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My head banged once more against the hard table. I couldn't think straight. All that could come to mind was him. Cause of course he was. I needed some kind of plan to get into Craig's little Clique. Stan thought I should just walk over and plant myslef down. Than just see what happens. Eric made some elaborate plan, some how, involving killing Kyle. I didn't like either. Especially Cartman's. No way in Hell am I going to kill Kyle (or have him be killed) let alone Stan for that matter. 

I yelped when I was jabbed in the side. Turing I saw Kyle. He looked at me sternly. "You're going to hurt yourself if you keep doing that." Yeah that's the point. I groaned sitting up. "I'm trying to think of a way to get into Craig's group." He just shook his head "You don't really need a plan it won't be that difficult." Stan but in "Well I think my plan would work." Eric scoffed "I still think my plan is better." I glared at him until he back down looking back to Kyle. "If you really need something to say just ask to hangout with them. If they want a reason you aren't with us just use Cartman." I scanned over the Cafeteria seeing all the usual faces. All the normal groups crowding the small space. Craig's group took up a table to themselves. On one side was Clyde and Tweek, across from then was Craig and Token. The talked to each other.  I couldn't help thinking they look kinda like the outcast. Though being a group of the Jew, a fatass, an alcoholic and a poor fag. I guess we aren't much better. I could Hear Eric Loudly asserting behind me that he wasn't all that bad. Standing up I strode to Craig and his little group. Thinking and rethinking what I was going to say. I got to the table and cleared my throat to get their attention. All but Tweek looked at me. "What do you want?" Craig's monotone voiced asked, snapping me from my thoughts. Oh well here goes nothing. I took a deep breath before speaking as fast as I could. "Can I hangout with you guys?" The four of them seemed startled. Tweek finally looked over to me. Clyde was the only one that looked confused. He raised his hand shyly. "Could you repeat that a little slower?" I blinked  dumbly. Oh right speak fucking correctly McCormick. I repeated myself. This time slower so that I could be understood. "Could I hangout with you guys?" They stared at me, glanced at each other but said nothing. Craig looked back at me taking lead with questioning me. "Why? You can always be with your own group." I inhaled sharply. "Well Cartman's pushed it too far and I can't stand Wendy and Bebe." My eyes darted back to where I had sat with my friends. Stan and kyle had left leaving Eric to himself. He stared off into nothing resting his head on his hand. "Right. . . " Craig dragged his voice back to his friends raising his eyebrows. They stared back. "This seems really fishy." Token said pointedly. Of course Token thought this was off. "I think Cartman put him up to it and is planning something." None of them said anything just looked at each other. Maybe they were talking telepathically. 

I convinced them by true force of my words. Just as Kyle had said they believed the thing about Eric and Token doesn't really think me being with them is right. I'm still not really sure what the plan is. I think I need something to get him off my mind, maybe somebody. Craig maybe? Not sure how Tweek would react to that. Not like he could stop Craig and I. Tweek, skinny, messy blonde hair inspired by Albert Einstein, shirts never buttoned right, a twitchy coffee adict, and most definitely not a fighter. Yeah Tweek. Him stopping Craig. Craig, taller, not muscular, but not really skinny, no shits given and black hair almost always covered by that blue chullo hat. A dead pan voice and more of a fighter than the hysterically anxious Tweek.  

My thoughts of the were stopped when I went from walking to laying on the cold snow laden ground. I could hear a laughing near by. I glared up at the pole I had run into before looking for the source of the familiar laugh. My head throbbed in protest to my movement. Butters stood a few feet away from me. Biting his lip to keep himself from laughing more. "Oh my Kenny that was some fall you took." He shuffled toward me holding out his hand. I took his hand letting me help me up. Well I mean he could work. He's closer and probably easier to get than Craig. "Yeah, it fuckin' hurts." I rubbed my forehead with a hand.  He looked concerned "Do you need an ice pack? My parents aren't home so I can help you." He moved my hoodie and hair to look a my head. "Oh geez Ken it looks like some kind of mark is already forming." He drew away a realizing how close to my face he was. His cheeks were red and didn't make eye contact. "If you really want to help me you can." Butters didn't say anything. He just reach down and grabbed my hand dragging me away from the pole that had hurt me. Damn pole came out of no where. 

We got near his house and he stopped walking and looked to me. Butters put a finger to his lips and examined the house before nodding curtly. "Alright seems they are still out. Let's go fix you up Kenny." His grip on my hand tightened slightly as he pulled me into the house. We got inside and set me down on the couch before moving to the kitchen. "You want any hot coco Kenny?" Butters walked back into the living room holding a bag of frozen peas. "Also yes Kenny I know it is a bag of peas." I snickered "No worries Buttercup." The nickname made his face flush as he placed the bag against my forehead. "For the other matter, yes indeed I would love some hot chocolate." Butters nodded without saying anything. I took the bag and held it up as he hurried away. "Why were you walking alone Kenny. Aren't you usually with Eric, Kyle and Stan?" Oh right, how to get around this. Calm down McCormick. Just be chill and don't over complicate it. "I just wanted to walk alone and think over some things." He walked back in with two cups that flowed with steam as he walked over and put them on the coffee table. He quietly sat down beside me and cocked his head questioningly. "Are you feeling alright?" I smiled "Yeah no thanks to you Buttercup." I winked at him placing the bag of small frozen balls onto the table. His face got even more red, if that is possible. Squirming he muttered "Oh no really I just. ." His sentence trailed off and I scooted toward him. He calmed down slightly and reached over and looked at my forehead. "It's looking much better." Butters, Leo stopped and just looked at me. "Could I talk to you? About like things?" I blinked "Yeah sure Butters. You can talk to me."

He had dragged me up to his room and just talked. It just kept coming. Anything that bothered him. Anything he could get off his chest. At some point he just laid his head on my chest and stared at the ceiling. Poking his fingers together. "Hey, Kenny. I'm real sorry about that." I just nodded. "It's alright." I sat up and looked done at his face. His eyes were glassy, and his blonde hair stuck out in all directions. A red blushed covered his face. I let myself smile down at him. Leaning down and touching his nose to mine. "I said you could talk to me didn't I?" He let out a small giggle. "Right." A knot formed in my stomach. Go for it McCormick. Not like you have anything to lose. I braced myself taking a breath. Butters looked on the edge of a question when I cut him off. I kissed him. I turned my head and kissed his lips. They were soft and warm. I could feel his muscles tense than quickly relax. He held both sides of my face and kissed back moving his lips with mine. I pulled away and looked at him. He pouted. Than blushed a dark red. "oh I'm sorry." I smirked helping him sit up before pulling him into my lap. "No need to apologize. I'm the one who started it." I grinned, Butters looked embarrassed.  This time I didn't hesitate holding his waist I kissed him again. He wrapped his arms around my neck and turned his head deepening the kiss. 

It was what I needed. A distraction. Sex with an innocent person. Listening to him and touching him. He was still in my head though. Not sure if I will ever be able to distract myself to forget him for  long. 

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