly wiped your eyes when the waitress came around to ask for your orders.

The rest of the meal went nicely. You both talked some more, ate your food, drank your drinks, and had a really good time. About an hour or so later, the waitress came back with the check. You went to take care of it just to see that the waitress was already leaving with your mother's card.

"You have enough to worry about," she shrugged. "Besides, I asked you to be here, so I should pay." You gave her a silent thank you.

When you both were about to go your separate ways, your mother had offered to take you to get your car from impound.

"Oh! I had completely forgotten that they had it!" You face palmed as your mother chuckled to the side

"Come on," she clicked her car unlocked, opening the driver side door. "Let's go."


After going through a monumental stack of papers, you were finally behind the wheel of your car. It felt good to be back in your own vehicle after being chauffeured by both the cops and your mom.

You said goodbye to your mom and began heading home when you remembered the other social obligation you had planned for today. You smiled at the thought of being able to go back to Grillby's and see him and Sans.

'Hadn't they mentioned they were meeting up with some other friends, too?' you thought, getting both excited and anxious at the same time. You decided to go home, freshen up, and then head over to Grillby's.

~~~Another Timeskip~~~

Having finally decided on an adequate outfit, - your good jeans, your favorite shirt, the nicest looking jacket you owned, and your regular old Chucks - you finally found yourself outside of Grillby's. You hadn't walked in yet because you were really worried something might go wrong. You felt the urge to light up quickly before going in when you heard a rather loud, boisterous laugh emit from within the restaurant.

You fought the urge, however, and taking a deep breath, filling your head with the thought that inside it would be better, because you could see your friends, Sans and Grillby, you opened the door and stepped inside.

You immediately regretted every single decision leading up to this moment when, after hearing the door shut and the bar go silent, you were met face to very sharp tip with an electric blue spear.

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