Chapter 6

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Jon Jon's Pov.
It was beautiful day outside. Everything was so green and beautiful. It seems like nothing could ruin this day. And then I got the feeling. The feeling you get when you know someone is in pain. When you know someone's hurting. And you just want to protect them.
I looked back at my friends, but they just followed behind me with no care in the world. They looked fine. But who was it? One of them have to be hurting. It was my job to know which one of my friends was either emotionally or physically hurting. I mean I'm the third guy right?
So what could it be? Was it my closest friends, then who else would I care for, that I would protect no matter what, I would make sure is happy, is in pain? I wanted to ask the others. But they never understood the feelings that I get. It's like a superpower sort of. But only one I've ever had and I'm only aware of. I don't know.
Don Don's Pov.
The room was dark. Everywhere I looked just a black and Abyss. No matter where it turns no matter where I went it was nothing but black. I tried to run. But always ended up nowhere. Where was I?
I was floating. There was no ground underneath me. It was as if I was in space. But even space has lights. Or were those Stars? I don't know. 'Hello?' I called but no one seemed to hear me. If there was even anyone there.
Then slowly ever so slowly, a red sphere came into view. It seemed to have faded into existence. As if it was there all along, and just now decided to reveal itself. But the sphere, seem different. Like a familiar face I didn't know. Oh by the way, the sphere was an emoji.
The Emoji was angry. He stared at me with hateful eyes. As if I was the scum of the Earth. But a smile laced is cheeks. And it wasn't your everyday smile. No, it was as if this sphere could murder someone without them even knowing they're dead. As if they had a blood thirst. Only I could solve.
"Welcome home freak!" The Emoji yelled in a booming voice. It may have just been the abyss, everything seemed to Echo. Well more than usual. "Looks like you finally broke! Thank God! Now I can finally come back!"
"W-who are you?!" I yelled trying to not stutter. I've never seen this man before in my life. But oh my gosh! I felt scared as he laughed. A psychotic laugh that only the most insane use. It sent chills down my spine. And yet it was somehow comforting in a way.
The Emoji man cackled in laughter. "Ha! You cream headed low life! They never told you?! Oh that's priceless!" He whipped tears from his large eyes. "I'm Dommy Loser! And your my passage out of this hell hole!"
And for the next few minutes, everything happened in slow motion. As if time was altered buy the black around us. Dommy raised his hands above his head. He had that grin on his face. And then suddenly, I was surrounded by TNT.
"Yay! That's what I call a party!" Dommy yelled on the top of his lungs. "Run Don! Run! Its more fun when they run!" My body froze as a team to exploded behind me. I needed to get out of there! Oh my gosh! He's going to kill me!
It felt like I was in a bad nightmare! The farther a ran, the closer the TNT came! Like no matter how far or how hard I ran, another one of those deadly blocks filled with gunpowder explode and next to me. Trying to knock me off my feet. This had to be a dream! This can't be real! There has to be an exit!
"DUNI, DASHILIE, DDAWN! HELP!" I cried trying not to trip over my own legs. "DICK PLEASE! DONT LET ME DIE! I DONT WANBA DIE!" I screamed and begged. Hoping someone would come save me. But it was no use. I was alone. Alone with a maniac. Who's trying to kill me.
The TNT was exploding right on my heels now. It would shoot me forward gaining me a little distance between the red-faced demon. "You can't run forever! Your already mine!" Dommy taunted summoning more explosives.
I looked back for a second. But only for a second. I wanted to see the look on the Emojis face. But that was the worst mistake I ever made. For right as I turn back, a red block landed in front of my path. And it was lit. "Ah buh Bye!"
The next thing I was aware of, was a moth-eaten blankets trying to strangle me. In fact, it was trying to suffocate me! I struggled against the fabric that helps me and it's binds. I need to get out of here! He was still here! Oh gosh! I can still hear it! The hiss of the TNT is still there!
I wasn't thinking. But then again, who could? As I untangle myself from the blue fabric, I jumped out of bed. I needed to take cover! I can't let him find me! He's going to kill me! I searched frantically around the Dusty Attic trying to find a place that I could hide. But there was nothing.
Except my bed. The hissing was growing louder. My instincts went into overdrive. I dived under the only piece of furniture in the whole attic. It was only now was I wear the approaching footsteps from down below. They were getting closer. Was it Dommy?
"What are you doing?" Dick sneered.

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