Chapter 8

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Don Don's Pov.
When Duni sent me on this little "mission", I was less than enthusiastic. Not that I had a choice. Despite all that, it's still felt good to get out of the mansion. I don't know how long I could stay there any longer. My neck still hurt like heck. Unfortunately Ddawn gave me the ok to go.
It wasn't long till I reached a dense forest. For some reason a feeling Mimi head into the wooden maze. It wasn't until I met, him did I realize why. His hair was bright and green as the forest around me. His eyes were shade darker than the ruin we long for. On his head vested a Jester's hat. Oh.....
I raise my bow, taking aim towards his bright costume. Finally after suffering, he was going to die. Or so I thought. It seemed today was the day my aim was terrible. The arrow seem to miss his head by a mile. I quickly shot more, missing again. He turned towards me shovel raised like a weapon. The idiot.
His Precision was impressive to say the least. I greatly underestimated the power of a simple shovel. The weapons formed against my face knocking me to the ground. My ears ring as he kneeled down next to me. His purple eyes should concern as his pale lips moved. I couldn't understand him so instead I moved away.
My head throb. His face turned Panic as he rushed towards me. His lips are moving too fast to read. Slowly the ringing died down and I could hear the idiots frantic words. "What's your name? I'm Jon." It seems so stupid such a childish thing to say. So I gave a childish answer."I'm Don Don."
His face smiled in delight. "Oh good! I thought you were mute for a second!" His hat jingles in the wind. "Are you okay? I'm sorry I hit you so hard." His kindness sicken me. It sickens me every more that he didn't realize who I was. Is pale white hand landed on top of mine.
A Manley shriek escaped my wounded throat. The idiot Drew back his hand as if I burned him. "Are you okay?" His voicing to rise and even more annoying pitch. A pink Q just did his face. I never had my eyes at him. His purple eyes glowed brighter than mine.
I'm not sure what made me do it. His face just looked... I don't know. I raised the shaking hand, slowly patting the bright Jester's face. Jon's mouth dropped as my tann hand pet his white nose. His face was so soft. He blushed again making me realize what I was doing. Aw ship.
I would like to say that I am a man of steel. Hardcore. No emotions. But obviously that's not true. So my face turned bright red. Yes. I freaking blushed. Don't Judge Me! Jon's face turn it into a small grin. "Hey! We match now!" He laughed almost insanely.
He smiled and faltered. His head turned towards the sun. I followed his gaze. The sun should it to be mid noon. So I've been gone for about an hour. John began to stand with a sad smile. He held out his hand. His hand was three times the size of mine.
"Come on." He beamed. "I want you to meet my friends!" I tried pulling away. But his hand was tight around my wrist. I was unable to escape.
Unis Pov.
We all waited patiently for Jon to return. After a long hour of searching, we all congregated by the cave we slept in the night before. Unfortunately without a trace of our yellow Emoji friend. Dawn was leaning up against the cave wall while Nick and Ashlie exchanged red soup. Nasty.
It was already half past noon and still no Jon. "Maybe we should go look for him." I asked ringing my Paws together. This wasn't like the gesture to be late. I guess living in a cave gave him a good sense of time. So where the heck was he!?
Ashlie groaned mid eat."Uni calm down! I'm sure Jons fine! He can take care of himself!" Suddenly, as if On Cue, loud footsteps started coming towards us. Jon's tall form emerged from the forest with a big grin on his face. His right arm was holding something in its large Palm.
" There you are Jon! What took you so long?" Nick question with a smug look. The gesture blessed rubbing the back of his head. "Ya sorry...I met a new friend on the way!" His smile lit up again. "Guys, I want you to meet my new friend!" He Yanks the thing and suddenly a small Jester came forward.
His hair was orange with tan skin. His clothes reminded me a lot of John's. Except for the soul fact that they were red and black. He glared all with cold yellow eyes. Instantly I recognize that little dubbelganger. "Guys, Say hi to Don Don!"

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