Chapter 7

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Don Don's Pov.
          "What are you doing?" Dick sneered. These simple words were the best, and worst thing I could ever hear! It felt as if a wave of relief washed over me in that particular moment. And everything was going to be fine! Despite the latest aggressions towards the blood sucker, he brought the words I needed to snap out of this haze.
           "Don. Why are you under the bed?" His voice was bitter and harsh. Not a unusual occerance with Dick. But the simple sentence. Had me addmiditly flinching farther under the old beaten up bed. My voice wavered as I spoke. A sure sign that I was frightened.
          "Y-you k-know....I j-just...." I debated on telling him. What would Dick even think? What would I even say? 'hey Dick so I had this awful nightmare ya? And a man with a emoji for a few tried to kill me! But hey! Its not like I'm insane right?' Ya. That wouldn't have gone well.
              I could hear Dick grumble from above me. More than obviously annoyed by the situation. "Stop being so weird, and get outta there!" When I didn't crawl out, his arm shot under and latched onto my arm. The next thing I knew was being yanked out. Hitting my head on a frame leg in the process.
              The pale male glared at me with red glowing eyes. To say lightly, he was enraged. "Get your butt downstairs, or else ill make sure your locked in here till next year!" My head bobbed fast, almost knocking off my hat. Dang. Dick could really be scary sometimes.
             Ok. Scratch that. Always scary. I racwd tworda the ladder, almost tripping trying to get by Dick. My legs more woboley than usual. If either from the nightmare, or my fear of Dick pushing me down the ladder. Honestly! What happened to the sassy sarcasm from earlier?!
            "Hurry up! Jeez can you be any slower?!" I felt a foot make contact with my head making me lose the little balance I had on the ladder. I fell onto the floor with a loud thump. "Oh good Don! Your awake!" Duni said entering the mansion. "I have a job for you!"
Jon Jon's Pov.
            I walk to the forest alone for the first time ever. Uni suggested we split up to find any clues relating to Tommy. We would meet back at our campsite in an hour. But unfortunately so far, I had nothing. Not even the smallest of Clues to where Tommy was! I searched along the path for anything, but coming up with nothing.
           Until I heard a twig break. It was soft. Almost impossible to hear. It would even have been mistaken for a stray animal or something. But when you lived in a cave for a while, you learn to pick up different sounds. Identifying one from the other. And this was no animal.
          My hand slowly reach for the enchanted diamond shovel mounted on my back. A gift from Dawn when they found me. Despite the tool, a great weapon for close combat. The noise was getting closer. It seems in no worry to be quiet, making sure it was heard.
           And then it stopped. Not a single movement was heard. If someone chopped a feather, that would be louder than us. It seemed as if the figure simply disappeared. Until an arrow with by my head. I pulled out my Spade, holding it in a defensive stance. If this guy was unsure, I need to be on high alert.
            Words of the arrows of death Harold's towards me, barely missing the target. I charged at the dense forest, towards the reign of death, swinging wildly. Not only did my shovel act as a weapon, but also as a shield for flying arrows. The closer I ran, the more wildly I attacked.
             Then suddenly, but I wouldn't hit something. No. Someone. "Argh!" The person cried in a deep voice, falling to the ground. I stopped my mats lean, held the shovel in front of me defensively. My eyes widen, staring at the shorter man in front of me.
            The man was obviously short, with wild orange hair atop his small head. His eyes were the shade of dandelions and his skin was dark shade of tan. And his clothes, which were away too big for him, wear shades of black and red.
            "What the check man?!" I yelled dropping my weapon. The short man flinched as I stepped closer to him. His neck was wrapped in thick white bandages, but his face was severely scarred. To say the least, he was a mess. Get washed over me. He looked so small! So helpless! I just wanted to grab him and tell him everything was okay!
              But the closer I got, the farther he scooted away. As if I was going to rip his head off! Or as if I was some terrible monster that was going to kill him. It kind of hurt to see such a cute looking person be so terrified. Finally I had enough.
            "'s okay. I'm not going to hurt you...again." I tried to soothe. "What's your name? I'm Jon Jon." The Strangers eyes widened, and for a minute I thought he was going to book it. I mean I wouldn't blame him. I was pretty intimidating.
            But slowly the look of shock turned into a scowl period when that's somehow didn't fit on his tan face. His words came out deep yet harsh if you could even say that. He seemed to look like he hated me. Despite we just meeting him. And then I found out why. " I'm Don Don."

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