Why did it take this long?

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Authors note- Sorry this took so long to come out. To make for that I made it a little longer than the other chapters. Also anything that is just italicized are text messages. Thanks for reading enjoy the chapter. :3


Stan drove Karen to her new job. I am still unaware of where she works since she refused to let me see. Telling me to stay home or get to school. Pft who is she to tell me what to do. Even though I felt truly rebellious at the moment. Instead of laying on the couch being an apathetic teenager. I walked half halfheartedly to the bus stop. Than, of course, I was late. As soon as the sign got into sight so did the bus. My heart surged as I realized it was getting farther away. Meaning I had just missed the bus, again. Leaving me to walk alone through the cold. How else would I start the last week of school before break. I would expect nothing less from what has been happening recently. From the weird dreams, that I can't forget, and feelings for my childhood friend. I can't really understand whats been going on. 

Well okay maybe I lied. I didn't go to school I walked around for a while. Before ending up Tweak bro's. Where I stayed until school ended. I'm not really sure why, maybe I was trying to avoid confronting him. Even though I haven't heard that he came back yet, or if he even was at school. Maybe he was there, but I will never know. No, that's not true. Stan might tell me. Even Cartman, maybe, if he can see it in himself to give a damn. Though now that I thought about it I haven't talked to Eric since I 'joined' Craig's lil clique. Not sure weather I should care or not. I tried to not think about it. Leaving  my thoughts to wander. I stopped when a thought sent a jolt of pain from my side. I blinked touching hesitantly to where my small pocket knife had stabbed. Wincing as I did so. I stood from the table where I had sat alone for a good seven hours. Walking, or more accurately stumbling, to find somewhere to examine my wound a little better. 

I made it to my house walking inside ignoring everything as I got the bathroom. My mouth was dry and cottony. I let my parka fall to the floor before stopping at staring at the dirty broken mirror. My blonde hair stuck out in odd angles, dark bags hung from under my eyes. Red was spread across my cheeks. A slowly fading bruise marked one of my eyes, the swelling had gone down a few days ago. Though for some reason it was taking a long time to fully heal. No wonder Token thought I looked so beat up. I must have looked worse than this. Of course most of the current damage was covered by the clothes I wore. My shirt was plain, no real design or pattern or anything like that. Just a light gray t-shirt stained with an assortment of things. From dirt, and coffee to blood and grass. The spot I was interested in had splotches of new, wet blood. It speckled my left side down near my hip. I paused looking at the blood. From what I could tell it wasn't bleeding too heavily. It most likely just reopened. I hesitantly took off the stained garment. Being careful to make sure it didn't rub the sore stab wound. Honestly it would probably be better to just go the hospital, but it wan't like I could afford that. My chest was in no better shape than my face. Scars from older wounds peppered here and there. Bruises from goodness knows what, and more that I can't really explain in simple terms. The wound from my pocket knife was, to put it simply, worse for wear. It had started to scab but I some how reopened it. Leaving smears of dry and partially wet blood on my side. A red rash like thing in circled the wound. I ran a finger over it grimacing. 

"This is gonna hurt like hell." I grumbled rummaging through the shit in the bathroom to find rubbing alcohol. Grabbing the near empty bottle I sat on the toilet looking around and spotting a towel I grabbed that as well. Well I was right it did hurt. As I attempted to clean the blood both dry and wet from the wound so I could bandage it. I let out a string of colorful words as I tried to clean the mess. I finally finish and stare at the red line. A small trickle of blood came from it. I held the know stained towel to it as I looked about of something to cover it with. I came up with nothing. Great, now I stopped and thought. I have a few options. Try and search for something, make some bandages out of clothing or just ask a 'friend'. Probably best to just make something out of clothes. I know how to sew, so that wasn't really an issue. I went to my room looking for clothes I don't wear. Finding them I went back to the bathroom. I located a needle and thread and went to work. I finished and made sure the cut stayed close together as I wrapped the make shift bandage around my waist. I knew it would last for at least a little while til I could get real bandage.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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