Hell Hath No Fury...

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A bright light flashed in your personal void.

Screaming, followed by panic around you; it made your mind buzz and your skin tingle. The air had gone still, the sound replaced by white noise. Though you could see nothing, you knew something was wrong. A hint of iron in the air made your nose itch, but you couldn't guess at the source. You felt as though your heart had been ripped out of your chest, leaving a gaping maw in its place. The feeling of absolute loss was replaced by an insatiable wrath, a fire eating its way through your very soul-


"Wha-?" Your [disturbing] dream had been [thankfully] interrupted by your phone going off. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes as you groped blindly for your phone. You felt the pit in your stomach from the dream ebb away slightly.

'13 Missed Calls From [Vundeful]

1 New Message From [Grillby]'

"Oh, gosh," you took a deep breath. "What time is-" 2:21 PM . "Shit!"

You assumed the text from Grilly would be about you not being there, so you opened it first.

'Don't worry about coming in today; I'm giving you the day off. -G'

You took a sigh of relief, sending Grillby a silent thank you in your mind, but the moment was intrerupted when Vunde started to call again.

BZZZT... BZZZZT... BZZ*click"

"Yes?" you hesitantly answered the phone call.

"[Y/]-fucking-[/N], "

' Oh god she's using her mom voice,' you thought.

"Do you know who I just got done talking to?"

'This can't be good,'

"Who?" You got out of bed, migrating to your kitchen as you felt a headache creep across your mind.

" Sans ," She certainly sounded pissed. "Do you know what he just told me?"

"What?" You were definitely gonna need some coffee for this conversation.

"That some asshole assaulted you at work!" Good thing you set the phone on the counter to make the coffee.

'This coffee can't happen fast enough,'

"I really don't want to talk about that, actually," You held your head in your hands as you sighed. "It happened, it was taken care of, and it won't happen again," You sat down, eyeing the coffee pot, willing it to brew faster.

"What I'm still trying to figure out," she sounded livid, "Is why a guy I've known for two days , if you can even count texting on the phone as knowing someone, told me that my best friend , whom I've known since freshman year of high school , was just fucking assaulted at their place of work!" You could feel the angered feeling come back slowly with every second that this conversation continued.

'Come on, cuppa coffee...' You thought eagerly. Patience was never your forte.

"Maybe you should try saying it a little louder," there was finally enough coffee for a cup. "I don't think they heard you in the space station," Bitter bean juice never tasted so good.

" Oh, well excuse me," the sass was so prominent, you could hear her do a head movement. "But, pray tell, will Sans also tell your mother about this, or will I have to do that? It's obvious you're not going to,"

"She will not be hearing of this," you replied sharply. "She doesn't even know I have a new job yet, let alone at a bar that is frequented by someone Ishared a holding cell with, " you took a sigh. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this, but, honestly, when would I have had the chance to? I just woke up, and I didn't get home until nearly three AM last night," You took a quick sip of your coffee, feeling more bitter with every drink. "It's not that I wasn't going to, it just all happened so fast, and then I didn't want to think about it anymore," You felt your headache worsen.

" You should've called me when you were on break, or-"

"I know, I know," you cut her off, feeling just really done with everything at the moment. "I should've done so many other things, but I didn't. I'm not perfect, Vunde; Sorry if that's not good enough for you,"

"[Y/n], that's not what I meant, no need to go there," there was a muffled shout from the other side, followed up by a reply from Vunde. "Ugh. Look, I have to get back to work, but we aren't done here, and that is not what I meant-" *click*

"Whatever," You said to the dead air after hanging up.

Your headache was still going strong, even after having a cup of coffee. And, oddly enough, the weird feeling you had gotten from your dream had yet to go away, even feeling as though it was stronger than before. You just felt so... hurt and wrathful. You had no idea about what, but you kinda just wanted to fight or cut all ties altogether.

You shook your head and downed another cup of coffee. 'Maybe if I take a shower I'll feel better...' You hadn't even changed since last night, opting to sleep in your dress shirt and stockings. You smelled like alcohol and fried food. It was starting to make your stomach growl, being reminded of Grillby's fries.

"He said it was my day off, but... Maybe I'll swing by Grillby's later for a bit," You said aloud while getting everything together for your shower.


After your shower, you felt a bit better, but not by much. The restless, angry feeling was sitting in the pit of your stomach, apparently to stay. You decided to try and work off some of it by cleaning up a bit. You put on some music to go along with the chores, but you found that your mind kept wandering away from your tasks. You kept thinking about new things to get angry at: the weather, a show, a book, the current song's lyrics, the amount of clutter in your house, something stupid you did years ago- anything your mind drifted to. All of it was pretty meaningless and probably more annoyances than anger, but it still made you want to get in a fight.

This went on for a while until all the chores were done and you decided to finally go down to Grillby's, craving both food and some company. Though, when you went to get your keys, you remembered something.

"Oh, that's right," you thought back to last night. "My car is still at Grillby's... Sans said to text-" You felt a flash of anger warp through you. "Sans..."

He was the main reason behind your oh so rude awakening this morning, him . That prick of a skeleton had told Vunde long before you even had a chance to tell her what happened! It was his fault you two had fought! That fucker was gonna get it.

You knew where you could find him if you waited long enough, but you didn't want to talk to him to get your car back, so you decided to walk all the way to Grillby's.

You stormed out of your house, stewing in your anger the entire thirty minute trek to Grillby's from your house.

'That skelefucker best be ready for what's coming, because it looks like I found my fight...'


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