Not so quiet Night in

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'Well, this is awkward...' you thought as you drove in silence back to Grillby's.

It was just you and Grillby in your car, Sans having opted to ride back with Vunde, so, a) he could show her how to get there, and b) so she wouldn't have to ride back alone. You were pretty sure there was another reason, seeing that so far they both had great chemistry together. (and you were quietly shipping them together since you found out she had a thing for the short, punny skeleton, but, no one had to know about that.) And, perhaps, Vunde had a few secret motives of her own, seeing as she didn't object at all to Sans riding shotgun with her. You would have to question her rigorously later.

You decided that riding with Grillby was nice. The only time you really had anyone else in your car was with your mom or Vunde, and those were not so nice. Vunde likes to blast the music, not wear her seatbelt, and scream the lyrics to whatever song is on, right in your ear, making driving a bit difficult, to say the least. Your mother, on the other hand, treats it like it's your first time driving; no radio at all, gripping the armrest for dear life, screeching for you to slow down when you go just a little over the speed limit, and correcting every little move you do that doesn't match up with what she would do. She also doesn't cease to talk, whether it be about how her girlfriends don't know how to cook or how she saw a "very handsome young boy about your age" wherever she happened to be that day.

But riding with Grillby wasn't like that one bit. While it was silent, aside from the natural crackle of his flames and the sound of the road, it was a pleasant silence. It was the same silence you shared at times late at night when you decide to call up Vunde and, even though you two weren't speaking the entire time, there are long moments of comfortable silence. She had commented on it once when you had mentioned it being nice. If you remembered it correctly, the way she phrased it was, "It's nice knowing that if I want to say something, you're right there, and you're listening."  That's what it felt like with Grillby, oddly enough. It was like even though nothing was being said, you both were comfortable with it. There was none of the awkward tension that usually came with long silences; it was just a nice little bubble, and if one of you wanted to share something with the other, you could do so, without breaking said bubble.

It was very calming, also, having the living flame beside you. You hadn't had a chance to really burn anything yourself since you had been arrested, and then fired. And, since you've been spending time with Grillby, you hadn't really felt the need to. Now though, it was starting to get to you a little. Being around Grillby was soothing, but it didn't have the same effect as burning something yourself, and if you were being honest with yourself you had begun to miss the heat of the flames against your skin. You decided you would have the chance later tonight, and later this week, since you were only working part time.

You snuck a quick glance at Grillby. He was facing the window, chin resting in his palm, elbow propped up on the door ledge. His flames were flickering idly, much like a candle's. He looked very picturesque, tranquil, and even though he didnt have any distinct facial features that you could see, you would even say he looked very handsome.

'Speaking of the heat of flames against my- STOP THAT!' You had begun to tread some really truly dangerous waters. Thankfully, you had come to a stop light, giving you a chance to calm your mind before continuing the drive.

Looking to your left, you noticed a familiar vehicle, in the passenger side window, you also noticed a very familiar skeleton- dancing?

This was the most you had ever seen Sans move. He was bobbing his head and waving his arms. Looking past him, you could see Vunde, who was also bobbing her head and waving her arms, though it also looked like her mouth was moving. She must have been singing along with the music. You could slightly hear the song through your closed window.

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