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*Sans' POV*

I couldn't quite place it, but something was definitely off about this human. I mean that in the nicest way possible, because they are a really, genuinely good human- so far. I've learned from my mistakes, and I won't allow anything to get past me ever again.

Since the weird feeling I got back at the police station, I've had a sort of, suspicion , regarding (y/n). I had let it drop before, but I felt something else when I had them held in place. My worry about them deepened after they told me that my magic felt cold to them. I shrugged the question off with humor, as usual, but it all still bugged me.

All in all, I had come to one solution: talk to Grillbz.

He was obviously interested in the girl, and it was my duty, as a friend, to let him know if I thought something was up. Plus, maybe he could help me out.

I saw (y/n) go into the kitchen. 'hopefully they'll be a while...' I thought. I looked to my left, seeing that Vunde was no longer there. I looked to my right and saw her at the jukebox. 'perfect,' I turned to Grillbz.

"hey," he looked to me, setting down the piece of paper he had just retrieved from his office, "i know that this is probably somethin' you don't wanna talk about, but we have to," he gave me a confused expression, but leaned in closer over the bar. "remember when we first met (y/n)?" he nodded. "you remember how upset she got with the officer for takin' her flammables?" another nod, this one slower. "did you happen to also notice the, uh, shift , in the air? now, i know- 'sans, this is crazy; are you suggestin' what i think you're suggestin'?'- well, actually, yes, i am,"

"Sans, this is ridicu-"

"hear me out, grillbz," I interrupted him. "you can't tell me you didn't feel anythin' ," I had to press this.

"I did feel something ," he said in a stern tone, "but not what you're suggesting. It's not-"

"possible? how do you figure? because she's human? it's not the first time that we've encountered magical humans; you know that," I could feel a headache form in the front of my skull. "look, it isn't that farfetched to think that she might be the the distant relative of-"

"Of what? A mage? " Grillby looked about ready to spit fire, which wouldn't be the first time it has happened.

His voice had escalated slightly from his hushed tone, so I turned towards the jukebox. Vunde was still immersed with it, and I could hear a quiet tune. I couldn't tell for sure if she was listening or not, but I think Grillby got what I was worrying about, as he seemed to calm down.

"Sans, you realize that what you're suggesting is not only ridiculous, but would also be very, very bad, especially if Asgore found out," he whispered.

"i know that," I felt a sense of dread hang over me. "gosh, don't you think i know that? all those humans that went through the underground, just to end up-" I couldn't finish. Grillby reached out, putting a hand on my own.

"Sans, I know. I'm sorry, I should not have gone there," he released my hand, and when I looked up at him, his expression had gone stony. "But, remember, those were just human children, who held no magic. I have seen what Asgore did during the war; I had done it along side him," a look passed across his face, his mind not in the present.

"grillbz, i didn't mean to-"

"No, it's okay," he had regained his posture and warmth. "But, please, I ask you as my friend: let it be,' he pulled off his glasses and showed me his full features for a moment as he spoke. "I know that you're worried because of how things were before and I entirely understand. But, that was then, and this is now. We're above ground now, there hasn't been a mage alive for centuries, and even if there were to be some descendents, I highly doubt that they would have had any magic left in them,"

Grillby sighed, putting his glasses back on and hiding his features.

"but, grillbz, what-" I had to halt my words, for (y/n) had returned from the kitchen. We made eye contact for a brief moment before she moved towards Vunde. Grillbz watched as she went by.

Sure, I trust her, so far, and I trust Grillbz. It's circumstance that I don't trust, and given that I've seen what can happen when push comes to shove, I will not be taking any chances.

I didn't like having to be the bad guy, but someone had to. And considering Grillbz was slowly sinking more and more into the depths of... something... for her, I had to, for once, be the voice of reason between us. I actually kinda regret placing the bet with Grillbz, but now I couldn't go back on it, not with so much at stake.

"maybe you're right," I began, accepting that I could not change his mind until I had some substantial evidence to my claims. "i guess only time will tell," I shrugged.

"I suppose it will," Grillbz replied curtly.

A sharp squeal from the jukebox made us both turn our heads. (Y/n) was hugging Vunde for what appeared to be dear life, and she looked as happy as ever. I could hear Grillbz sigh beside me.

I went over to Vunde and (y/n).

"what you two squakin' about?" I'll admit, I was curious.

Apparently, I got more than I bargained for, because Vunde then went on to explain in immense detail what they were hyped about.

The entire time I listened to her. I could see her eyes light up, her excitement making her all the more beautiful. Even with her contacts in, which I was still having trouble adjusting to after her little demonstration .

Another thing that came to mind while she was explaining was Paps. He loved puzzles like no tomorrow, and I bet this would be right up his alley. I said so, and she seemed to become even more excited, expanding her plans to include all of us: her, me, (y/n), Grillbz, Paps, and their friend, Ez.

She seemed about to give (y/n) whiplash as she was shaking her to agree. I couldn't help but chuckle myself as (y/n) had to physically stop her, eyes unfocused and expression dizzy. She agreed, but mentioned having to find a good time for everyone.

I let her know when me, Paps, and Grillbz are free, while Vunde promptly pulled out her phone, fiercely typing. A moment later she let us know the days the place that does the escape rooms is open and what times. Conveniently, it was open on Sundays.

Vunde looked about ready to plan everything out, but (y/n) cooled her jets by reminding her we had a week. We all agreed to keep her posted, and then went back to sit at the bar, have some more drinks, and just enjoy the rest of the night.

I was still really unsettled by the possibility that  (y/n) could have magic, but the feeling became nonexistent when she and Vunde were dancing.

Vunde moved like water: assuredly and spontaneously. I didn't know if she planned any of her moves or not, but it worked for her. Her dance style was gracefully reckless; planned yet in the moment.

'heh, just like her...' I thought.

*Grillby's POV in the same moment*

The way (y/n) moved was definitely different, and awfully hard to look away from.

I must confess that my eyes may have...   lingered , on a few of her... assets , while she danced with Vunde, and her uniform surely wasn't helping, tights and jacket or not. But, it would be a shame to not watch her dance. It was elegantly restrained, yet sporadic in moments when she was truly at comfort.

It was strange, seeing her go between comfort and discipline. It was like seeing a fire flicker between embers and coals to a raging inferno. Or, like those trick candles Sans had used on Papyrus once. They would appear to be blown out, just to spark to life once more. It had happened several times before they finally quit.

Oddly enough though, (y/n) seemed to be blown out most of the time, only sputtering to life briefly before dimming again.

This small little realization worried me more than the preposterous claims Sans was trying to make. I had already pushed those claims to the side, disregarding them entirely, but, the thought that (y/n) was restraining herself on purpose or wasn't happy made a deep part of my soul ache.

How could someone so wonderful be so unhappy?

'Maybe I can change that...' I hoped.

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