Chapter 2

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Don Don's Pov
           The morning came faster than I'd liked it to. But the. Again no one can control the sun. Not even Duni himself! .....Please don't tell him I said that. The sun poked through the little window I had. Besides that? I had no light to guide my path. It was a wonder how I even managed to get to bed last night!
            The pain from Dashilie was still strong. But I chose to ignore it. My stomach was growling louder than I've ever heard it. Ya better get some breakfast. The climb down my ladder was......difficult to say the least. Hurt even worse when I found out that a part of the ladder was missing. Meaning I had to jump a block down.
             "Aw Don! Your finally up!" Duni cried in joy. He seemed the only one to be half nice to me. And even then, that was stretching it. "Eat up quick because you and Richard have an assignment!" I only nodded grabbing a apple and steak from the table. Duni always made sure we ate before we left. Don't want a repeat of Dashilie's magic sleeping act. Eh. Stupid vampire.
            Speaking of the women, she sat next to me. Glaring at my dark face. It was begging to become annoying. "You still reek of blood." She whispered so Duni couldn't hear. "Your making me sick." My head shot up to glare at her. "What else is new?" Dashilie scoffed at me. "I'm just saying you should take care of it before you leave with Dick. Don't want him getting hungry."
               I really wish I'd took her advice. Well I mean I tried, honestly! But as I reached for the sink handle, Dick decided to Butt in. Literally. Dick opened the door with his huge butt knocking me onto the floor. "Lets go you useless piece of flesh! We have to go before night fall!" His voice seemed angrier than usual. And a little pale.
              We both walked side by side to the deepest side of the forest. I've only been here once. And let me tell you. It's easy to get lost in here. Very easy. I was punished for atleast three hours. Not a good memory. Dick refused to talk to me. He looking ahead almost earnestly. As if what he had been waiting for his whole life was behind this forest.
             But all we found was cobble and a book. Apparently Uni already had the ruin. Great. Another failed mission. Not a uncommon thing. Dick stared at the empty room with glazed over eyes. He seemed lost in another world, not seeing anything inperticualr. And the. I heard it. The growl of thousands of zombies. Dicks stomach.
             "You moron! Didn't you eat this morning?!" I all but yelled. He ether couldn't hear me or ignored me. Because he don't move a muscle. "Hey Drez! Wake up man!" His nose slowly sniffed the air. He smelt something he liked. Blood. Dicks head turned twords me in almost creep fashion. And. He. Smiled.
              Before I knew what was going on, Dick tackled me to the ground. His larger frame was nothing compared to my smaller one. So I couldn't struggle. "Dick! Get off me! Stop! PLEASE!" I cried trying to remove my arms from his tight grasp. But it was no use. His vampire incsincts had kicked in.
              "Your so weak!" Dick yelled on top of me. "Your going to be the best meal I've had since the Pigman!" He slowly lowers his head closer to my neck. No. I can't. I cant! I began to panic as the sharp fangs came closer. I CANT! Not again...
             His fangs were like needles in my neck. Each one sinking deeper into my tan flesh. "Please Drez! Ill do anything! Just leave me alone!" And then I couldn't move. It was as if my body was paralyzed and every command I told my brain went unnoticed. Dick slurped loudly making me want to vomit.
           But I couldn't. Not even if the most disgusting thing was in front of me. Vampires made sure to drink right on a certain presser point on the neck. Makeing there victims powerless to move. The longer he drank the weaker I felt. And the weaker I felt the more black spots cane into my vision.
         As my eyes began to close I was vaguely aware of a weight lifting off me. Hey, I actually stayed conscious this time. "Oh man!" Dicks voice yelled threw the haze now blinding me. "Don! You freaking idiot!" I could only chuckle while the darkness carried me back to the void of my head.    

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