Chapter 4

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Ddawn's Pov.
      Sometimes I can't believe the stupidity of the people I live with. And then I remember I'm a genius. And everyone is below me. But being a genius comes with disadvantages. Like how everyone comes to you for awnsers. Or they expect you to fix anything they broke. Or expecting to be some sort of doctor!
       Like now. I was just minding my own evil business, when I am called for by Duni. Now that would not have been a issue if he didn't seem so panicked. And there wasnt the slaming of Dashilie's door.
     I walked out into the foyer to see a sight that is very rare. Duni looking ready to murder. "As Ddawn! There you are." He sighed eyes locking with mine. "I need your help! Dashilie put a acid in the potion for Don! Please Ddawn! He needs help!"
      I sighed kneeling next to the grey pug. In his arms was the redheaded jester. The imbecile. He was holding his throat as if something were stuck in it. "Don Don. Remove your hands." I instructed. His eyes were beginning to glass over. Not a good sign. The small jester barely moved his hands before the extent of the damage was presented.
      "Duni get him down to my lab. He needs immediate medical attention." Don whined as Duni tried moving him. I ignored it the best I could. I quickly went back to my living arangments. A bottle of cleanser and a first aid kit were on my nightstand. Yes. This will do.
Duni's Pov.
       Normally I'm not worried about my friends. I know they can take care of themselves. But when Dashilie put acid in the potion, I was really concerned about her Mental Health. I mean how could she be so stupid? I guess she doesn't like Don, but he's still our friend! That was just uncalled for!
       Ddawn was close behind me when I reached the bottom of the ladder to his lab. We often went to the robot for medical emergencies. Despite him complaining about not being a medical professional. Don kept whining in my arms. But I couldn't blame him. When he removed his hands, I could only imagine the pain he was in. All because of Dashilie.
       "Put him on the table next to the potions." Ddawn instructed. I'm very grateful to have a friend like Ddawn. Though he thinks he's a genius, he is very blunt about his work. "Keep his hands away from his neck. I need to stitch him up." I did as he told. But then I thought crossed my mind.
        " Aren't you going to give him something to ease the pain?" Ddawn looked as if I were crazy. "You know that stuff doesn't work on us. Especially him. In fact would only make things worse with the potion I  already gave him." All I could do was nod as Ddawn lowered the needle to our friends neck. To say bluntly, he struggled quite a bit. But I couldn't blame him. If acid literally burned a hole through my throat, I would struggle to.
        It came to the point where Ddawn how to strap his head down to keep him still. But finally, after what seems like forever,  Ddawn was finally done. And we were both covered in blood.
Don Don's Pov.
       Everything hurt. But then again, that wasn't an uncommon thing for me. But usually it was around my body, not my neck. Unnoticed to the demons above me, I was awake during the whole procedure. I felt every prick that Ddawn forced into my throat. Every drop of blood that left my body. Every conversation.
       "He should have know better than to accept something from her." Ddawn seethed whipping off his hands of my blood. "Well why didn't you give him it yourself then?" Duni retorted. I could have laughed at Ddawn's silence. And I would have to. But for some reason, I couldn't.
       "Look whose awake." Ddawn said as the Duo turned to me. I wanted to make a sarcastic comeback. I wanted to say that I've been up for a while. Or why were you at my bedside? Isnt that a little above you? But instead all that came out was a gasp of air. Like a balloon loosening its air.
      "Do not talk." The robot instructed. "You have literally burned a hole threw your neck. If you try to talk sooner then I say, you could never talk again." I didn't stop me from trying. But like before, all that came out was air.
       Maybe it was the fact that I was mute. Or maybe the fact that the demons were rolling in. And I don't mean Duni or Ddawn. I mean the demons that live inside I head. But I started to freak out. Maybe just a little bit. I didn't realize until Duni's paw crashed against my head.
        "Calm yourself Don Don! You are in no shape to panic." He walks over to a table and picks something up. "From now on, you will communicate threw writing. Understand?" He placed a book in my hands.
          Well crap. How do you tell your leader that you can't read? Let alone write? "Well?" Duni said expectantly.

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