Thoughts & Memories in The Moonlight

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You woke up sweaty and panicked. You shot up into a sitting position, frantically looking around the still dark room as you took quick breaths. You gripped the sheets to your chest, feeling the rapid beats of your heart as you came down. You slowed your breathing, taking deeper, longer breaths and you loosened your death grip on your bedding.

Your eyes had, by now, adjusted to see the familiar scape of your room. You saw the foot of your bed, your dresser against the wall in front of you, the closet to your left, your desk against the left wall, next to the window with the blackout curtains. You saw your bedroom door, closed, on the right wall, your book case beside it. You could see your clothes hamper between your door and dresser.

After another moment, you could make out the distinct shapes of smaller objects. Your candles, some stalks of incense, the lumps of clothes in the hamper and a bit on the dresser. The shapes of posters on your wall, the books on the book case, your laptop on the desk next to the stereo. The jackets hanging in your closet and the shoes on the floor of it.

You had finally gotten back to breathing regularly, heart no longer pounding in your chest. You took another moment to just hold your head in your hands, running your fingers through your hair.

Your throat felt sore, as if you may have been screaming in your sleep. Your mouth felt both sticky and dry. Whatever it was, it was gross, so you opted to get a drink.

You pulled your covers off of you, swinging your legs over the side of your bed. You had worn a loose t-shirt and some pajama pants to bed, but the pants were far too hot now, so you changed into some basketball shorts that had belonged to your brother. You had kept them when he left from spending the night at your place, because they were comfy.

Your could feel the chill of sweat on your skin as you made your way to the kitchen. The moonlight slipped in through the window over the sink. You glanced out at the city around you.

You weren't in a very tall building, but it had a fairly good view. You could see the street you lived on, and a little bit of the park on the next street over. You saw that some of the lights were still on in some of the windows. You glanced your oven's clock.

4:28 AM

You sighed. You hadn't slept for too long, then. You grabbed a cup from your cabinet, thinking about last night.

...You had left Grillby's with Ezra and Vunde about 11:30, because they both had work the next day. You probably could have stayed until closing, but you actually wanted to go to work tomorrow. Plus, you didn't want to make Sans or Grillby worried because you would be going home alone. So, you decided to just go home with Ezra and Vunde. Also, they practically dragged you out of the bar, nice smiles while saying goodbye to Sans and Grillby, but as soon as the door shut behind them, they were on you like heat on a flame....

You filled the cup up with water from the tap.

...They had barraged you with questions about what was going on between you and Grillby. You had said nothing, but, did so with a flushed face and high pitched voice...

You stared down at the water in the cup. The liquid had a few small ripples from your movements, but was otherwise clear.

...Even you didn't know what was going on between you and Grillby. Between him constantly coming your rescue, and the thing that had almost happened by the jukebox, you may have thought that maybe...

You took a few gulps of the cold water, mulling over your own thoughts.

...But, no, you had decided to stop being so naive long ago, especially when it came to people. There was a reason you tried your hardest to hide your emotions and feelings when they were honest. Honest feelings hurt more than fake ones...

You put the cup down in the sink with a bit more force than you meant to. It clanked harshly on the metal, but didn't break, thankfully.

...And yet, you found yourself becoming more open and less disciplined with Grillby. You felt like, you could trust him with your feelings, like you could with Vunde, but, on a deeper level. And, in all honesty, a part of you felt like he had earned your trust. For the entire time you've known him, he has been nothing but helpful and kind. Truly, he was a gentleman, a rare thing nowadays...

The water had made your mouth feel less gross, but, it didn't make your throat feel any better. You grabbed the kettle, and filled it with water, setting it on the stove and turning it on.

...And yet, you had also only known him about a week. There was no way in hell that you could develop feelings for someone that quickly. It just wasn't a good decision to rush into things...

You grabbed a teacup out of the cabinet, set it down, and then reached for the tea in the other cabinet.

... You had always believed that things like... love ... took time, and getting to know someone over a long time before deciding that you... felt that way about them. It had been apart of your system, your nature, to be cautious of other people, to keep yourself closed off. The only exception you ever made was with Vunde and Ezra, and it took a long time to be comfortable around them as you are now...

The kettle began to whistle, so you took it off the heat, turned the stove off, and poured the water into the cup, placing the tea bag in afterwards.

...You just had no idea what to do. These were all new feelings, and, they all seemed to stem from Grillby. The wonderful being of flame who was always so kind and willing to help you. This societally deemed "monster" who had more humanity than most of your neighbors, and had come to your rescue on multiple occasions...

You had gone back to your bedroom with the tea, sitting on your cold bed. You sipped at the tea. You just kinda reached up and grabbed whatever box you found first, not even bothering to check the smell of the leaves to see what it was. You were much too lost in thought to care.


You set the cup down, realizing what flavor you had picked. It brought back the harsh memories of the nightmare you had just had.

...The Grillby in your dream had been a real monster. He was wearing the same face that Grillby had when he had saved you from the men at the restaurant. That Grillby was still the Grillby you knew though; your friend. This dream Grillby... he had at first seemed to be warning you, but from what...

You glanced at your phone, it had a small blinking light now. You checked it. It was a message.

...The entire dream sent shivers down your spine. You just didn't know what to make of it. Maybe there was nothing to make out of it at all, and you should just focus on reality rather than dreams...

You saw it was [Grillby], complete with the little fire emoji.

'Forgive me, if this woke you, but, I just wanted to wish you a goodnight, [Y/n]. I didn't get the chance earlier, as Vunde and Ezra ushered you out before I could. I hope you have begun to feel better, and, I want you to know that my door is always open if you need to have a talk, a cup of tea, or even a drink. -G'

You smiled as you reread the text. This was exactly what you were talking about. Grillby was just such a gentleman, and no weird dream would ever convince you that he was a bad guy. You just stared at his text for another moment before slowly going back to sleep.


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