Chapter 1

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Don Don's Pov.
          The way I was made. Such a interesting title. So simple yet so effective. I never meant to screw up. No I never wanted to make people mad. It's just the way it happens. Like now for instance.
          "Your such a screw up!" Dashilie yelled at the top of her lungs. It started out as a peaceful morning. Until I accidentally ran into the wicked witch herself, which made her spill nail polish all over her. "Can't you do anything right!?" These were words I was numb to. At least that's how I played it. No one ever knew how much words affected me.
          "Ya well maybe you shouldn't do your nails in the middle of the floor!" I shot back with practiced ease. I had to learn quick that the only way to survive is to sass. Or cover up your insecurities with sarcasm so you don't look weak. Then again that's what I was. Weak. The weakest of the five. Dick constantly reminds me.
          Of course my sarcasm sometimes got me in trouble. Like now. Dashilie loomed over me, giving me a murderous look. " What. Did. You. Say?!" Her voice seemed to become more demonic. Only I could get this side out of her. And I wish I couldn't. For a angery  Dashilie is a more dangerous than a blood sword. Hurts a lot more too.
              I never saw the hand coming. All I felt was the pain of a strong slap to the face. The force was so hard I ended up on the floor. " DONT YOU DARE SASS ME!" More punches flew threw the air. Each hitting their mark. Her long nails left long lines of blood and nail polish on my face the more her violence consumed her.
        "WORTHLESS PEICE OF CRAP! WHY DO YOU EVEN EXSIT!?" Finally the punching stopped. Her eyes pierced threw my soul as she loomed over me. And then she left. Leaving me barley conscious on the meeting room floor. Ya just a normal day for me. Though usually...
      'Why by do you let her do that?' Ah. There they are. 'you could easily have killed her. But instead you just sat there and let it happen.' The voices in my head said. 'your so useless.They obviously made a wrong batch. Your so weak and ugly and..' I pulled my hat over my ears. It was getting too much. I couldn't stand the voices. They always made me feel worse. Always.
         I slowly began to get up. If they other Ds found me on the floor.... Lets just say I wouldn't be moving for a while. Slowley I made my way to the attic. After I was made, Duni made sure I had a place to sleep. Unfortunately the only open room was the same place with spiders and old crates. At least I had a bed. Even if it was an old light blue one that Dashilie didn't want.
         The climb was difficult to say the least. I'm pretty sure that her nail polish had some sort of poison in it. Maybe I should ask Ddawn.... No. I'll be fine. I tried to be gentle laying on my bed. Though it didn't matter. In my hazey state I forgot about the black spots. Duni said that they were to make sure I couldn't see anything. But honestly.... I think it was to sleep.

The way I was madeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora