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The cold wind whipped at my face and hood.  I pushed my shoulders closer to my neck in an attempt to buffet against the cold.  Squinted my eyes through the snow and wind to see my phone screen. From Kyle- Why weren't you at school? Also were has Stan been? I haven't seen him since the thing with Wendy. I tapped to answer, but before I could and alert popped up and the screen went black. I yelled throwing my the useless block of metal and glass. It slid on the icy sidewalk. I swiftly walked by it making my way to Kyle's. 

'A mistake? What? Mistake? Are you trying to shift the blame?' 

NO, that's what it was. A mishap I drank too much and had no control. It was a MISTAKE! 

'We both know it was no mistake!'

I bent over gripping my head. What is that? I fell forward not paying attention to my balance. My face was now buried in the cold snow. Damn that hurt "Whoa, you okay Fella?" Butters? A pair of hands held me stand back up. Sure enough I now stood over the shorter blonde. He looked flustered, but in this weather it could just be the cold. His breath melted the snow still on my face. He smiled gently "Oh hello Ken! Long time no see." I chuckled "It's only been a few days." His smile grew "Of course, but it felt like longer."  his sky blue eyes drifted down to his hands. I wrapped my arms around him hugging him close. He was much warmer than I was currently. "You're freezing Kenny!" I nodded. He pulled back holding my hand and dragging me off. 

We got to his house and he walked in quickly. The smaller boy rushed in pulling me upstairs. Than proceeding to push me onto his bed. Butters shuffled away before quickly returning. He pulled a blanket over my shoulders. Leaving again this time for a little longer. He walked back in with a cup of something steaming. Than he carefully sat beside me cuddling in the blanket with me. He handed me the cup of hot liquid I took it carefully. Butters' arms held me close nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. I put down the cup holding him. "I'm sorry Butters." I mumbled into his hair. He didn't reply. 

I woke up alone at the bottom of Stark's pond. How'd I know it was Stark's? I'm not really sure myself. Before I could have a second thought I was flung in the air. Than quickly falling and landing gently on the roof of someones house. I just sat there for a while watching people walk on the street below. The sky was clear the sun shining without anything to block it. It all started to melt away. Just melt like ice in the summer. My surrounding went from looking solid to liquid rushing away. Leaving me staring at hell. I'd been here enough to know what it looks like. That didn't last long either though. As soon as I had recognized it was gone. Leaving me sitting on the familiar metal like surface. Staring at nothing before the white light shone again. This time though I was alone. At least from what I could see. "Heh didn't expect you to get this far Kenny." it chuckled appearing in front of me. "What?" it said nothing in response just left me again. Being replaced "NO, that's what it was. A mishap I drank too much and had no control. It was a MISTAKE!" I shrunk back as the shadow yelled the same thing I had heard in my head. "We both know it was no mistake!" It sounded like me but my mouth hadn't moved. "Heh good luck with that. I'm done here. Don't try talking to me again." The silhouette grew quiet spinning around before turning into dust and flying away on a breeze. "You just don't know when to stop do you?" I turned my direction to the new voice. It was deep and unemotional. Craig? "Right, now he won't talk to you because?"  He spoke again. It sounded like I was only hearing half of a conversation. A hand suddenly gripped my shoulder and a hoarse voice whispered in my ear "You need to stop while you are ahead. This will get you no where."

Butters pushed my shoulder gently. "We need to get to school Kenny." I groaned. He laughed "No come on time to get up." rolling I and looked up at him. The blonde stood beside the bed looking at me with a smile. "Everybody is a mighty worried about you." I huffed "Sure they are Buttercup. Whatever floats your boat." He scrunched his face. I sat up rubbing my eyes making sure I was dressed before standing up and stretching. Butters watched looking at me curiously. "Kenny?" I looked back down to him "Yes Buttercup?" His face was all sorts of red. He poked his fingers together mumbling "Could I kiss you?" I blinked "You want a kiss Butters?" I got closer to him snaking my arms around his waist. "Yeah." He squeaked his blush getting darker. I smiled using a hand to left his chin. "You don't need to ask Buttercup." I closed the space between us and pressed my lips to his. 

I leaned on my hand staring blankly at the movie playing on the pulled down screen. Cartman loudly making some kind of jab at Kyle. The redhead snapped back clearly agitated. Than to no surprise I was dragged in, also the substitute had put on some stupid documentary. "Why are you questioning me anyway Kyle! Kenny just came started coming back to school. I thought you guys were friends?" I froze staring at Eric than to Kyle. Kyle's green eyes met my gaze "I know why he wasn't here and it non of your business asshole!" The substitute teacher looked at us "Do you boys need to go the principal's?" Cartman quickly put on his sweet an innocent act "Oh no I'm sorry miss." He put a hand to his chin and fluttered his eyes. "Well than keep it down and watch the film." She turned back to the computer. Cartman sneered "Fucking bitch." Before turning back to glare at Kyle. The fatass opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Stan walking in and taking a seat next to me. 

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