Chapter 12- My Almost Kiss

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Shitty chapter, I was really rushing because I wanted to get out a chapter for CHRISTMAS! I uploaded 3 days in a row! That is my Christmas present too you, I didn't proofread the chapter yet, so bear with me but if you see any typos, just tell me. 

After a while, we reached the big familiar house that I had now been to 3 times. I got out of the car and rushed to the door,

"You're way too excited," Sydney stated as she looked into a small compact and fixed the light red colored that she stained her lips with.

"What happened when we weren't here?" Alissa asked, concerning lacing her voice. I remembered back to that night and chuckled softly at the thought.

"Whatever," Syd said before placing the compact back in her small purse. She walked inside with Alissa behind her and me behind, like always. They headed straight to the kitchen and I followed behind them.

I knew exactly what they were going to be doing there and I gagged at the thought of the burning liquid going down my throat but soon sucked it up and poured myself out a cup.

At first, they stared at me with weird eyes before shrugging and I poured myself out another cup.

"Hey," a deep voice said as they wrapped their arms around my waist. I wasn't drunk as yet but I knew soon that it would hit me.

"Hey," I said as I turned around and saw Hayden smiling back at me, showing his pearly whites. I would love to say they were straight and perfect but I knew someone with much better teeth.

"Wanna dance?" He asked me as he backed up, me still in his arms and him leaning against the counter. I was confused on why he was so touchy, touchy before my mind went back to what happened earlier in the day.

I kissed him.

Even if it was a small peck on the cheek it still happened.

I nodded before he let his arms fall from my waist but instantly grabbed my hand instead. I tried my best to act oblivious to the stares that I had gotten from The Hayden Feilds holding my hand.

I wasn't drunk as yet, hell, I wasn't even tipsy and it made me much more uncomfortable with the thought of dancing with a male.

As we reached the dance floor, that was actually just a living room with the furniture moved out of the way to make it seem more spacious, Hayden got to work. The song that was playing was weird and electronic.

I stood there swaying back and forth, but not my hips, just me whole entire body. I was stiff as a heavy rock and tried my best to release the tension but nothing seemed to work.

Hayden seemed oblivious to my state and I mentally thanked God for it cause he would probably think of me as a weirdo if he wasn't under the influence of alcohol.

"I'm gonna go get a drink," I said, he nodded before I began walking back to the kitchen. I half hoped that I was going to see Syd or 'Lissa, as they were gone by now, probably off dancing with the first hot dud they see. 

I took up a bottle of vodka and began drinking it straight from the bottle, I hated being this self-conscious mess even after I felt so pretty when I was alone. My eyes squeezed shut from the burning sensation that went down my throat from drinking something so raw but I ignored it and continued drinking.

"Slow down, Princess," A deep voice that made my stomach do flips, warned me. I put the bottle down and tried very hard not to cough in front of Brandon as that would just make me feel more self-conscious and embarrassed. His breathtaking smile made the butterflies in my stomach go much crazier and I sighed dreamily at the sight of them. 

I quickly caught myself before I fell to the ground just from looking at him, I straightened up and cleared my throat. "Don't call me that," I tried putting on my most intimidating voice and it worked. He put his hands up in mock surrender and before chuckling, 

"Sorry..." He trailed off as he looked up at me, "Princess," he smirked. 

I made my face up to him before taking another shot and heading back to the dance floor, when I reached I saw that Hayden was still there, but he was dancing with another girl.

Not just any girl though, Candice Reels. She is one of the most popular girls at school, she had been trying to get at Hayden and Brandon for awhile but I'm guessing that Hayden saw through her whereas Brandon didn't. 

I stomp over there and grab Hayden by the hand pulling him into a corner. What were we going to do in this corner? 

I have no clue. 

"You okay?" he asks me, he didn't look super concerned but it was okay. I couldn't expect everyone to be like Brandon. 

I nod and he smiles, "I just didn't want to see you with another girl," I lied. I could care less about who he danced with or talked to. I mean I had only known him for 3 days. 

I've known Brandon for 2 weeks now though so it confused me on why I had butterflies every time he talked to me or touched me. Especially our little moment in the hallway, I smiled at the thought. 

"Is that right?" Hayden said, putting his arms around my waist and pushing me against him. I felt uncomfortable but my body didn't really move instead my arms went around his neck. 

Were we going to kiss? 

I hope not.

His smile grows wider as he leans in, he closes his eyes once he gets closer and I close mines as well. I would have loved anything more than to have Brandon's lips against mine. 

As I began to lean in closer and closer suddenly my arms dropped to my side and my head slammed against the wall. I turned around looking for Hayden as when I opened my eyes he was gone. 

What the hell?

"Get off of me Brandon!" I heard someone yell, I turned in the direction of the voice and saw that people began to crowd around one certain area. I pushed past the sweaty and smelly bodies until I got what some would consider 'front row seats' to the fight that was held in front of me. 

Brandon was on top of Hayden, punching him repeatedly in the face. 

I watched the fight in fear, it looked as though Brandon was going kill Hayden. 

Soon, the crowd started chanting "Fight, Fight, Fight!' I looked around at everyone as they watched the scene in front of them some amused and others hiding behind their phones. I looked back at the fight to see that Hayden was now on top of Brandon, giving him a hit, upon hit. Hayden's face was bleeding, from the forehead and nose, and so was Brandon's. I didn't know what to do, my body froze as I saw that Brandon was getting his ass beat. 

"Stop!" I yelled, hoping that would stop the both of them but no, Brandon got up quickly with Hayden before punching him again and head fell to the ground.

Before Hayden could get up to give Brandon another one of his blows I quickly took Brandon by the arm dragging him through the crowd. At first, he tried to wriggle out of my grip but I only held on tighter, digging my nails into his skin. 

I stopped once we reached up for the first flight of stairs. 

"What the hell?" he yelled at me, blood was oozing out of his nose and lip and I cringed at the sight. 

"Don't what the hell me?" I yelled back at him, he widened his eyes at first before slouching his back and going into a room, me following behind him. 

Once he entered the room, he sat on the bed. 

What the hell? 


Shitty chapter, I was really rushing because I wanted to get out a chapter for CHRISTMAS! I uploaded 3 days in a row! That is my Christmas present too you, I didn't proofread the chapter yet, so bear with me but if you see any typos, just tell me. 

What did you get for Chrysler (Christmas or whatever you celebrate)  and did you like it?

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