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I groaned my heading throbbing unhappily as I did so. The setting was all to familiar. Black to white it was dark and quite. It stared with one dark shape. Now it's three. I could see Butters and him. Just couldn't put my finger on the other. He spoke shaking his head "Good job, two in a row. You're just getting farther and farther." I stared at him blankly. Farther?  "Getting farther from what? My goal, What is my goal?" I stepped forward my brows furrowing. The new silhouette spoke now "You don't know what your own goal is? Have you just forgotten or are you. ." His words trailed of something clicking in his mind. "You're trying to forget. . . Actively avoiding him and your feelings." He pointed to Him as he talked about it. Going back to just standing there. "Heh maybe he'll figure it out" He shook his head. With a wave of his hand the metal like floor beneath me was gone. I fell yelling as the three shadows got smaller. 

Startled I woke up and rolled falling off the bed I was on. Laying face first on a hard wooden floor. I was shaking from a breeze that wafted over me from the open window. I groaned my bare body aching as I laid there. Someone laughed from the bed I had fallen off. I turned my head to look at the source. Stan snickered covering his mouth to stop himself from laughing more. "You okay there Ken?" I snorted sitting up and rubbing my head. Sweet lord my head hurt. "Fuck you Stan. Your beds too high off the floor." His face was red and he just shook his head. "Maybe the Mattress you call a bed is too low to the ground." I scoffed standing and grabbing what clothes I could see to cover myslef. "Do you remember anything from last night Stan?" He just cocked his head and blinked his eyes. "Not really, I'm pretty confused why I woke up to you in my bed and the both of us without clothes." He stopped and looked around the Window to his bedroom was open and empty bottles of different alcohols littered the floor. Anything from Wine to Vodka. Pretty much anything he could get his hands on. Stan rubbed his head moaning in pain. "Hang over?" I questioned he nodded slowly his face twisting as he rushed to vomit out the window. I sighed and rubbed his back as he hurled the contents of his stomach. When he was done he wiped his mouth and held his head up with his hand leaning on the windowsill. The raven haired boy mumbled something about hating hangovers and his dad. He maybe even had something in there about Wendy and Kyle. "You can't remember anything?" He shook his head in response. Coughing up something and letting himself hang from the window. "I can remember bits and pieces but nothing substantial." He hummed Standing up and sitting against the wall under his window. I sat next to him staring at the room littered with bottles and random articles of clothing. I looked over to Stan seeing the marks I had made on his neck and shoulders. By the look of it I had bit him as well as giving him a few hickeys. I looked away when I remembered staring's bad M'kay. Damn McCormick you've done it this time. My face felt like it was on fire. I  covered my face with my hands. I could remember everything. What he said, and what I did. Fuck me I just couldn't stop myself could I. "You okay?" Stan shook my shoulder. I looked at him again "Yeah, so you want me to fill you in?" He nodded I sighed.

I explained everything. He'd didn't interrupt just gave me his attention. Didn't question anything either just listened until I was done. 

Stan nodded slowly "So waking up without clothes with a huge headache makes sense now." I didn't make eye contact just nodded and poked my fingers together. He chuckled shaking his head "Damn, never thought I'd fuck you Kenny." I looked at him "Oh really?" I raised an eyebrow. Stan just laughed wincing when his hangover caught back up with him. "Yeah, I thought I was pretty straight." He winced in pain again. "Well spaghetti is straight too until it gets hot and wet." I winked with a smirk. He flushed batting my face with a hand. "I need to get water and pain killers. You" He pointed at my face poking my nose "Need to help me cause I'm kind of blaming you for now until I find out more information." 

I left Stan's and walked home reading the messages I had gotten. Karen, Token, Craig and Kyle, Why had Kyle messaged me? Did he know about Stan and I? Fuck great questions that I'd have to ask when I could. Was my mom alive? Pft Probably not. Karen messaged me that she still hadn't gotten up. my little sister also had said she was still with her friends. Good she needs to be somewhere safe. I'd check on her later. First to deal with my mom and Kyle. 

Arriving to my 'house' I saw a group of people in front of the door. The fuck who? oh wait it was Craig's group. I walked up shaking my head. "What are you ass wipes doing at my house?" They looked at me than to the house and back again. "We thought you'd be home by now." Clyde pointed a finger to the broken down wooden house. "Right, no I was still with Stan after he asked help from me last night." I walked inside looking around the dilapidated living room. Ignoring the probing questions and getting into my parents room. Pulling out my phone and going to my Mom checking her pulse before I called 9-11. 

They arrived quickly asking questions and taking her away. Craig and his group stared at me. I looked at them "What?" I looked from each of their faces. Craig shook his head taking a cigarette from his pocket lighting it and taking a drag. Toke sighed "You just seemed really chill even though she might be dead." Tweek shakily nodded "I. . I know I would be panicking if it was my mom." I snorted "Well your parents aren't fucking drugged idiots. I've dealt with this for years. The only thing I'm really worried about now is Karen. She's with her friends right now though." I shrugged shoving my hands in my pockets. I sighed "Now if you don't mind I need to go deal with Kyle." 

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