Chapter 5

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Don Don's Pov.
    Well. This was awkward. "Well?" Duni asked motioning me to open the book. With shakeing hands I turned to the first page. Sribbles of ink and other writing utensils filled the smooth surface. But I couldn't understand them. They were just lines and dashes in my eyes.
      Duni seemed satisfied that I at least opened the wretched torture device. He turned back to Ddawn with gleaming eyes. "Now when is he able to work again?" Duni asked. I should have known. He only wanted me for work. 'That's all they ever wanted.'
       Ddawn seemed to ponder the question. "Well, like I've said before, I'm no doctor. But I say about three to four weeks." His robotic eyes moved into a harsh glare. "That is if he actually keeps his mouth shut!" I stuck my tounge out at the red fire hydrant. 
        The to continue to chat idly. But I hurt myself to block them out. I needed to focus on myself. Like the fact that I have a hole in my throat. Was a fact that I'm currently mute. I looked back at the book in my lap. It was obviously poorly crafted. Not that I cared.
     'Too Bad you can't use it's The dark thoughts giggled. 'Duni is going to be so disappointed. You really are useless' I tried to ignore the voices. But they pierced through for some reason they were stronger. ' If they find out they'll kill you. Probably by Crusher too!'
         "Don? Are you okay friend?" My gaze shot up to the charcoal pug. Both Duni and Ddawn gave me concerned looks. Well Ddawns was more spectacle scowl. 'Dont tell them' I picked up the quill that was currently on the table. 'STOP'  The voices screamed.
           Slowly the pen scratch the book crisp Pages. My hands jerked right, then left. Almost in a pattern motion. My work was sloppy at best. But at least I could still communicate. 'you idiot. There just scribbles.'   I held the book up for them to see. "What in gods name is that?!" Ddawn asked grabbing it.
          I snapped my fingers for them to look, and then pointed to my curly orange hair. 'Really? You look so stupid.' "Your head hurts?" Ddawn guessed. ' Your signing your own suicide.'   I shook my head and pointed at the book. "It kind of looks like.....wait. Don wheres your hat?"
          My chest heaves a sigh of relief. They handed me the book again. I drew a picture of a bat next to a hat. A stick figure was near the Hat on his side. "Oh you dropped it with Richard!" And you're never getting it back. It's hopeless. They don't care. Just like Dashilie said. You're not their friend."
        Sadly I stiffened. "She sees you for what you really are. Useless.' No. I needed. My hat. It will fix this. 'they wont let you go. Too weak.'  My hands were on my ears again. I needed out. 'Dont even know were it is.'   I stood up. Duni and Ddawn gave me weird looks. And I ran.
        I wasn't sure where I was going. I'm just surprised I made it out of the lab. I could hear them yelling after me. Despite my hand still over my ears. My feet carried me to the edge of the tower. I was breathing hard with wild eyes. Where is it?
          "Don Don! Stop this instance!" Duni yelled behind me. My eyes surched the open area. Where was it? Dicks voice began to growl. "You stupid idiot! What were you thinking!" The name didnt faze me. " Useless! Look at me!" I heard footsteps come closer. I was aware of the presence behind me. But did nothing.
          Until I hand make contact with my cranium. "Dashilie Don't!" Dick yelled. Slowlry I turned around. Red eyes met golden. "Finally! What the heck is wrong with you?! Well aside from the obvious." Dashilie snarked. I stared at her. My eyes still wild. My hand reached my neck.
        "Ship." Ddawn cursed eyes on my hand. Something was wet under it. "H-E-l-p" I gasped. 'Pass out. I dare you.' "Ne-ed it." Duni stepped forward. "Grab him." He whispered to Dick. I really wish I didn't. I wish I didn't listen. But for once I did I listened to the darkness. I passed out. Not something uncommon.
         When I woke up there was a familiar softness under me. It took me a little bit to realize, someone who put me in bed. But who would be nice enough to do that? Footsteps where heard on the side. I assumed it was Duni or somebody else.
          "Here." Dashilie growled throwing something at me. It landed on my face. It was a long pink and red cloth. With a a bell on the end. Oh my gosh! My hat! "It was dirty when we found it. So I washed it. Your welcome." I was at a loss for words. Why? Did they actually do it? Why did they go look for it?
             I put the fabric on my head and shoved it down onto my eyes. I couldn't help it. Too loud. "What are you doing?!" Dashilie screamed at my actions. But I didn't care. Too loud. I couldn't take anymore. The stress of the past few days caught up to me. All the hate all the abuse.
             The mattress sunk next to me. But I didn't care. Slowly the tears started coming. And I wasn't ashamed. The D gang all have different stress relievers. This one was mine. Just like many others. It was the way I was made.
              "Look Don...," Dashilie started. I shook my head and rolled into myself. I just want to be left alone. Want to cry my tears of Shame and peace. I guess you got the picture. Because after a while, the mattress lift it again. The footsteps we heard on on the hardwood floor of the attic. And I was alone.

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