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The dark haired boy looked exhausted. He leaned on the table during lunch. I watched him from my place at Craig's group. Kyle was trying to cheer him up. Eric kept making comments about how gay they were acting. The redhead was getting to his wits end with Cartman. He looked on the verge of bursting. I don't think the conversation from earlier in class hadn't helped with how Stan was feeling. Honestly from what I could tell he was probably going to fall back into the goths.

Stan had stopped the argument. Not for long though.  "Hey Stan I heard a rumor going around that you fucked Kenny?" He didn't respond. I sat ridged in my chair. Staring blankly at the movie that droned on about how sedimentary rocks are formed. Kyle huffed crossing his arms "Oh where did you hear that jackass?" Cartman chuckled "It's just been going around. Same with the whole Tweek is going out with the red haired goth." "Pete, the red haired goth is Pete." Stan chimed in still not looking toward Eric and Kyle. "Oh so you know him? Have you fucked him too?" 

Craig waved a hand in front of my face "Let's go dude we are ditching." I blinked wiping my eyes "Ditching?" He rolled his blue eyes "Yeah let's go little fucker." I stood from the table back over to Stan, Kyle and Eric. They continued to bicker than Kyle said something and Eric got up and left. Stan leaned on Kyle saying something quietly to him. I followed Craig, Token, Clyde, and Tweek out of the cafeteria. 

"No I didn't 'fuck' Pete I also didn't fuck Kenny. If you know it or not I am straight, asshole!"  Stan growled. The sub looked up from her computer and put a finger to her lips. Eric smirked keeping his voice low "Now now Stan no need to get defensive." the black haired boy huffed. "Not like you aren't gay yourself Cartman." Eric gasped spinning and looking at Stan. Kyle shook his head. 

"Stop fucking spacing out dude!" A hand smacked me up side the head. 
"Ay what the fuck was that for?!" I held my head rubbing where I was hit. Craig glared at me "You keep spacing out!" We were sitting in Tweak bros coffee shop. Tweek had left with Pete. Token had gotten some kind of phone call and left in a hurry. Now it was Craig, Clyde and I sitting at one of the bench seats. Clyde had his chin resting on the table. His arms laid lazily on either side of him. "I could really go for some tacos right now." Clyde sighed wistfully looking at nothing. "Well than go buy some." the black haired boy deadpanned. Clyde groaned in response laying his face down on the table. "But that means I have to leave you guys alone and Tweek told. . . " He stopped speaking abruptly shooting back into a sitting position and covering his mouth. He slowly stood up and walked away. holding his hands over his mouth and leaving quickly. Craig held up his hand mouth a gap like he was about to say something. A growl came from him. "Oh so he's worried about me and you but him going out with that goth is okay?" He clenched his fists hitting them on the table. I came closer to him putting my hand on his shoulder. He sighed but didn't brush me off. The black haired boy laid his head on the table groaning. "I'm getting so sick of him. Honestly I'm glad he's with that edgy fuckin' goth." I could hardly hear what he had said. My hand rubbed his back in circles. "I'm sorry Craig." He scoffed "Whatever I hope he is fucking happy with that prick." He proceeded to shrug me off taking out a pack motioning for me to follow. I did so. We walked outside and sat on the bench outside the shop. 

I missed him. I had been around him more. It was nice while it lasted. I am unsure how I can get closer to him again. Not sure if I could get closer to him. He will find out about Stan and Butters sooner or later. Hopefully later. Maybe he will never find out. That just isn't likely tough. Not much gets past him. By the way information has been going around he might already know, or he will know soon. How then did Eric know about Stan and I? Does he know or was he trying to get a reaction from us. It was likely he just wanted to see how he could push us. He had said that he heard I fucked Stan. God what a fucking mess. Why couldn't I just keep it in my pants? 

I felt a burning feeling in my hand. I yelped flicking my hand to get the feeling away. "FUCK!" I stood up spinning around shaking my hand. Craig laughed next to me. "Fucking a that hurt!" I shoved my burning fingers into a pile of snow. Sighing as it cooled the injuring. Craig laugh shaking his head "You fucking idiot." He blew out a puff of smoke flicking his cigarette butt. The black haired boy stood up and looked at me. "I told you that you should've stopped spacing out." I huffed "Whatever." I took my hand out of the snow looking at the wound. It was red and raw looked close to blistering. He walked over to me and took my hand examining the burn. "Looks like it got you good." His blue eyes continued to look it over before he nodded his head. "Let's go put some aloe on this and make sure it's alright." 

Craig walked into the house flipping off his sister who sat on the couch. He motioned me to continue following. It's not like I needed to be anywhere. The taller boy walked upstairs and to the bathroom. I followed sitting down on the counter. Craig pulled out a first aid kit taking my hand in his. "You are so fucking stupid McCormick." I chuckled "I know." He took out a gel and put the cooling agent on the burn. I winced "Oh don't be a baby." The blue eyed boy bandaged it and backed away. I blinked thinking well this isn't the first time someone brought me home to fix a wound. "What is that look McCormick?" I shook my head "This is the second time someone took me home to help with a injury." He snorted "Well don't get any smart ideas fuckboy." His blue eyes roamed me. It was getting darker. We were in a cramped space and we were close together. I smiled at him. "Oh why not?" I purred touching his chest with my hand. His body tensed  under my touch. Craig's face was red "Don't push your luck McCormick." I stepped closer to him. The stoic boy's back was to the wall. His voice never faltered though "Kenny". He warned his eyes never meeting mine. I brought my face closer to his. "Yes Tucker?" He hissed "I told you not to push it." I took in what he smelled like sighing. "Oh I'm not pushing anything." I swirled my finger on his chest before looking back to his eyes. "Why not just a little fun huh?" I kept my face inches from his. I could feel his breath on my face. "Like what McCormick?" I smirked closing the space and pressing my lips to his. Before it could go anything further I pulled away. I looked at Craig for a response. He looked frozen "oh you little fucker." Before I could retort he kissed me. Wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer. I kissed him back holding my hands on his hips. 

He pushed me against his bed room wall pulling away. A trail of saliva connecting our tongues. I took a breath tugging at his shirt. "I told you not to get any smart ideas fuckboy." I smirked kissing and nipping along his jawline. I got to his neck a bit down hard. "Kenny?!" he yelped I smiled. Craig grabbed my hands and out them on the wall above my head. His breath was shaky face close to mine. "Fucking damn it." I raised an eyebrow "What's the matter Tucker? A little hot and bothered." I kissed him gently he kissed back pushing his body to mine. The black haired boy pulled away shaking his head. "Fuck you." I got my hands from his grasp and flipped the tables. Holding him to the wall. My hands rubbed under his shirt pulling it off. "I could fix that problem for you?" I went back to biting and sucking at his neck. Until I found the sweet spot. Being rewarded with a moan from Craig. "Fucking . . gr Damn it fine." He finally relented. I hummed "Are you giving me your consent Tucker?" He grit his teeth "Yes!" I purred biting his shoulder. "Good.~" 

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