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None of this felt right. Kyle isn't like this. At least not from what I know him. Unless someone put him up to it. Than who put him up it? Maybe it was Bebe and Wendy. It would make sense. It just sounded unusual. It didn't sound right. I felt bad for Stan. As well as Butters. I fucked both of them. Literally and metaphorically. 

I knocked on the door to where he lived. Staring as his fat redheaded mother opened the door. She gave a polite smile. "Oh hello! Looking for Kyle?" I nodded without saying anything. "He's right upstairs in his room." She motioned for me to come inside.  I marched to Kyle's bedroom knocking roughly on the door. Pausing as my phone rang. The door opened as I answered the unknown number. "Hello?" There was a moment of silent on the other line before the caller spoke. "I'm not sure you want to go any farther with this McCormick." Without a warning the call went dead and I stood dumb founded as the phone let out a long note before I turned it off. The smaller boy stood in front of me raising an eyebrow. "What was that? and do you need something Kenny?" I shook my head "I don't know who it was. It sounded like a girl." I sighed "Yes, I came here to talk to you." Kyle stared at me "What do you want to talk about Ken?" He moved back into the room leading me in. "Stan. . . Stan was talking to me last night and said you wouldn't explain why you were mad." The small ginger's face changed when he heard Stan's name. He glared at me his green eyes seeming to spark. Kyle hissed before speaking. "I was ditched than broken up with by Bebe. She said to ask Stan. So I did but he said he didn't know and it pissed me off." His fist clenched before releasing with a sigh of defeat. Kyle looked away his eyes becoming glassy. "I feel horrible about what I said, but . . it just. . " He trailed of wiping his face. "Fuck whatever. I have a question for you now!" He jabbed a finger toward me. "Why were you with Stan last night?" We were standing in his room. Kyle stood on his tippy toes to get close to my face. His finger pushed against my chest. I blinked feeling my self reel. My ass hurt as I landed on the floor. "I. . Well he messaged me and being a friend I went to see what he needed." Kyle glared down at me. His forest green eyes burned into me. "You could help him but not me? Now you're here to ask me for him." He inhaled deeply than flopped down on the floor in front of me. Blinking away more tears he shook his head. I looked down feeling slightly ashamed. "I didn't know you needed me. I got. . . eh distracted while with Stan." I looked as I twilled with my hands. "Too much has been going on very quickly."  Kyle snorted "Giving me excuses now Ken?" I sighed shaking my head "I don't know. Do you think I am?" I leaned back on my hands and looked up to the ceiling. Kyle didn't say anything. I don't know if he moved allI could see was the white of the ceiling. As I slowly piecing the information I knew together. So Wendy and Bebe both broke up with them. . . They were most likely in some communication with each other. That would make sense. Just why did they do it at the same time and just why? "Are you listening Kenny?" Kyle's hand waved through my field of vision. I looked over to him. He sat on his knees in front of me. I hummed cocking an eyebrow. "Course not. Any way I asked Did Cartman tell you the plan with Craig's group?" I blinked I can't think of him talking to me since he told me to try and get in. "No, he hasn't talked to me since he told me to join the clique." Kyle sighed shaking his head. "Could you leave?" I nodded standing and dusting myself off. "Yeah, sorry Kyle. Talk to you later." He didn't respond just closed the door behind me as I left. 

Great that got me no where. I mean pretty much no where. Damn it my face was warm again. I held my hands to my cheeks feeling the warmth from them. Fuck good job fuck boy. You just made whatever this situation is worse. Kyle is not happy with you smart ass. Now what do I do. I can't him feel better and he's not happy with how I helped Stan and not him. God I feel horrible. Not just because I fell out of a window after fighting a grown adult. Why does he make me feel like this? How dare his eyes draw me in. How dare. . . why? 

I looked up to where I had walked and knocked on the door. Red answered it "Are you looking for Karen?" I nodded she sighed "She left earlier saying something about going to the pond." My eyes widened oh damn. What could she be doing there? "Thanks Red." I turned and rushed toward Stark's pond. I reached the small body of water and searched for the brunette. I couldn't see her. It was getting dark out. My vision swam as I breathed shakily. Bending over I gasped for breath. "Karen? Are you here?" I yelled looking around the darking pond and clearing. All that came in response was crickets and the howling wind. A twig snapped and I spun around reaching for a knife in my pocket. "Calm down no need to get riled up." A voice in my head purred. "You're alone take a breath and just think." I shook my head looking around again for my sister. The sun now dipped out of sight below the trees. Casting long stark shadows over the dirt and patchy grass. "Karen?" I questioned spotting the shape of someone sitting on a log opposite my side of the pond. They looked up at me but didn't say anything, or make any move to come to me. I ran around the body of water seeing the person closer up. I could recognize Craig. He glared at me puffing out smoke "The hell are you doing here?" I blinked. "I was looking for my little sister." I sighed sitting next to the black haired boy on the cut tree. He didn't say anything just handed me the cigarette to me. I took and took a drag from it. Watching the smoke rise into the cold air. "Worried about her McCormick?" 

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