just a little more

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We stayed there for a while. Just Kyle leaning against me sobbing. Me trying to comfort him to no avail. Eventually he cried himself out falling asleep against my chest. I pet his hair sighing. I picked up the small red head shocked by how light he was. Gently I placed him down on his bed. Covering him with the blanket that was there. I sat next to him watching his chest rise and fall. Ike spoke from the door way "You going to tell him?" I looked back at him squinting "He clearing isn't in the head space for new information." I looked back to Kyle. He looked so much more peaceful when he was asleep. I heard Ike scoff "Sounds like an excuse to me." I glared back at him, but he had walked away leaving the door open and leaving me with Kyle. 

I walked downstairs sitting at the table in the kitchen. Ike walked around the kitchen cooking something. "So you're staying?" I shrugged "I have no real other place to be." The short Canadian turned around placing a plate on the table than handing one to me. He walked back to the stove top and served himself and than me. Than he paused looking into the pot "Don't eat the rest of this it's for Kyle once he gets up." He pointed the spoon at me threateningly. I raised my hands like he had a gun to me "Alright I get you." The younger boy squinted at me covering the pot of pasta with plastic wrap and putting it in the refrigerator. 

Why was he beating himself up about not being able to help me? It's not his fault. How can I help him feel better about it? Can I convince him that he doesn't have to feel like this? Why has he felt like this?

"You figure out what's up with my brother? Cause he won't talk to me." I looked at Ike "He won't talk to you? Well yeah I figured it out and it's a long story. I'm not sure I can tell you." The short boy sat across from me. He held his hands together staring me down. "You can't tell me? Why is that McCormick?" I slouched coughing "I don't think you'd believe me if I told you." He didn't let down "Try me." 

So I told him. Was it the best idea? Who knows. I explained how I died and usually people don't remember but than he does remember. Than that it was eating at him from not being able to help. 

Ike clicked his tongue "So he feels bad for not being able to help and blames himself?" I stared at him nodding my head slowly. "hm" Ike stood up holding his hands behind his back walking to leave before stopping next to me "If you're staying we have a couch or you can see about staying with Kyle. I'm leaving for a sleep over. No funny business. Got it?" I crossed my arms "Right see you later Ike." He gave a curt nod leaving the house. I stood washed what dishes were left and went back upstairs to Kyle's room.

I walked in and saw Kyle sitting and staring at nothing. His eyes were red and puffing from crying. He ran a hand through his thick curly red hair. Kyle looked up at me "Thanks for trying to help Kenny." his voice was hoarse as he spoke. "Of course Kyle." I walked over and sat beside him trying not to make him uncomfortable. It got quiet and we just sat there. I looked down at my hands. "Are you feeling any better Kyle?" he held his hands together "I guess so. I don't think I will ever stop thinking about it though." He rubbed his face. I pursed my lips. Maybe I should tell him now. "Kenny?" I hummed "Could you stay the night?" I smiled "Yeah, not like I really have anywhere else to be." 

I stared at the dark ceiling keeping the blanket Kyle had given me to my nose. Taking a deep breath. Exhaling quietly rubbing the fabric with my hands. 

Sweet love of Christ Kenny. You could of just told him. I feel bad for him though. Having the image of your friend dying and not being able to help? I can't imagine how that feels. 

"Are you still awake Kenny?" I looked to his bed blinking trying to adjust my eyes to the dark. I didn't say anything for a while. "Yeah" He didn't say anything. Maybe he fell asleep. "I can't sleep." I sat up and continued to look at the bed where Kyle now laid with his chin on the edge of the bed. He was silhouetted by the gentle light from the moon outside the bedroom window. I shuffled closer to his bed. "Do you want me to sleep on the bed with you Kyle?" He had rolled back onto the middle of his bed. "Could you please?" I reach up and crawled onto the bed next to the shorter redhead. He turned his head to me mumbling a thanks before scooting to me and laying his head on my chest. I grabbed the blanket on the bed covering Kyle and I. I wrapped my arms around him nuzzling his hair. 

"You're getting there. Now you just need to be honest."

I blinked my eyes against the harsh light that filtered through a near by window. My hand moved to cover my eyes from the burning light. "Finally awake?" I shook my head "No you aren't? That doesn't make much sense Ken." I groaned rolling over and looking around the room. My memories finally came back. Kyle stood in the door way. He looked exhausted and frail. He stood with a cup in hand looking at me with a raised eye brow. "From the way you sleep you could probably sleep through a bomb landing on south park." He chuckled walking into the room and sitting next to me on the bed setting the cup down on the night stand. From what I could smell I think it was coffee. Kyle slouched sighing. He rubbed the back of his neck "Thanks for last night Kenny. I. . . yeah." He sighed again "I don't know how to make it up to you." I blinked sitting up and looking at my hands. He doesn't need to thank me. "You don't need to make it up to me." I looked over to him "Really I am just glad to help you." he tilted his head at me. His face was dusted lightly with red. I smiled warmly at him he smiled back. Than motioned to what I could tell was coffee "I made that for you. Also Karen Messaged me asking where you were since you weren't answering your phone." I blinked. Oh right I lost my phone. "I had lost my phone the other day." I reached and took the coffee from the night stand. "She seems really worried about you. She also said that she is alright and is staying with some friends." I nodded sipping the warm liquid. 

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