Chapter 13

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Unis Pov.
It was so weird. So weird to see a village where a lot of your life happened. Where your happiness was, to be reduced to nothing. The buildings were torn down. No one was there. Everything was... Dead. It reminded me of the one we had found with my brother and sister.
Dawn lead us as we entered the Old Village. No one made a sound. It seemed as if a thick haze covered the onece beautiful place. The longer I looked at our once beautiful home, the more my heart broke. Not just for the town, but for the people that once lived in it. It wasn't their fault. They didn't deserve this.
I had to keep reminding myself why we were here. Jon. Don. Jon. Don. I can only imagine what these two are going through. And that broke my heart even more. What if they weren't alive? What if our double gangers had killed them? Dawn stopped in front of our old gate. "They are up there." He pointed.
And then I heard it. It was soft. Almost nonexistent. But to a dog, it was obvious. Someone was screaming. Someone was crying. Someone was begging. And they sounded all too familiar. Nick turned me with an expression of pure terror. "Uni?"
 I couldn't help the tears that were forming in my eyes. "They're torturing him." I could barely whisper. Ashlie stepped in front of me. Turquoise eyes a blood red. "Jon?" A whimper escaped my throat. "No." I whimpered. "Don Don."
Dashilies Pov.
He was fading. Each scream was physically hurting him. The ones sporadic lively man was nothing but an empty shell. He refused to eat. Claiming he wasn't the one who needed it. In all honesty, he was coming scary. But then again I couldn't blame him. How would you feel if someone you cared about was taken and beat each day?
It was my turn to stay with him. nights were awful. Not just for Jon, but Don as well. Don would be returned to a cell at night. As soon as he was, Jon would become an aggressive animal. Holding Don as a poor man slept. Growling at anyone who walked by.
 Both Jesters in awful shape. Both mentally, and physically. Jon had torn up his shirt in order to make bandages for the smaller mail. Both of them had there long curly hair down. Don by force, Jon by giving his hair tie to the other. The sweetness made me nauseous.
 'Please hurry Uni.' I thought looking into the cage. 'I dont know how much more eother man could take.' I could feel Jon's purple eyes glaring at me in the dark. Daring me to come and touch Don. I could basically read his mind. Claiming Don as his own. Like a mother wolf to another. And then the door opened.
"Uni! We cant just walk in!" Whisper yelled Di-I mean Nick. "Well what do you propose Mr. Sneaky?!" The light grey pug whispered back. The way the other pug acted so innocent made me want to barf. How could Duni be in love with someone so...naive? It wasnt a moment later did the two decide to stop their sensless bickering and look up.
 Despite the darkness, they could easily see me. My white hair acting as almost as a light to the dark room. Whenever I was gaurding Jon, I refused to have any of the lights on. The look the emotionally broken man would make me feel a weird thing in the pit of my stomach.
The group froze upon seeing me. But surprisingly, it was the red head who moved first. She drew her sword, bearing her pointed canines as she pointed the weapon at me. "Where is he?!" She growled. Her eyes turning as red as my own. "I swear if he's injured..."
I couldnt help it. I had to snark back. "Oh ya. Like we'd hurt your pet." The shocked expressions had me smirking. "The dog is in the cell. You can take him. But he may not want to obey." I mentally slapped myself. Good going Dashilie. Now your a jerk twad.
Ashile instantly shoved past me. Her intensions only on her friend. And for a split second, that scared me. Would she care about Don? Would they take him too? What if they didnt?  I forced the unruly thoughts aside. Jon wouldnt leave him. He was going to be ok.
"Dawn, get over here." The red heads ugly voice called from in the shadows. "And bring the med kit." The robot did as told. His robotic eyebrows knitting in confusion. The pug and vampire had similar expresions on their faces. Maybe I had nothing to worry about. Maybe...
"Jon its just Dawn. Please stop growling!"
Dawns Pov.
When Ashilie called me over, I didnt know what to expect. But nothing could have prepared me for what I had seen. Jon, one of my best friends, was growling. His purple eyes glowing in the dark light. In his arms lay a broken, yet sleeping, Don. Jon held him to his chest. Daring one of us to come forward.
Both of them looked awful. Don had many injuries, as well as bruises on his face and exposed parts of arms. I could hear his shallow breathing. As if something was preventing needed breath. Jon on the other hand, looked perfectly fine. Despite the major bags under his now peach face.
And yet, from personal experience, I could see the damage wasn't physical. It was mental. Jon had turned into a protective animal. And Don was his child. If we didn't do this a certain way, Jon wouldn't hesitate to attack one of us. Given the chance.
"I don't know what's wrong with him!" Ashilie all but yelled. "He acts as if he's gonna attack me!"  Slowly I opened the unlocked door. This struck me as odd. Untill I saw the chains upon each jesters wrist. I tried to keep quiet as I approached. "Hey Jon." The taller man glared at me in suspicion. I didnt blame him.
"Its okay Jon. I'm here to help you. To help Don." At the mention of the others name, his grip became stronger on the little man. That was until Don let out a heart breaking groan. It seemed at that moment everything came into perspective for not just me, but Jon as well.
Slowly his eyes softened. He looked at Don with a sad smile before up at me. "Sorry Da-awn." I could only nod as I made my way forward. I reached into the med bag. I pulled out my lock picker a second later. "Lets get you two out of here."

The way I was madeOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara