Chapter 7 - Finding Out

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I sat on my bed scrolling through Instagram, laughing at the stupidness that popped up on my screen. I had been doing this for practically the whole day, I had gotten a few texts from Alissa here and there, but I didn't reply. 

She was only talking about how I needed to stay away from Brandon, who I couldn't get out of my mind. He had done something horrible and told me he didn't do it. I was scared to face the truth so everytime Syd or Lissa, tried to warn me I rolled my eyes or sent them the rolling eye emoji. 

They, of course, thought I was stupid, which I probably was, to be honest, how could I believe that he didn't rape Bethany, it was a stupid thought that should have never come to mind. But, sadly it had, and I hated myself for it. 

I got up out of my bed for the 2nd time today and head downstairs, it was currently 3 pm and I was home alone. The house was clean, considering that I had only been in my room, too lazy to even make a mess. I went to my kitchen and went inside my fridge taking out a vanilla yogurt cup, and grabbing a spoon from the top cupboard. 

Ding Dong. 

My doorbell rang. It scared me a little because my father wasn't expected home until around 12 am. Working the late shift, like always. I put my yogurt and spoon on the table and headed to the door. I looked through the peephole and saw a tall dark figure standing at the door. 

Was this a kidnapper? 

I took a step back from my door and headed back to the kitchen not bothering to open the door as I didn't know who stood outside. It looked as though they were wearing all black. They could just be some grown ass man who thinks that I am a 12-year-old girl who would open up the door and let them in.

Well, I'm smarter than that. 

At least, that's what I like to tell myself. 

Ding Dong. 

The door rang again, I ignored it as I took my yogurt cup and opened it up, picking up my spoon, I headed to the stairs. 

"Blake!" I heard the man shout, his voice sounded muffled through the thickness of the door and I stopped in my tracks, my spoon with yogurt on it still in my mouth. I turned around slowly and tilted my head,  

Who the fuck was at my door? 

I walked up to the door and looked through the peephole again, only to find the figure staring right back at me. The green eyes looked familiar and so I opened the door, the chain lock still around it. 

I look out the crack that exposed the outside world to me and saw Brandon standing there, a faint smile was on his lips as he realized that I had opened the door. 

I slammed the door shut.

I stood at the door waiting, hoping for some indication that Brandon still stood there. I don't know why I closed the door if I wanted him to talk to me. 

I don't even know why I wanted him to talk to me. 

I took the indication that he was still there when I heard footsteps heading down my porch steps. I instantly open up the door as fast as I could taking off the chain lock. 

"What do you want?" I ask, sounding as harsh I could. He turned around and smiled at me before coming back up the steps and indulging me in a hug. 

He lifted me slightly off the ground, my small feet dangling in the air. I didn't hug him back as his arms were wrapped around mine tightly. He put me on the ground before entering my house, a very confused expression plastered on my face. 

My yogurt cupped had fallen to the ground following my spoon. It made a mess that I didn't care to clean. I was dressed in a baggy and long sweatshirt, my hair was up in a messy bun and I was only wearing briefs underneath my shirt. 

I headed in the direction of Brandon, which was to my kitchen. He was already looking through my fridge and took out a tub of Nutella, that I thought I hid oh, so well, placing it on the kitchen table and grabbing 2 spoons.  

He looked at me a happy expression on his face. 

"I have proof Bethany is lying," He smirks.


Brandon and I were currently upstairs in my room, he was laying on my bed and I sat beside him, taking a spoonful of the Nutella he had to bring upstairs. 

He was scrolling through his memories on Snapchat, he had told me to wait many times, he had been scrolling through his phone for that past 3 minutes and I am not a patient person. 

"Here," says, handing me his iPhone and showing me a video of him, blowing smoke into the camera. I put the phone back acting as though the smoke would come to my face, I hear him laugh at me and put it back to my face. 

"What does this prove?" I ask, shoving a spoonful of Nutella in my mouth. I know I shouldn't even be giving him a chance to explain, but like I said a million times, my heart felt for him. 

He cried, well I don't really know about that part, but he looked as though he was crying. The bad boy cried! Can you believe it? 

I can't. 

"Bethany said that I supposedly 'assaulted' her on the 18th of March," He states, his eyes lighting up brighter the closer he gets to this point of his. "I wasn't even with her on that day," He says, giving me back the phone to take a closer look. I look at the date and it was the 18th of March. I look at the video again. 

The room seemed familiar, the navy blue walls with the right rim at the top, I looked at him and saw as a girl that I hadn't seen the first time comes in the frame. I looked at her, the snap had no filter, so she was naturally beautiful. She had long black hair and normal brown eyes. She smiled at Brandon as he blew smoke in her face. 

I found myself frowning at the sight of the two. 

"Don't worry princess," I hear Brandon start. I look at him expectantly, "I only have eyes for you," He finishes, smirking. 

I roll my eyes and throw the phone down on the bed, I turn away. 

"I don't care," I say, pulling out my own phone. 

I don't care, right?

I shake my head, getting rid of the thought that would've come to my head if I didn't.

The whole point of this whole conversation was the fact that, Brandon Riverton didn't rape Bethany Trills. She had lied and I smiled at the thought of Brandon being innocent. 

Am I starting to have feelings?

Am I starting to have feelings?

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I thank you guys so much for 71 reads! You don't know how much this means to me. I can't stop smiling at the thought people have been giving this book a chance! 

Anyways, as promised here is Chapter 7, uploaded on Saturday! 

Aren't you guys proud of me? I have been uploading so much! Not only that but I am gonna start uploading a new chapter every 2 days or even 1 if I feel nice.

Have a nice day, also, if you ever wanna talk I am always here! Just message me and I will reply as fast as I can! 

Vote and Comment! 

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