In Your Nature

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As you both made your way towards Grillby's, the wind began to pick up. You shivered, but it was nothing new. You saw Ezra shiver beside you, her teeth chattering.

"F-fuck it's cold," she complained, her breath puffing out in front of her.

"Do you want my jacket?" you asked. She shook her head.

"But then you'll be cold," you shrugged, taking off your jacket.

"I've got long sleeves on underneath, and besides," you handed it to her, "I'm always cold; nothing new,"

Ezra reluctantly took the jacket, slipping it on over her own.

"Thanks, [y/n]," She hugged you, and you put your arm over her shoulder. "You is a kind friend,"

"Anytime," was all you replied as you finally reached Grillby's.

Unsurprisingly, the bar was already filling with the regulars that would come in shifts after 5 o'clock rolled around, but what was a bit surprising was the absence of Sans, and the 3 tables full of human patrons. Also, you didn't see Grillby anywhere. You felt a knot form in your stomach.

"[y/n]," Ezra began in a hushed voice, "What's wrong? You suddenly tensed and stopped,"

You shook your head, making your way up to the counter, seeing two stools open net to each other.

"Nothing," You assured her with a small, albeit fake smile. "Wait here, I'll see if Grillby's in the kitchen," You told her, placing your bag on the stool next to hers.

You walked around the bar, waving to the dogs along the way, which you received many a tail wags in return. You couldn't help but spare a small smile for them; you loved dogs. You continued to make your way to the kitchen, seeing a flicker of flame pass by the window. Your smile grew larger as you got a Vunde-like idea.

You crept up to the door, opening it just a smidge. Grillby's back was to you, and he seemed very focused, flames elegantly flowing in an even and controlled manner. You just watched him for a second, awestruck. You hadn't seen him really work in the kitchen yet, seeing as one of you was always out front, so neither of you was in the kitchen at the same time. He truly looked to be in his element, and it made you happy.

'Snap out of it!' you had to mentally slap yourself. 'Get back to the mission!' You grew more focused on your own task.

Stealthily, you quickly stepped into the kitchen. You stepped behind a shelf, crouching, just in time, too, as the door swinging back made Grillby turn around. He shrugged it off though, turning back to the grill.

'Perfect~,' you thought.

Originally, you had planned to just jump scare him, but, thought of something better, having remembered that their was a carton of eggs in the fridge... However, how to get to the fridge and back, without him seeing you? As you were lost in thought, you heard the door swinging again.

Looking back to where Grillby should have been, you saw that he was gone. He didn't seem to be anywhere else in the kitchen either, so you deduced that he had taken the meal out. Now was your chance!

You stood up and made to go to the fridge, turning-

"Oof!" you turned straight into a rather warm chest, getting deja vu. "H-hey, Grillby," you were caught, "Fancy meeting you here, hahah..." 'shiiit,'

"Is it really?" He asked mockingly, "I mean, you are in my kitchen," He crossed his arms over his chest, "And it's your day off," You swear you could see the smirk that was surely on his face behind his mask of flames.

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