Chapter 14

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Don Dons Pov.
             Everything hurt. And that was to say bluntly. It felt as if every little move was screaming at my body for doing so. And yet, somehow I was numb. Numb to the pain and memories inflicted on me. I was aware I was being carried. But much more than that was just a haze. I could feel him. The way he carried me. Swaddled me like a child.
           I wanted to get up. To push him away. Scream at him that I don't need him! But then again, didn't I? I mean before he was around, I wasn't better off. And for once, I felt like something. Not just a useless tool. But something more. All because of this fool. This stupid jester! My counterpart who knew love and kindness! And yet I had nothing.
            Despite my inability to move at the moment, my hearing was as good as ever. And with that, every little sound came pounding into my head. "What are we gonna do with him?" A British accent called through the blackness. No voices spoke. Were they talking about me? Obviously. No one would want me. "I'm sorry, but could you elaborate on that Uni?"
              His voice was deep. Venom driped through every word. It almost sounded... like mine. I could feel him so slowly put me on the ground. I knew it was the ground because the grass itched my face. "Because what it sounded like you were wanting to get rid of him!" British voice laughed nervously. As if he never heard the jester speak like this. "Now Jon, hold on..."
             Slowly, with much force, I began to open my eyes. The sunlight hit my eyes hurting my retinas. "Gah!" I cried. Everything grew quiet. Black Shadows danced it's in my vision. "Ummm hey Don......" a sickeningly sweet voice greeted for my right. "H-how you feelin?" Despite my eyes being open, only one face came with that voice I was hearing. I quickly looked up in fear. Doing my best to try and Scoot away.
             "Wha-what did I say?!" Dashilies voice screeched. I may of not seen her face, but I had no dought the albino was next to me. "Hey Don! C'mon man! Your okay! Your safe!" I scooted farther away, upon hearing Richard. Oh gosh....was I gonna be punished again? Is that why they were here? Was that Duni I heard before? Oh no! Are they ready to finally get rid of me?!
              I was hyperventilating. My back was to a tree and all I could do was look past the torsos in front of me. Everything was beginning to Cloud over. Either through fear, or the pain. I wasn't expecting anything. Not from the moment I was made. And then suddenly, two long arms wrapped around my bruised middle. "Don. Your okay now. I'm here to help you hon." Jon's voice whispered. I could practicly feel the comfort in every word. My breathing slow down. And for some reason, I began to lean into the touch. The felt...... nice.
Jon Jon's Pov.
           I didn't mean to snap at Uni. But the way he said what he said. It just made me so angry! I mean, Don was literally fighting for his life every day! And yet, I could see where he was going with this. I just couldn't leave him though. After all I saw, all I wanted to do was keep him safe. And I plan to do that. Whether they like to or not.
            When Don woke up, a feeling of relief washed over me. He was in pain yes, but he was awake. He was safe. And then he began to freak out. Despite all of the pain he must have been in, he managed to push himself against the tree and curled into a ball. Nick and Ashilie began talking to him. Despite their best efforts, they couldn't get him to calm down.
             The feeling came back. The feeling to protect. Before I knew what I was doing, I pushed past my friends who had crowded around the small jester, and I threw my arms around his middle section. I began whispering soft words to try and calm him down."Don. Your okay now. I'm here to help you hon." I soothed. I wouldn't lie. I didn't believe he'd be okay with this. When all he knew was pain.
            But after a minute, he began to lean into my hug. He began to calm down. And I could see he was soaking in every word. "Awww!" Ashilie cooed from the right. "Jon! You two are so cute! Like siblings!" A small chuckle escaped me as I looked fondly at Don. He seemed much younger than me. Almost 3 years younger. A smile peaked threw his lips, warming my heart.
           "Ya. Siblings."

The way I was madeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें