Chapter 3

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Dress Pov.
    I couldn't remember much of when I woke up. But what I do remember would probably make me stay up for a while. Not that I got much sleep anyways. When my vision cleared from the hunger, Don was on the ground. Looking paler than the day he was made.
      "Don you freaking idiot!" I yelled moving closer to the corpse. His skin felt cold under my warm hand. Dang it. I was gonna get it. "Lets go idiot." I muttered lifting him over my shoulder. He weighed almost nothing. Not that I cared. Easier for me to drag the nuance.
Don Don's Pov.
      I could hear yelling all around me. As if that wasnt a normal occurrence. Though this time they weren't yelling AT me. "How could you be so stupid!" Duni's voice came threw the darkness. "I told you to eat before you left! How could you let this happen?!" I wanted to laugh at the sound of our angry leader. Usually it was uncommon to hear Duni mad. At least not like this.
It was hard to open my eyes. Always was when I became Dick's blood bank. And yes. This wasnt the first time. And I knew it wouldn't be the last either. I quickly shut my eyes as the light of the sun was pounded into my cranium. Great. Another hiderance. Another draw back.
     "Wake up you freak!" Dashilie cackled jamming her foot into my side. "Just because you became a blood donner, doesn't mean you can be lazy!" The deamon's steel toed boot crushed into my ribs, making me groan in pain.
      My head pounded as my eyes cracked open. The memories of before flowing thre my mind. The woods. The missing ruin. The cold air. Then.....a sharp pain blocked the memories from my grasp. "Hey! Pay attention weakling!" I glared at the pale women above me. So bossy! So annoying.
     She cleared her throat with a smug look on her face. "Now since I have your undivided attention, Ddawn wanted me to give you this." Dashilie pulled out a potion bottle with a clear bubbling liquid. "He said you have to drink this so your blood will restore or something,"
      She tossed me the liquid and I instantly wanted to drop it. The liquid was warm. Almost hot. And that was just from holding the bottle! I couldn't bear to think what it would feel like on my throat! I cleared back at Dashilie. Who gave me a foreboding grin. As if she was challenging me.
The long and my eyes were locked with the... the brat, the more I was tempted to just risk it. To drink the darn thing. I uncork to the bottle and brought the vial to my lips. And I wish I wasn't so stupid. I wish that I didn't rise to the stupid challenge.
     Why? Because the "potion" burned like acid against my throat. I could hear Dashilie laughing as I tried not to scream. "You idiot I can't believe you actually drink it!" I clawed at my throat trying to stop the burning.      "Wh-why?" I croked out.
      And all at once the Laughing ceased. A cold cold silence filled the room. "Why?" Dashilie whispered. " because you got dick in trouble that's why! Lucky for you double D actually made that potion for you. I just added a little bit of acid! Apparently this is the reaction! Good! Suffer!" The witch began laughing again.
     I couldn't believe it. I knew you would do things to me. I knew they would hurt me. But deliberately doing this? It was worse than being DDawn's test subject! It felt like there was a thousand knives stabbing at my throat. And I couldn't dislodge them! No matter how hard I tried! It seemed to make the pain worse!
     I tried not to scream. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction. She didn't deserve to see my weakness. So I kept it in the best I could. But even that was taking the toll. But then again I couldn't even scream if I wanted to. All I could do was make gasping sounds as I tried to talk. To fire back at the witch.
     "What's wrong Don? Cat got your tounge?" Tears beginning to form my eyes. But I forced them back. It may have hurt like crap, but I wasn't weak. Despite everyone telling me I was. "Come on say something retarded!" Dashilie yelled. Apparently I wasn't entertaining enough for her. So she kicked me in the side again. Knocking me down.
     "Dashilie! Don! What's going on in here!" Duni asked walking into the room. Dick by his side. "Oh nothing! Don's just a little heated from Dick. That's all." Dashilie mused. I wanted to yell out. To call her a liar. But I couldn't. It hurt too bad! Thankfully though Duni saw right through her act.
     "Dashilie, What did you do to him?" Her face would've been almost comical. She went from snarky to almost scared in a second. I wanted to laugh. Even Dick looked a little surprised. Usually she got away with everything. Every lie, and no consequence. This was a change.
"Awnser me Dashilie!" I could see her put on fake confidence to try and hide her surprise. " I just added a little something to the potion Ddawn wanted me to give him. No big deal." At least she told him the truth. Kind of.
     "Alright and what did you put in it?" You see this is why Duni is the leader. He pushes and prods and interrogations. He doesn't let the guilty party go, until he has all the facts. Until he has all he needs. So Dashilie wasn't getting off so easily.
She seemed to squirm under his intense gaze. I looked from Duni to Dashilie. Trying to read their minds. Dick had the same expression. Finally Dashilie groaned. "Fine! I put a few drops of sulfuric acid in it okay?! You happy now?!"
     Then there was the cold silence again. Duni looked torn between punching Dashilie Square in the face or storming out of the room. It kind of felt good to have someone care about you. For once. He was trying to slow his breathing. Not being able to talk made it so you could listen. And even with the burning pain still in my neck, my assassin senses we still at High.
"Dashilie we. Do. Not. Trick our friends into drinking acid." He seethed threw clenched teeth. Dashilie just simply scoffed. "This freak is not my friend. He's just a annoyance." And with that she hair flipped out of the room.
     Duni came closer to me blocking Dicks view of me. And then that's when I let them fall. Hot tears began to fall down my face. And I couldn't stop them. I don't know why, but I always sought comfort from the pug. Even if I never recived it. He declared it would make me soft. I guess he was right.
     But right now I didnt care. The acid was literally eating my throat away. On top of that with my neck already hurting from before led to some excruciating pain. "Ddawn!" Duni shouted over his shoulder. "Get in here! Now!" But I barely noticed. My mind was else were. More specifically the conversation of before. I-I'm not Dashilie's friend?

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