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"A charger?" Token questioned holding up his hand. I nodded my head sipping the hot liquid from the cup. The black kid rummaged in his pocket and holding a white cord up to me. "Thank you." I sang taking the cord and walking back to the kitchen to charge my abused phone. I pulled myself onto the counter beside my phone sipping the bitter liquid. Tweek walked in holding a cup shakily in his hands. "C. . Could you hand me the coffee?" He placed his empty cup on the surface. I nodded taking the pot and handing it to him. The anxious mess took it and poured it almost expertly. Handing the pot back afterward. He leaned on the counter sipping the black bean water happily. Without saying anything he than shuffled out of the room leaving me alone. Wonderful more time to think. I didn't really feel up to soaking in my thoughts. 

I hopped off the counter walking aimlessly to the living room. Craig shook his head as Jimmy cheered himself. I guess he won the game. "No need to brag Jim." Clyde huffed rolling his eyes. "o. . oh well you're just jealous I won. I need to get home tough. B.. . bye f. . fe. . fellas." the crippled boy grabbed his stilts and limped out of the house.  I sat down where had been. "Got any plans for today?"  Token asked helping pick up the game. The supposed leader of this misfit group shrugged. "Fuck, it's too cold to be outside so maybe just stay inside and watch movies." 

So that's what we did. After the first movie I went to check on my phone. I unlocked it and read the messages and other notifications I had. There wasn't much. The ones that caught my eye were from Kyle and Karen. The short redhead had texted me a few times.  Karen messaged me in the case Craig didn't pass on the message that she was safe. I unplugged my phone and threw the charger back to Token. Sitting back on the couch and reading the messages. Token and Clyde left after a few more movies. Leaving Tweek, Craig and I sitting alone in the living room. Than Tweek left giving some kind of excuse. It was . now just Craig and I at his house. I had my knees to my chest staring blankly as another movie finished. It was later in the evening. The ebony hair boy took another cigarette from behind the couch. 

I kicked at the powdery white snow. It flew ahead of me in a puff of white particles. I let out a breath it could be seen in the cold air. It was Tuesday I'd have to go to school tomorrow on Wednesday. I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I pushed through the door to the pharmacy. Trailing to the pain killers. Sliding my finger to find the one I needed. I took a bottle from the shelf. Buying it at the cash register. Walking out and reading the back of the bottle as I walked to Tweak bros coffee shop. 

I took the coffee I had bought and walked home. Opening the creaking door. Slamming it to make sure it closed all the way. Placing the coffee and drugs on the coffee table, or what ever the shitty piece of wood with legs could be called. Before I sat down I walked checking the house for anybody. Nobody was home. I made it back to the living room sitting down on the couch. I pulled off my gloves and parka. Taking off the bandages and placing them in a pile. 

I let my thoughts wonder. I thought about Kyle. How of all the people, of all the times I died he remembered. Than he helped my after I had tried to do it myself. I leaned back against the couch. Thinking about his eyes that contrast his hair. Wait, what was I doing?

I looked down at where I had placed my pain killers and now cold coffee. I had removed all of the bandages covering the new  wounds from my night at Stark's pond. Oh right I was getting rid of the pain. I made sure the bandages were all together before getting up and throwing them away. I came back to my pain killers and coffee. swiping the bottle from the table and placing the correct amount into my hand. Popping the pills in my mouth and making sure it got down with the lukewarm bean water. The tablets went down easy. Though with the caffeine intake I probably won't have an easy time sleeping. I sighed running a hand over my marked arms. Pulling on my parka I left the 'house' walking aimlessly around town. 

My phone buzzed noisily in my pocket. Vibrating against my leg. I stretched "Damn this log is uncomfortable." mumbling I looked at my phone. The pain killers had finally started working a while ago. I just hadn't felt like walking home. So instead I sat at Stark's pond for a few hours. Kyle had just messaged me 'Hey do you have those clothes I lent you?' I blinked "Oh fuck me." I stood up and ran to Craig's banging hard on the front door. It was early Wednesday. The black haired boy answered the door glaring at me. "WHAT the FUCK are you doing taking down my door at three in the FUCKING morning!" He yelled. I shrank back slightly "So sorry Craig. I forgot the clothes Kyle lent me." His steely eyes looked like they hardened. "You FUCKING faggot. Get what you need before you die. I swear to FUCKING God if you do this again you Will. I repeat WILL DIE!" I walked inside and looked in the corner where I had put the clothes and froze. It wasn't there. I looked around for Craig, but he had gone back up to his room. I gulped scrambling around the room and finding the clothes finally. I let a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. 

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