Farther away

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I jolted wake in an all to familiar place. A dark cold almost empty space. Smooth metal like floor below me. A white light giving the room a gradient that moved toward his silhouette. This time he wasn't alone. A shorter shape stood in front of him. Closer to me.  They spoke first and I could recognize that voice. "Oh Hey there Feller you must be mighty confused." I scrambled to my feet and stared nodding slowly. "Of course you are." Butters, shook his head. He spoke now from behind the shorter boy. "You've done it this time haven't you? At this rate you aren't going to reach your goal." I felt myslef shaking "I . . . What goal? What are you talking about?" He seemed to shake his head. "I'm sorry that is information you need to find yourself." I screamed falling away from them the hard metal floor gone form beneath me. It continued to get darker as there shadows got harder to see. Until it was all completely black. 

I sat up quickly frantically looking around the room I was in. It was Butters' room. The smaller boy was curled against my chest. I could feel the smoothness of skin. His breath was slow and quiet. He hadn't woken up yet. Stray beams of light shone off the wooden floor boards streaming in from the widow by the bed. It was barely past dawn. The light gave the room an orange glow. I looked back to the sleeping form beside me. Touching my hand to his cheek. Than brushing his blonde hair from his eyes. He stirred slightly humming quietly before snugging closer to me. The loud echoing of a door slamming open and closed sounded through out the empty house. Fuck me man his parents must be home. I nudged Butter's whisper yelling "Hey, wake up I think your parents are home." He groaned rubbing his eye as he sat up "What?" His eye dragged around widening when I repeated myslef. "I think your parents are home. I need to hide or leave. . " I was cut off when I heard butters' father yell. "Butters are you in your room! Because you have a lot to explain mister!" He became frantic flailing about. I grabbed his shoulders "I need you to tell me where to go!" His blonde hair whipped around as he shook his head. My blood ran cold as he spoke and the door to the room banged open. "It's too late I'm sorry Ken."

My head throbbed as I trudged home. One of my eyes were swollen and I could feel the blood from my nose drying. I had stood up for Butters getting hurt by his dad in the process. At least I had gotten in a few good punches before being pushed out the window. The window?! yeah it hurt. . kinda not that bad. At least I was alive. Though something in my head argued if I had died at least I wouldn't be in pain. I'm not sure I could die again right now. I needed time to think. Maybe to talk to someone. I felt bad though. I hadn't tried to get back in I just walked away. Leaving Butters with his dad. His asshole of a dad. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I was honestly shocked it still worked, or that I still had it at all. I took it out of my pocket. My hands shook from the adrenaline of the fight. I had unread texts and missed phone calls. All I let slide but the texts from my sister Karen. I didn't bother reading them. I knew it was bad. Instead I used the any had I left to sprint the rest of the way too her. 

I swung open the door to the house I called home. Looking around carefully for Karen. "Hey! Karen you hear sweetie?" I spotted her in a corner tear stains on her cheeks holding a doll close to her chest. "Kenny?" She looked up at me her voice cracking slightly. I bit my lip. Why wasn't I here for her? "Yeah it's me Karen." I walked up to her pulling her from the corner and bringing her to close to me. Humming quietly as she shook. "What happened dear?" The smaller girl shook her head. "Mom won't wake up and Dad is no where to be seen. . I . . I" She choked on her words fresh tears coming down her face. I rubbed her back singing softly. Damn why wasn't I here? What is wrong with mother now? Fucking great. "I'm sorry Karen. I'm here now." I continued to sing until she calmed down more. "Can I ask you where mom is Darling?" She nodded silently. Walking our parents room and pointing towards it. "Damn I feel horrible for crying now." she mumbled taking out her phone and scrolling through something before turning to me wiping her face and eyes. "I'm going to go hang with some friends. Thank you Ken." The small brunette hugged me leaving the house without another word. "hm Great job Kenny." I cursed myself walking into the room of my parents. "You did it this time. Fucked a guy and left your sister with your druggie mom. Good job jackass." I looked around and found my Mother laying face down on the mattress in the room. Splayed in an awkward position. Looks to me like she was trying out different ways to get high again. "Fucking great you can stay like this I have no desire to help you." I left the room and went to mine. Reading over the other messages I had got. Not much interesting. A lot from Craig and Token from some reason. Looks like they had been trying to make plans. Huh, might as well see if they still want to hang. I could use something to do. Maybe after I clean my face and get real cloths on first though. 

I walked into the small coffee shop a small bell signalling my arrival. Craig and his friends sat together drinking coffee and talking to each other. Craig leaned back and dragged on a cigarette sighing as he saw me. "Took long enough asshole." Token rolled his eyes. "Back down Craig looks like he's really roughed up." The only African american in the group stood up and looked at my wounds. I had washed of the blood but my eye was still swollen and I might've had some other cuts and bruises. "Oh stop Babying him Token he is fine. It's not like he can't handle himself." Craig huffed blowing smoke from his nose. "Well they all look new and it his eye looks the worst." He poked and one of the bruises and used his finger to follow one of the cuts. I huffed out my chest before letting it fall. My back still hurt from the fall out of the window. Fuck man, I brushed Token's hands away I could feel my face becoming warm from the attention. "He's right man I'm fine. Just got into a fight this morning no big deal."  Clyde and Tweek had been weirdly quiet. "No big deal? Who did you fight?" Clyde looked at me eagerly as Token sat back down leaving room for me on the bench. I shrugged "Someones dad, it was nothing really I was just standing up for someone." I avoided meting any of their gazes. "Just someones dad?" Clyde leaned forward grinning from ear to ear resting his head on his hands. "I bet it was Stan's dad." Craig chimed "You're pretty gay for him." My face got hotter. I knew I was blushing. I pulled the strings of my hood covering my face. "No asshat it was Butters dad. Happy now?" I peeked from my hood and saw they all stared a gap at me. "Butters?" Clyde mused looking at his coffee than to me. "Really?" I nodded slowly. "So why were you with Butters?" Craig asked taking another drag of his cigarette. I thought about what to tell them. Pursing my lips. "I ran into a pole in my way home. He saw and help make sure I was okay." Pause, than why had I fought his dad? "His dad didn't like me there blamed Butters and I stood up for him." I shrugged "Seems simple to me." Token just shook his head. "Wow fucking brilliant dude." Clyde laughed. Tweek looked away sipping his coffee his eye twitching. 

We left the coffee shop. Not really doing anything. Walking around before deciding to go bowling. It was interesting to say the least. I was distracted. I was doing something, but I still thought about him. Even as I laughed, rolled a ball toward pins. Eating gross pizza. Staring at people asses. Grinning as I was slapped upside the head for doing so. Damn him, his great fluff hair and pretty eyes. I cursed as the ball I rolled into the gutter. Clyde patted my back reassuring me. "Close one Ken." I huffed why was he still in my head? I tired. "Heh, Whatever still better than you jock." Clyde shoved me I slid turning and landing in my seat winking at Craig. He rolled his eyes. It was hard to see in the dark but he was blushing as he grabbed his ball and stood for his turn. How come it didn't get him from my mind. It was like some duct taped him there. Than for extra measure used super glue to make sure he didn't fall. I looked up the dim lights and sighed. I wanted to have him here. I wish I could talk to him. Hug him, touch his hair. His hair always looks really nice even if he doesn't try. 

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