Chapter 12

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Unis Pov.
             Three days. For three days we havent seen head or heal of our tall sporadic friend. After he reprimanded us, he ran into the woods to fallow his double ganger. And like the good friends we are, instead of following him, we sat in our own walloing. Every so often I would wring my paws together in worry.
            My heart ached for not just Jon, but the little jester as well. Jon was right. I saw how badley Don Don looked. I saw the scares. I saw the look of fear. Not hatered. And all I did was push him away. I would never admit it to the others, but I reminded myself of the worst pug alive. Duni.
            I was sitting under a random tree around our campsite when I finally stood up. Ashilie and Dawn instantly looked up, obvisily surprised . "Uni what...?" I held up my paw cutting Ashilie off. "We need to go get him." My voice was weak from many days of silence. "I don't care if you think I'm crazy, but I'm sick of waiting."
            Dawn began standing slowly. My eyes locked onto my two vampiric friends. Nick, who was sleeping on Ashilie's lap before hand, shot straight up. A look of disgust on his face. "You cant be serious!" He yelled, eyes turning red. "You cant be serious! I wanna save Jon too. But you wanna get the little freak as well!" I only turned. Walking to the forest.
              "Some one needs a chill pill."
Jon Jon's Pov.
              Three days. It had been three days since Duni caught me trying to take Don. Three days of sitting in a way too firmiliar cell with the broken form of my double ganger in my arms. Two days with him being constantly taken and used for diffrent uses. One day of lying unconscious in my arms.
               It was the morning of the second day. The night before had me hold Don tight as loud mechanical footsteps made their way twords our cell. "Morning imbical." Ddawn would greate before opening the cell. My grip on the small jester fighting in the process. "Give me the brat and you won't get hurt."
              Instead of snarking back, I pulled Don to my chest. A snarl formed on my lips the closer he came. "We dont need to do this." Ddawn tried reasoning with a bored tone. "Just give me Don. And I will leave you be." If it wasnt for the shackle on my leg, I would have jumped at the red tin can. He was the main factor in the toucher forced upon Don. As if I'd let him be easily ripped away to another day of pain!
            I knew what they did. Every time they took him, screams filled the mansion. While they were soft, they were still there. Very noticeable with hearing like mine. Memories of a year ago raging threw my mind. But the worst when they came. The two vampires would only make a apperance when he was away.
             "Hey." Dick's scratchy voice greeted upon arriving. I looked up for only a second. In his hands sat a bowl and a loaf of bread. His red eyes pierced threw me as I averted my gaze. "You need to eat something. Here." He opened the cell, sliding the items inside. Dashilie stood in the shadows with her arms crossed. Too ashamed to face me.
             "You know, you look pretty good without makeup." Dick said locking the door again. "Ill admit. Your almost as pale as me. No wonder the runts so frikin tan." I kept my gaze lowered. They tricked me. They were apart of his plan. They knew I'd come. And yet they stand here acting as if I'm a long lost friend.
             A long high-pitched scream had my gloved hands covering my ears. Don's toutred cries sank deep into my heart. I could barely hear the sounds of the jail cell being opened as I was focused on blocking out Don. "Hey! Whats wrong with you!?" Hands forcibley latched onto my arms. Trying to pry my hands away.
           And then they stopped. The cries became silent. In my opinion, that was worse. Knowing that they hurt him so much that he passed out. "Jon! Your hurting yourself! Let go!" Dashilie screamed. Their sympathy disgusted me. The worry in the albinos voice made me want to scream. Why be concerned about me?! Why care about a enemy when your own is being tortured?!
             "Jonathan. Please. I know things are bad." Dick tried to reason. "You can't help Don if your hurting yourself." Slowly, ever so slowly, I removed my hands. My voice was horse from days of disuse. "Why do you care?" When they didn't awnser I looked up. "Why do you care if I'm hurt or not?! Don's always hurt! And yet you don't care for him!"
             Dashilie took a step back. Her ruby red eyes widening in shock. "Now wait just a minute!" I stood up, despite the chain on my wrist. "You knew I was going to come for him! So you told your beloved Duni! I believed you wanted to help him! I freaking believed you!" My face was turning red with anger.
              "You don't know what your talking about." Her voice had gone up at least three octaves. He back was against the cell door. I stepped forward without realizing I did. "Oh ya? Then tell me princess? What don't I see? Are those actually screams of someone else? Pre-recorded? COME ON TELL ME!"
             Dashilie raced out faster than a average human would relize. Dick slames the door shut. His eyes narrowed into a death glare. "Your losing it." He whispered. "Calm yourslef. We need you sane Jon." He pushed his face against the bars. "Your friends have been reported. They began moving. Hold on bud." He straighted himself before turning his back to me. "Don is gonna need you big time when they get here. Hold on. Please. For Don."

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