What did I say?

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I left the Broflovski's after feeling too uncomfortable. He seemed to want me to leave so that is what I did. Ike caught me on my way out. The short Canadian shot me a glare as I passed him. As I walked I could hear him call me an idiot. My mind fumbled with it's feelings trying to put them into categories. It screamed for me to turn tail and square up. Instead I stumbled outside into the frigid morning. Numbly I had let my legs and mind lead me to where I was going.

A week has passed since then. I could feel Kyle trying to avoid me. Similar to how I had tried once I recognized my feelings towards the short redhead. He did it better than I did though. After leaving his house last week I walked alone to Craig's. His father answered the door and let me it. If it had been Craig I probably wouldn't have been let in. He would've know I didn't tell him. Like I had thought he lectured me until I started crying. As soon as that happened Craig stopped.

Now here I am, laying on my back on Token's couch. Listening quietly to the sounds of people rushing around. Everybody in the large house were setting up for a party. Token was known for his parties. He usually got the whole school to come. Other than maybe the goths, and maybe not the Vamps either. Though now and then you could catch them roaming about. A face appeared in my field of vision scowling down at me. I blinked back. "Are you going to help or just lay around?" Token squinted his eyes at me. I raised my hands above my head. "Tell me what to do and I will help." He pulled back rubbing the beard he didn't have. I sat up bending my back until it cracked. "You can help Tweek and Craig out in the kitchen, or help me here moving furniture." Nodding I stood stretching more. "Guess I will be more help out here than in the kitchen. I'd probably burn down the whole house." Token snorted motioning to help him with the couch I had just been on. "You can't be that bad." His optimism made me chuckle. "Sure, not like the only things I've cooked has been from an toaster or microwave. Even then I manage to set something on fire." With a shove the couch slid hitting the wall behind it. The African American laughed moving to the next piece of expensive furniture. Lucky for us his parents were out of town. Otherwise we would be in such shit for messing with this stuff.

Everything after that was a blur. Tweek anxiously left as soon as people started to arrive. My mind filled with a weird fog. I couldn't think. I started to drink, drink oh yeah and Drink. At some point I was leaning on a wall eyes unfocused. Lights flashed with heavy music that played through speakers placed expertly through the large area. I could hardly hear my own voice. Smoke blew from my mouth as I dragged from a blunt. Someone next to me swiped the rolled paper and dried plant. My mind couldn't process it as a familiar blue eye drunk sauntered over to me.  He held a bottle of liquor loosely in one hand. I could feel my face burn my eyes some how managed to focus on Stan as he spoke. "Yooou, I heard Kyle's here somewhere." His words were slurred and almost difficult to understand. Something clicked and I sat up from the wall. Suddenly falling forward before being caught and helped stand by Stan. 

Now that is where my memory of last night ends. It all gets fuzzy and unfocused. Though from what I can tell I went to look for said short redhead. At that point the last thing I remember is waking up in one of Token's upstairs rooms.  

Of course here I am now laying on the hard wooden floor. My head throbbing angrily. I rolled over emptying the contents of my stomach. Once I finally had nothing left there groaned wiping off my mouth and sitting up to look around. First I had tried to reach for my phone before remembering I had lost it. Somebody opened the door cautiously. He looked around before spotting me on the floor. "Oh there you are." Craig walked in helping me stand up. I stood wobbling before choosing to just lean on the taller teen. I groaned again "What happened last night?" He blinked in response. Than he proceed to lead me out of the room and into the hall. "You can't remember?" I shook my head instantly regretting it. "Well I can say that I didn't see all of what happened. I was busy with other things." Craig trailed of cheeks dusted with red. I chuckled "Right. Do you know who might have seen anything?" We walked together down the stairs and into the kitchen. I sat down at the island on one of the stools. Craig hummed taking out a glass and some pain killers. "Maybe Pete, Stan, Token and hm Butters. Not too sure about Butters and Token though." He placed down the small tablets and glass of water. I stared at it than swiping it both up swallowing the pills and water. "Thank you. I have a lot of searching to do. Everything from last night is a blur."  Craig nodded sitting beside me. "I can drive you over to Tweak bros to Talk to Pete first if you want?" 

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